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Ragini and Shristi search the whole house and hear a sound form the other side of the wall. Ragini find wet wall and newly made, she says it means Vishu is inside.
Ragini and Shristi break the wall and take out Vishu. Anurag also reach and bring Vishu out of the hall. Family surround and shake Vishu to open his eyes. Anurag check breath and says Vishu is not breathing Shristi shout..Vishuji..She run and shakes Vishu. Vishu wake up. Family get happy seeing Vishu alive. Rajjo shout if he is still alive, she will kill him now. She pick knife and rush toward Vishu. Brijbhan stops her. Revati give her a tight slap.
Rajjo shouts she wanted to kill Vishu and shout at Vidhvan that she got Vishu captured in a wall, but Ragini and Shristi saved Vishu somehow. Brijbhan says she was sitting in mantap. Rajjo says she slipped off easily and someone else took her place, then she came back again. Revathi slaps her again. Ragini says baba told that devarji’s wife will be a risk to his life, Rajjo is Vishu’s first Rajeshwari. Family is shocked to hear that.
Ragini inform the whole family that Rajjo is actually Vishu’s first wife Rajeshwari. She goes into flashback where young Vidhvan and Revathi fix kid Vishu’s wedding with Vidhvan’s friend’s daughter baby Rajeshwari and perform their engagement. Rajeshwari ask Vishu to get stuck ball from tree for her. He climb and falls down. They rush Vishu to doctor who inform them that Vishu may not be mentally sound from hereon. Revathi break Vishu and Rajeshwari’s relationship and leave. People badmouth about Rajeshwari that she is inauspicious. Out of flashback, Rajjo confront Vidhvan that her father made many calls and even came to meet him, but he did not agree, he spoilt his family, so she decided to kill Vishu and make Vidhvan feel the same pain that her family went through. Vikral call inspector who arrested Rajjo and take her away.
Vidhvan says he is proud to have daughters inlaw like Ragini and Shristi and though they are Virkal and Purshottam’s biological daughters, they are also his daughters now. He hug them both and blesses them. Revati apologize to Shristi and thank her for saving Vishu. Shristi hug Ragini and thank her. Vishu hug Brijbhan who walk away emotionally. Daadi says he is feeling guilty for trying to marry his nephew’s Ex wife. Vidhvan says Brijbhan will be alright soon. Dulari praises Ragini and Shristi. Divya thank Ragini for saving Vishu followed by Vishu himself. Shristi thank Vikral for giving a sister like Ragini and ask him to bless her at least have 1% courage like Ragini. Vikral says she will get 100% blessings. Vidhvan thank Vikral next. Family’s reunion continues.
Vivhan feel guilty that his friend’s family was destroyed because of him. Revati console him. Ragini walks to a dark room when Anurag call her and get happy seeing surprises for her. Anurag says he is lucky to have her in his life and want her in his life every life. Their romance continues..
Vishu and Shristi spend a quality time on terrace. He camp fires on terrace and draping shawl on Shristi takes her near it and says he has seen hero and heroine romancing like this. Their romance continues. On the other side,Shristi also gets happy seeing Anurag’s romantic letter. She walks to garden and sees Anurag there. Their romance starts. Both couple dance on a romantic song. Ragini tells Anurag to tell Revathi about their secret, but he stops her.
Brij feels guilty and asks Vidhvan to punish him. Vidhvan hugs and consoles him. Revathi walks in and says Brij is already shocked seeing Rajjo’s betrayal, he should not be punished. She consoles him.
Next morning, during pooja, Vishu hugs Brij and applies tilak on him and asks him to apply tilak on him. Brij happily does. They happily reunite. Whole family performs pooja together.
Ragini asks Anurag to tell truth to sasusma. Anurag says he should wait, else maa will shatter.. Drama continues…

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