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Ansh is riding a bike with Piya and Adi.
Shalaka comes on road and uses Mohana’s hair to find Piya and Ansh.

Ansh stops at a dhaba. He goes to fill bike tank. Piya goes to get fresh in washroom. Piya calls Nishant and says we are safe here.

All family members are surrounded by smoke but suddenly it goes away. Vedsheree says we were in smoke world, I feel weak. They see their finger turned blue. Vedsheree says where is Mohana? They all look around.

Piya asks waiter for milk. She turns around and sees all people unconscious. Ansh comes there. Piya sits on bike, they drive away.

Family sees Mohana in house. Vedsheree says you are fine? Mohana says I was never more fine, she says you all feel weak and Ansh-Piya are not here so who will save you from me? She takes her witch avatar. Family is shocked. Mohana smirks.

Ansh is riding. Smoke is following them. Piya asks him to drive faster, its near.

Mohana uses her powers to throw Vedsheree away. She throws Shekhar from first floor. Vedsheree shouts at her and runs to him. Shekhar is injured. Vedsheree says Mohana is behind us, we have to leave. They turn to leave but house door gets covered by witch tree roots. Mohana says you are running away from me?

Ansh is driving. Smoke comes infront of them. Piya grabs Ansh. Ansh races away and passes smoke.

Mohana says to family that you cant runaway from me. Chitali says you changed and now this? Mohana says I always wanted to finish you all and Ansh is not here to save you. Chitali says think about God. Mohana grabs her and lifts her in air, she says I will finish you first. Vedsheree asks her to leave Chitali otherwise I will throws gangajal at you. Mohana leaves Chitali and says this gangajal cant do anything to me. Vedsheree says lets run.

Ansh drives away from smoke. He says to Piya that she is not following us anymore, she wont lose like this.. Piya sees Adi missing from her grip. She is shocked.

Shalaka has Adi, she says you cant be of stone for much time, I will punish your parents. She turns away, Adi leaves from there.

Tara tells Mayank that Panna’s real son is alive and he lives here. Mayank glares at her and says what? Tara says remember I saw a man with green eyes, he is her son, he is in her room right now. Mayank says prove that you are saying truth. Tara takes him to Panna’s room. They dont find anyone there. Tara says he was here, trust me. Sanam says yes, he was here. Tara sees someone standing behind cutrain. He removes it and its just Panna’s parrot. Tara looks on.

Shalaka says to adi you can’t fool me with your powers. Your parents took my child so I will take theirs.
Mohana says chutki where are you. Vedeshree is scared. She hides in a closet. Her phone rings.

Shalaka says I will make your parents suffer. Aadi throws trees on her. She throws them away. Adi enlarges.
Vedeshree calls Nishat and tells him everything. Mohana throws away the closet. He says I am coming there don’t worry.

Piya and Ansh are worried for Adi. Ansh says he is very smart and has powers. Piya says yes but Shalaka is very powerful. They see enlarged Ansh.
Mohana takes Vedeshree out of the closet. She says you can’t even hide. Vedeshree screams. Avi puts gun on Moahana dn says stop there. Chitali and Shekhar come too. Vedhree runs. Mohana says this ganga jal wont work on me. they throw it on her. It burns her for a second but she is fine.

Shalaka says you can scare me? I know how to fix spoilt kids like you. SHe breaks the doll. Aadi cries. Ansh and Piya come there.
Avi says I will shoot you. Mohana says it wont work on me. Chitali takes the gun and shoots Moahana. Nothing happens to her. Mohana throws away her gun.

Guru ji says to Nishant lets go. He says we have to read first. Ganga jal isn’t working on Mohana. Somethign is wrong. Vedeshree comes to her room. Her hand is blue. She says what is happening. Mohana says this is just a beginning. Mohana throws her in water. Vedeshree says please let me go. She drowns Vedeshree. Chitali comes and stabs Mohana with a trishul. Chitali says you can’t fight against this. She takes Vedeshree out and says let’s run. Mohana takes it out and says nothing can beat me now. You two will die.

Pana says Eera.. Eera.. Tara says I sent her. Pana says how dare you. Tanu comes in. She say what happened. Sanam comes. She says Tara freed it for me. I am allergic to pets. They leave. Pana puts sword on Tara and says where is it? Tara says happy somewhere.
Pana looks for Eera.

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