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Panna stops Tara and asks if she threw ginger paste on floor? Mayank says no I might have dropped it, he asks Tara to leave, she leaves. Panna says you just came home, you lied for her? Mayank says she doesnt remember anything about you so she didnt do it. Panna says you know if you dont do it then what will happen? Tara hides and hears it.

Sanam gives some thing to Tara and says I saw it with Panna so it must be important, she leaves. Mayank comes to Tara and says you hurt my mother.. He grabs her arm but she says what about my pain? my family left me because of you and your mom wants us to have.. intimate relation but I wont let it happen, she turns to leave but Mayank says you want to know truth? He takes creature avatar, Tara gets scared and runs.
Tara runs out of house. Mayank comes there but Saanvi’s car comes there and takes Tara away.

Tara tells Saanvi about Mayank’s mom. Nishant says we have to know why she is doing all this. Tara shows them stone which Panna uses. Nishant takes it and it glows. He says is that.. he puts stone on table. It shines and shows creature world’s stone. Tara says it might be of Mayank. Nishant says this stone shows eclipse it means Mayank is in danger. Tara says he is about to die? Naman says then we dont have to do anything. Nishant says Tara is in danger, we have to keep her safe. Tara is tensed. Saanvi says lets go Tara. She leaves with her.

Saanvi brings Tara to room. Tara thanks them for saving her. Saanvi says you messaged us on time. Tara says I never messaged you.. Saanvi says who messaged us then? Tara thinks and says Mayank, he must have called you both.

Nishant reads about smoke world being last world of witches after death. Naman says thats why Mohana was scared of it. He gets a call, Ansh tells him that Piya killed smoke world’s kid. Nishant says keep that body in house and cover it, smoke shouldnt know that we killed it.
Ansh sees Rahul’s body missing. Mohana is taking it but Ansh asks her to leave him. Ansh takes Rahul and goes in room.

Tara says Mayank messaged Saanvi to pick me and didnt come behind me, he wants to save me? why he married me forcefully then? was he forced too? I am sure he is doing all this on Panna’s saying but what does she wants?

Ansh says to family that smoke shouldnt know about it. Piya asks what. They see smoke filling in room and says we have to cover Rahul, they put blanket on Rahul but smoke touches Rahul’s hand. Ansh says Nishant said that smoke shouldnt know about this otherwise many smoke evils will come. Mohana says what? Ansh says they will attack us now. Vedsheree says what we will do?

Nishant meets family. He reads books about smoke world. Nishant says if special smoke is dead then they take severe revenge, spcial smoke have 6 fingers. They all go to check on Rahul.

Mayank comes home. Panna says where is Tara? Mayank says she ranaway. Panna says I dont know why you are doing this, you care for her more than me? I am doing all this for you, you dont have time, you need that eagle locket. Mayank says I cant force Tara, its wrong. Panna says she is your wife. Mayank says I forced her to marry, she doesnt accept this relation. Panna says we cant live without you, you dont care about your mother but wife only.

Family checks that Rahul have six fingers and is special.

Panna says if Mayank thinks that he can stop me then he is wrong, I will pain him so much that he will bring Tara back. She uses her powers to pain Mayank.

Sanam comes to Mayank and sees him crying in pain. Mayank asks her to leave.

Nishant says to family that special smoke was killed. Mohana says I dont know anything but it will be dangerous, its evil, black and nobody knows it. They hear lift ringing. Nishant says all get ready.

Panna tries to use her bowl but stick gets stuck in it, she says no, what did I do? he cant die, who will fulfill my dream then?

Lift opens and kids come. Nishant asks who you want to meet? Kds say we are in wrong house and leaves. Chitali says what now?

Mayank is crying in pain. Panna comes there and says dont know what to do. Tara comes there and puts hand on him, she asks what is happening? Suddenly Tara makes him fine. Panna thinks that they can give me power together. Mayank asks Tara why she cameback? Tara says because of you, I got to know you are dying. Mayank says I gave you pain, forced you and you cameback? Panna says thank you for saving Mayank. Tara says I know everything. Panna thinks she knows everything, she says I wanted eagle locket to save my son but I am happy that you love him like I do. tara says no, you are one that is paining Mayank.

Nishant leaves with Rahul and Ansh. Chitali says Koel’s nlaws are coming here. All are tensed. Lift opens and a guy and father is inside. Ansh hides Rahul from them by climbing on wall. All are tensed. Shekhar greets family. Guy’s mother enters house. She greets them. All smile. Nishant whispers to Piya that we cant do much now.

Tara says to Mayank that your mom is sending you to death, I dont know why she is doing this. Mayank says enough, dont say a word against my mom. Tara says you dont trust me then ask Sanam. Sanam says she is right, she didnt make you win. Mayank says becuse she wanted me to marry girl who can bring half of eagle locket in my life and save me. Sanam says she was doing something today too which pained you. Mayank says what she did? she says I dont remember. Panna falls down and says people are pointing fingers at my love? I did everything for you, you are my life, I am your mother, how can I kill you? She hugs him and cries. Mayank hugs her and says I can never doubt you. Tara says dont trust her fake tears. Mayank shouts at her to stop it, he takes Panna from there.

Tara is looking around for Mayank when coins fall on her, she s about to fall from blacony but Panna holds her hand. She says I can make you fall. Tara says you need me. Panna pulls her back and says you are making my son against me? he is my son. Tara says he is my husband too, when he knows truth then he will be against you. Panna says I have given him poison to make him, I have made him believe that he needs eagle locket but I need that actually.

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