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The Episode starts with Neil’s mum Shweta saying we did hurry in keeping engagement. Dayaben says no. Shweta says we would have arranged it in five star hotel. Dayaben says don’t worry, this is shagun’s function, we will do real engagement when Riya’s dad comes, we will do as you said, in five star hotel. Prakash says we know. Dayaben says my dear grandson Amol is coming after 2 weeks. Shweta says it means you did not get happy by our coming. Neil says mom please.

Neil compliments Dayaben for arrangements, and says I like simple marriage, no show off. Shweta says we will do grand functions, we will ask Bollywood designer to design clothes. Dayaben holds head. Neil says I m against this, you won’t bear all expenses being girl’s family, we will share the costs of marriage. Prakash gets tensed. Coffee falls on Neil. Neil says I will go and clean it. Dayaben says come, I will show washroom. Neil says I will find it.

Neil goes. Avni tries changing bangles. She swaps bangles. A bangle falls down. She sees Neil and hides. She picks bangle. Neil comes and asks where is washroom. Maid tells him. He does not see Avni’s face. She turns and goes. She says now I have make these bangles reach Dayaben’s purse. Riya asks how is lipstick looking. Avni says perfect. Diksha comes and asks them to come. She takes shagun bangles. Riya says I m not getting the feel, like prince charming comes to take princess in fairy tales. Diksha asks her to come. Riya says if I take simple entry, it will look plain, there should be music. Avni plays music. Riya hugs her and thanks. Diksha forgets ring. Avni says I will get ring. Avni stumbles. Neil holds her hand. They see each other. Mere haath me…..plays………..

She says any girl would reject you seeing this fancy dress, you came after me again. He says its my right to follow, I m policeman, so thief ahead and I follow. Shweta sees them and says this is that girl who did accident, she does not know driving, but argues, see my Tillu will teach her a lesson. Avni stumbles. Neil holds her in arms. They have an eyelock.

Riya clicks their pic and posts on fb. She introduces Avni to him. She says Ananya, he is my would be fiance Neil. Avni gets shocked. Neil introduces herself. Avni shakes hands. She says your fiance. Riya takes him. Avni says when will he leave me, Riya’s fiance is a policeman, now I have to put these bangles in Dayaben’s purse to stop engagement. Dayaben announces Riya and Neil’s engagement. Avni sees Dayaben holding her purse. Riya says this is not fair, such plain announcement. Shweta says she is right, Riya and I have fine tuning.

Riya asks Avni to sing and dance along. Dayaben asks Avni/Ananya to come. Riya insists. Neil says Riya, your friend is boring, she can’t dance. Avni think this is chance to dance and change bangles. Avni and everyone dance on Gallan Goodiyaan. Riya takes Dayaben for dance. Avni keeps bangles in it. Neil makes Riya wear bangles. Avni looks on. The bangle breaks and falls down. They all get shocked.

Shweta looks at Dayaben and says these are not bangles, which I have sent for Riya, this is fake, how did this happen. Dayaben gets shocked. Prakash asks Shweta to listen. Diksha says Shweta gave fake jewelry. Shweta argues for insulting them. Neil says wait, let me check. Neil says its not those bangles which mum has sent. Prakash says Shweta is right, its ancestral bangles. Shweta says its too much, we shall leave. Neil says please calm down, listen to Dayaben. Shweta argues.

Avni says wait, you can’t blame Dayaben without thinking. Shweta asks who are you to say, you always blame, you broke my car. Avni says you can tell anything to me, I can’t see Dayaben’s insult. She asks Riya about taking bangles to jewelry shop. Riya says yes, I took it to adjust size. Avni says maybe jeweler changed bangles. Dayaben says yes, anyone can cheat seeing costly bangles. Avni asks Dayaben to call jewelry shop and solve matter. Dayaben agrees. She gets her purse to have phone. The bangles fall down her purse. Everyone get shocked. Avni smiles.

Shweta says its same bangles. She asks Dayaben did she had to do this. Neil asks his dad to calm down Shweta. Prakash says I was losing 25 lakhs, what shall I say. Shweta says you can’t see my insult happened in front of everyone. Neil says what insult, we can’t leave without finding truth. Avni thinks she should be careful. Shweta says I have seen truth, you find out anything you want. Prakash says before Shweta does drama, let us go home. Neil asks them to go. Shweta goes. Prakash asks Dayaben not to worry, we will find a solution, Shweta is just worried. He leaves

Neil sees Riya crying. Riya says our engagement, your mom is very annoyed. He says trust me, don’t worry, I will handle situation, your kajal is spoiling, I have no tissue to clear it, I will give you a call. Neil asks Dayaben not to worry, and goes. He stops and sees Avni. He leaves.

All the guests leave. Avni asks Riya not to worry, everything will get fine. Riya cries and goes. Avni says its not right time to talk to Riya, I will talk to her later, its your family’s personal matter, it will be better I leave. Dayaben says just family can save from big insult, I feel you are like family, how did you come. Avni says it was my duty, I said jeweler did this, but did your family member do this. Dayaben looks at Diksha. Avni says sorry if I said anything wrong. She takes her blessings and goes.

Dayaben gets dizzy. Avni comes back and holds her. Dayaben says take me to my room. Avni takes her and asks shall I call doctor. Dayaben says no, I m fine. Avni says take care, don’t know whose bad sight caught your house. She sees Dayaben and goes.

Avni comes home and tells Neela that Dayaben was so worried. Neela says happiness was on your face shows it. Avni says I have kept bangles in Dayaben’s purse, it was so difficult, she was impressed with me and asked me to leave her to room. Neela says yes, because you trusted yourself. Avni says yes, i was confident, but nervous, I made her doubt on her family members. Neela says your first step in Dayaben’s house was successful. They smile.

Dayaben comes to her room. She thinks of Shweta’s words. She removes her wig, lenses, makeup. She looks very much old. She cries and lies down to rest. She sees little Avni laughing. She says I will not leave you so soon. She throws water on her face. Dayaben wakes up and sees herself. She checks her room.

Avni massages Neela’s head and tells about Dayaben. Neela says we can’t fail in our plan, mum’s does massage to daughter’s hair, and here its opposite. Avni says we are unique, I forgot to say, that guy came there also, I thought he is finding me, Riya said he is his fiance, don’t know will he become Riya’s fiance or not, Dayaben’s deal will cancel.

Dayaben goes to Diksha and says I will end this problem today. Diksha wakes up and sees Dayaben with a gun. She asks did you get mad. Dayaben says I will kill you and then me, outsiders is showing me sympathy, and here my own blood is doing this, you have kept bangles in my purse, you said many times that you want such bangles, you know this house’s state, why did you do this, if Riya does not get engaged, we will come on road, Mehta industries will be ruined. She scolds Diksha. Diksha says I did not do anything, forgive me.

Shweta argues with Prakash. He says we should not do anything that we regret later, its about Neil’s life. Shweta says I know, every relation is based on trust, my trust broke, if Dayaben is like this, Riya will be ahead. Neil says what’s Riya’s mistake, why are you judging her. Shweta says she did not come here and created difference in us, you mean Dayaben is not thief. Prakash says we know her, why will she steal. Shweta says fine, but maybe her family member did this, I will find thief.

Prakash says we should be thankful, we did not had loss. She goes. Prakash says I will see her and goes. Neil thinks. He says Dayaben’s purse had bangles, all family members were there, and no outsider. He thinks of Avni.

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