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Woman comes on balcony and breaks Shalaka’s spell. Shalaka comes there and says stop. Nishant is tensed. Shalaka says you cant break my spell, she says to woman that I am smoke queen, you did a mistake by going against me, I will enter your body. All look on. Shalaka’s tries to enter her body but passes it. Shalaka says who are you? How you tried to stop me? She takes off her veil and its Piya’s dadi. Dadi says I am blind so you cant enter through my body.

Sanam tells Tara that Mayank is not Panna’s son, Naman told her. Tara says I saw Panna’s son, he has green eyes. Sanam says she needs that eagle locket from you. Tara says why she keeps her son hidden? Sanam gives her a flower that Naman gave her.

Dadi says to Shalaka that I will break your spell. Family goes from there to take Rahul out.

Dadi says to Shalaka that you cant find Rahul’s body, this house is free. Shalaka says I will find him for sure.

Tara comes to Panna’s room and says I have to hide this flower here. Panna comes there so Tara hides flower. Panna says what are you doing here? Dont come here again. Tara leaves.

Ansh tries to use lift but its not working. Ansh comes on balcony with family and takes Rahul’s body. He starts taking him down but suddenly a smoke storm comes there. Shalaka says give me my son. Avi drops Rahul’s body on floor in fear. Shalaka goes to him.

Panna is playing with her parrot Hera. Flashback shows how Tara had tucked flower petal in Heera’s feet and thinks I can hear her.

Ansh tells family that bag doesnt have Rahul’s body. Shalaka sees its bag of grains and thinks that I know where Ansh have hidden Rahul’s body. She glares at Ansh. Ansh says to Piya to do his work, she leaves. Shalaka becomes smoke storm.

Tara tells Sanam. They see Panna going to her room. Sanam uses bowl to hear Panna. Tara hears her talking and says it might be her son, let me go and see.

Shalaka throws heavy water on Ansh. Rahul’s body separates from Ansh. All are shocked. Priest says we should leave from here, we can help them from far, lets go. He leaves with Nishant. Shalaka gets emotional seeing Rahul’s body.

Tara opens Panna’s room and its Mayank with Panna. She says you here? Mayank says I cameback home. Panna says he is hungry, make food for him. Mayank says my heaven my mother is here. Tara looks on and leaves.

Tara says to Sanam that we cant hear anything, Sanam says that man comes at night so we should wait. Tara says I am worried about Mayank. Sanam says he doesnt deserve this betrayal, you both deserve happy life. Tara nods. Suddenly they hear Panna saying son come here.

Shalaka hugs her son’s body and says I wont spare anyone, they killed my son. All family members look on. Shalaka says you people kept his body hidden, I will take away person who killed my son, you all tried to hide but I will find out, I will enter my son’s body and will see person who killed him, and that murderer has to die. She enters Rahul’s body and sees past in which Piya threw knife at Rahul and he died. Vedhseree asks Ansh to go to Piya and Adi, she needs you. Ansh says how can I leave you all? Vedsheree says just go, he leaves. Shalaka comes comes out and shouts that Piya killed my son, where is she? Mohana comes there and recalls flashback how Piya’s dagger didnt kill Rahul so she stabbed him in smoke and nobody saw that its Mohana who actually killed him from behind. Flashback ends.

Tara is searching for Panna’s son in dark house. Parrot flies around.

Shalaka asks family where is Piya? Flashback shows how Ansh asked Piya to runaway far. Vedsheree says we dont know where they went. Shalaka says where did they go? I will find them, I will take revenge from Piya. Vedsheree says she killed evil power. Shalaka says he was my son, I can find out where they are by entering your bodies. Vedsheree says you can enter any body but wont know where they are.

Tara sees a man approaching her. Sanam comes there and try to see his face but he runs away. Tara sees bead that she tied to parrot’s feet in his feet.

Chitali says to Shalaka that you came for Mohana, you can take her. Shalaka says never, I will find Piya and takes my revenge. Shekhar says you cant find them in this world so take Mohana and leave. Mohana comes there and says you people tried to backstab me? I will make her find Piya now. Vedsheree says you promised Ansh. Mohana says I am a witch so myself comes first to me. She says to Shalaka that I will make you find Piya but you have to leave my life then. Vedsheree pleads her to not betray but Mohana goes to Shalaka.

Tara says to Sanam that Panna’s son is a parrot. Panna comes there and says you got to know truth? Tara says Mayank will find out too.

Shalaka says to Mohana that I dont trust you, I dont need your help, I can find Ansh using your hair. She takes her hair and says I will find them but first I have to take care of you people. Shalaka ties family in smoke storm and says I will send you all to smoke world. I will bring Ansh and Piya there soon too. Mohana says no, please listen. Shalaka uses her powers to send whole family to smoke world.

Panna says to Tara that Mayank wont trust you, he believes me only. Tara says I will show him photo of your real son. Panna says I have hid that photo, you cant find it. Tara shows her screenshot she took in her mobile and says I took it before, I will show it to Mayank. Panna tries to take her phone but Tara pushes her away with Sanam. Mayank comes there and rushes to Panna. Panna cries. Mayank asks Tara why he pushed his mother away? Tara says we found some truth, you are not her son, she is not your real mother. Tara says I can prove it. Mayank says I know truth, she is my mother, she didn't give birth to me but she took me in, we forgot it as it doesn't matter. Tara says we found many things about her. Mayank says her real son died, we forgot all this, don't bring it up. tara says she has kept many things hidden. Mayank says enough, don't say a word against my mother. Mayank starts leaving with Panna but Tara says her real son is alive.

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