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Ragini notices it and tell Shristi they should reunite brother and sister. Shristi says Ragini is mastermind and should plan something like she united Shristi and Vishu.

Ragini tell her plan to provoke brother and sister against each other to reunite them. Ragini goes to Brij’s room and provoke him against Rohini while Shristi provoke Rohini against Brij. Both Brij and Rohini scold them and walk out saying what they know about brother and sister’s love. They notice each other. Shristi and Ragini apologize to them and request them to forgive each other. They both forgive each other and express sibling love to each other. Ragini and Shristi shake hands. Drama continues..

Vidhvan bring rasgullas and remind Daadi how Rohini and Brij used to fight for rasgullas during childhood. Revathi walk in and yell no need for rasgullas as Brij will not have them until Rohini is in this house. Dulari says she will have Brij’s share also. Brij walk in with Rohini saying he will not share his rasgullas and tell Vidhvan that he and Rohini used to fight so that Vidhvan could give even his share to them. Vidhvan says he is their elder brother and knew their trick. Vidhvan sees kurta and ask if it is Rohni’s gifted kurta. Brij says yes, Ragini and Shristi reunited brother and sister, year’s old dirt is washed away in a minutes. Rohini praises Vidhvan that he chose diamond as daughter inlaw and until they are at home, house will be prosperous. Vidhvan says she is right. Revathi fume in jealousy/anger.

Shristi walk to her room and sees Vishu decorating the whole room with flowers and Biwi no 1 card. He dances around her throwing flowers and singing Biwi No 1. Anurag also dances around Ragini in another room. Ragini get happy. Anurag says when she can keep his family united, why should he not pamper her. She says she will go before mother comes. Anurag insists for her to sleep in his room, he will not break mom’s promise. Revathi walk in calling Dulari. Anurag hurriedly sits on sofa while Ragini cleans flowers. Revathi ask why are these flowers on the floor. Ragini says she was preparing garland for Daadi and flowers fell down. She walk out.

Anurag sleep with Vishu and imagines Ragini in him. He get romantic. Vishu says it is him. Rohini walks in calling Ragini and ask what is Vishu doing here. Anurag says Ragini is in Shristi’s room. Rohini ask if they fought. Anurag says no and tell her about Revathi’s oath. Rohini thinks she should find out why Revathi is keeping love birds away. Anurag continue romancing Vishu in sleep thinking him as Ragini while Shristi romance Ragini. Their drama continues…

The next morning, Ragini and Shristi serve tea to the whole family. Rohini tell daadi that her daughter inlawas took control of the whole house. Daadi says even bussiness. Rohini ask Vishu if he left drinking jaggery milk. Vishu says even now he does, but seeing Shristi serving tea, he took it. Revathi fume in jealousy. Anurag tell Ragini that tea is not sweet and she should sweeten it with her lips. Revathi get more jealous.

Revathi sees Anurag and Ragini’s romance and dump more work on Ragini. Shristi says she will help Ragini, but Revathi stop her. Rohini notice them. Dulari sees money on the table while sweeping the floor and silently steal it. Rohini catch her and says she is stealing money here. Dulari says she will return the money and says she is in this house for 1 year and doing household chores alone. Rohini ask what is Ragini doing then. Dulari says if she irks Revathi, Revathi will punish her obviously. Rohini ask why? Dulari tell Ragini lied and tell her the whole story, says because of Ragini, even Vishu and Shristi are suffering. She tell her the whole truth and get afraid if Revathi knows that she told her the whole truth, she will get angry. Rohini think she kept money and trapped Dulari, now she will see how Revathi will trouble the young couple.

Rohini sees Vsihu and Anurag coming and act as singing Bahut Pyar Kate Hain Tumko Sanam song.. and act as getting shy and says their uncle is very romantic and even after so many years of marriage, he get gift and take her to movies and candle light dinner. Vishu says what is special in it, even he can light candle and feed Shristi. Anurag says he will not understand. Rohini challenge them if they can take their wives on romantic dinner. They both agree and ask what will they get in return? Rohini says lots of blessings.

Shristi and Ragini see Anurag and Vishu’s invitation to meet them at a hotel for romantic dinner and get excited. Ragini search saris and says she will get bangle from her room. Shristi says she can use her bangles. Revathi walk in and ask them to grind spice. Shristi ask if they can grind some now and rest tomorrow. Revathi warn to do it right now and leaves. She asks Dulari to spy them. They both try to grand spices with stone grinder. Rohini bring mixer grinder and ask them to finish grinding while she wait outside. Dulari try to walk in, but Rohini stop her and take away to gift earrings. Revathi returns and sees all spices grinded. She scold Dulari and find mixer grinder, says know she knows who gave earring to Dulari and helping Ragini and Shristi.

Ragini and Shristi get ready and complement each other. Rohini walk in and ask them to go soon and not let her nephew wait. They take her blessings and leave. Anurag and Vishu wait for them in a hotel. They both reach hotel and message that Sasumaa dumped work on them, so they cannot come. Anurag and Vishu get disappointed. Two girl sit at the next table notice them and start flirting. Ragini and Shristi get jealous. Drama continue..

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