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Ansh grabs fake Piya’s neck and asks where is Piya? Nishant comes there and points arrow at Ansh, he asks him to leave his daughter. Ansh says she is not Piya. Fake Piya acts like dying and says papa save me. Nishant throws arrow at Ansh. Fake Piya rush to him. Ansh says she is not Piya, listen to me please. Nishant throws another arrow at him. Ansh says she is not your daughter, we will lose Piya and Adi. Nishant says I can identify my daughter. Fake Piya says I am scared. Guru Maa comes to Mohana’s chamber and sees glass pieces on floor. Guru Maa says Mohana left? She must be behind Piya. She calls Piya but Mohana takes call and says she is with me. I will take my revenge, she ends call. Guru Maa says where will I find Piya? I heard certain bird chirping, she is manak area with Piya.

Nishant puts Ansh in a case in dark room. Ansh says she is not real Piya. We have to go from here and find Piya, please trust me. Fake Piya comes there. Case start shouting. Nishant says they are shouting at Ansh, you are evil like all others. He fills his case with green smoke and says it will make you weak and you wont be able to run. He surrounds his case with patal liquid and says if you touch it then it will not spare you. He leaves with fake Piya. Guru Maa comes to manak site and uses her prayers to break Mohana’s spell from casket. She sees Piya in case. Naman comes there and asks Piya to wake up. Family sees Adi stop from vanishing. Vedsheree says it means Ansh found Piya Mohana sees Naman and Guru Maa leaving with Piya. Mohana sees it and thinks that they will take Piya away from Mumbai and will take her away from Ansh, she doesnt know that Piya is a devik and she doesnt know about Ansh, this Naman is a fool and will do anything to get Piya. Ansh wakes up and thinks I have to leave from here. He breaks case using his power and sees patal liquid around him.

Guru Maa asks Piya if she is fine now? Piya nods. Guru Maa says your mom caught this witch 20 years back and now she is out for revenge. I have decided that you marry Naman and go far away from Mumbai. Naman says yes I am ready to marry Piya. Piya is tensed and looks on. Nishant says to fake Piya that I dont know how I came in Ansh’s words. I dont know why he is behind you, he was searching for you and then was attacking you. Piya says I dont know what he wants. Nishant says I have caught him. Dilruba thinks her deal with Mohana and says we cant keep him there? Nishant says I will handle it. Vedsheree comes there and asks where is my son? Ansh jumps away from patal liquid. He jumps from case to case. Family asks Nishant where is Ansh? She sees Piya and says you are fine? where is Ansh? Nishant says be away from Piya, she was dying, dont stress her. Vedsheree says we are not bothering her, she is my daughter in law. Nishant says enough, I dont trust you people. Your Ansh was trying to kill Piya. Shekhar says he can never do that. Nishant says I saw him myself. Piya says yes, he attacked me. Vedsheree says he can never do that. Did you touch your earring? Nishant says yes she did but nothing happened, I dont have time for your stories, if you try to harm my daughter then it wont be good, please leave. Vedsheree sees Piya acting weirdly.

Chitali says why Piya didnt remember anything when she touched her earring? Vedsheree says she was behaving weirdly, maybe she is not our real Piya, what if its someone else. Chitali says who? Avi says only one creature can take her avatar. Guru Maa comes to Piya and says I know you dont like Naman that way but he is your friend and will understand you, I am doing this for your safety, please marry him and go away from here. Piya says okay, if it gives you happiness then I will marry Naman.

Vedsheree and family comes to Nishant’s house and throws imli at fake Piya. Nishant says what is all this? Fake Piya starts eating imli and takes Dilruba’s avatar. Vedsheree says see Nishant, she is a witch. Dilruba catches everyone with her powerful rope and sits on Nishant’s shoulders, she says I will eat you first and free my Ansh. Nishant says Ansh kept telling me you are fake Piya and I couldnt recognize you. Dilruba is about to eat him but Ansh comes there and says stop Dilruba. He asks her to leave him today, it will be a bad omen. She says why? Ansh says today we will marry. Dilruba says really? I love that. She comes off from Nishant. Ansh says I cant marry without my family so leave them. She says okay and opens their traps. Dilruba says earlier you wanted to kill me and now you want to marry me? Ansh says I realized you are right, I am davansh and you are chudail so we have a perfect couple. Dilruba says I dont want to do a mistake this time so please wear my trap ring, this way you will become mine forever and wont betray me. Ansh hints at Nishant for something and gives his hand to Dilruba. Dilruba is about to make him wear ring but Nishant catches her from behind. Dilruba says you cheated me. Ansh says I have to find Piya. Dilruba says Piya is marrying some Naman today. Ansh is shocked. She says you wont get her now.

Naman and Piya are in mandap. They exchange garlands. Naman says I will protect you like FD, dont worry Piya. They sit together in mandap. Ansh comes there and screams Piya. Piya hears him. Priest asks them to start pheras. Piya stands to take pheras. Ansh is running to venue but gets stopped by Mohana’s protective wall. Mohana says I knew he would try to stop their marriage so I made this wall to stop him. Ansh sees Piya taking pheras with Naman. He uses his powers to break wall, he pushes it inside and breaks it. Ansh falls down and screams Piya.. Piya stops and says I heard someone taking my name. Guru Maa says it must be witch’s work to stop this wedding. Piya says then why he is lying there? He seems in pain. Guru Maa says it must be some evil power thats why it cant come in mandir. Ansh sees Piya taking pheras with Naman and recalls Piya’s promise that he will find her. Ansh gets up and runs to Piya. Naman sees him and says he is here. He asks his guards to stop him. Guards grab Ansh. He screams for Piya. Mohana sees it and thinks Ansh cant meet Piya, I have to stop him. Priest asks Piya to lead pheras now. She looks at Ansh and starts pheras again. Ansh throws off goons away from him and shows Piya her earring. He runs to her and falls down near her. Ansh says this is yours, please touch it once and you will remember everything. Naman says who are you? leave from here. Ansh says please. Naman asks guards to take him away. Ansh throws earring near Piya and pleads her to touch it once.

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