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Pirate asks Ansh who is he? Ansh says Davansh. He glares at them and says like you cant die, you cant kill me. Pirate says but we can make you like us then you will remain in sea for life. They call sea snake. Sea snake gather around their boat. Piya screams for Ansh. Nishant says they have grabbed Ansh to him like them. Snake captures Ansh. Piya asks Nishant to do something. Nishant says he is in sea, we cant do anything. Piya says I can snatch water from them. Nishant says you cant do it alone, you need this. He gives her trishul. Piya says their end is near. She jumps in sea and goes towards their boat. Nishant says fast. Piya uses her powers to break sea in two, Ansh’s boat falls on sea floor and snake vanishes. Ansh jumps to Piya and takes trishul, he sits their boat with trishul and all pirates die.

Mohana is trying to call witch tree and says its not coming, why? Evil crow comes there and says you forgot your promise. I saved you but your forgot your dream, you disrespected bigger power so its coming to take revenge, Cora is coming for you, witch tree vanishes from there. Mohana is scared and says nobody can save me from Cora other than Devik.

Ansh and Nishant comes in house. Vedsheree asks where is Piya? They turn to see Piya in water tank. Adi cries for her. Piya cries for him too.

Tara wakes up in morning and sees Mayank’s clothes lying on sofa. She recalls him saying to not punish his mother. She smiles and hugs his shirt. Tara sees some silhouette outside room.

Family says someone has to become mermaid to bring Piya out. Ansh says I will become mermaid to free her. Vedsheree says its not a solution. Nishant says Saanvi is searching for solution till then Piya have to remain like this. Ansh brings Adi closer to Piya’s tank. She cries seeing him.

Mayank’s mother says today we will get eagle locket, then this eagle will take me to evil world where I will get mani and after mani I will have everything I need. But her eagle map burns away.

Mohana jumps in house. Piya sees her and thinks why she looks scared?

Saanvi comes to Piya’s house. She gives one jar to Nishant. He brings Makshika fairy out. He asks them to not scare her, we can try to convince her to save Piya, he asks if she can help Piya become free from being mermaid? Naman says its about her life, please.

Mayank’s mom says something is going on, why did eagle map burn? She comes to Tara’s room and sees her sleeping alone. She thinks Mayank didnt consummate his marriage thats why map burned. How come he got guts to deny me? She leaves. Tara opens eyes and looks on.

Makshika starts throwing golden flowers at Piya but suddenly she runs and goes back in jar. Naman asks why she got scared? Nishant says there is an evil power here. They turn to see Mohana standing there. She smirks.

All look at Mohana in house. Ansh says to Makshika that you helped us earlier, please dont change your decision, help Piya, she is innocent, please. Mohana comes in lounge and says I can make Piya fine. Nishant asks her to stay away. Mohana says I am ready to make her fine then why you need her help? Vedsheree says we dont need your help. Mohana breaks fairy’s jar. Makshika runs away. Vedshree says what did you do? Mohana says I am ready to help, tell me Ansh do you need my help? Ansh says how do I trust you? Mohana says I am changed. Vedsheree says Piya is in this condition because of you. Mohana says I am not in danger so I can help you all. Nishant says I will try to talk to Makshika again, he leaves. Ansh asks Piya to not be scared.

Mayank’s mom says how did my son become good? He is from evil land and wants to do good deeds? I have to do something. Tara hides and thinks why she is doing all this?

Mohana tells family that they will have to come to her for help.

Mayank’s mom takes out dagger and thinks that Mayank did a mistake by not listening to me so I have to punish. She hears someone and turns to see but Tara is gone.

Chitali tells Vedsheree that my mom is coming here, if she sees all these creatures here, she will bring a storm. Avi sees her parents coming. Chitali hugs them. All family members cover Piya’s tank. Chitali’s father asks why they are standing like that? Chitali says they are all disciplined. Vedsheree takes them from there. Ansh sadly looks at Piya.

Vedsheree sees Mohana in corridor. Chitali’s father sees her and says was that Vitul’s wife? Vedsheree says no she died 20 years back. Chitali’s mother says that his eyesight is weak.

Mohana comes on terrace and sees black shadow there, it says that tonight will end her deadline. Mohana says if Piya doesnt help me then I am gone, what to do?

Vedsheree makes Adi sit in water tub. She goes to bring soap. Mohana comes there and says lets have fun. She says some mantras on ice and throws it in water. Adi starts crying. Mohana hides. Vedsheree comes and sees water very cold. She takes Adi out and leaves.

Piya says to Ansh that I cant sleep without you and Adi. Ansh says I am here. Piya says but I cant touch you. Ansh jumps in her tank and holds her hand, he asks if its okay now? I am near you. Piya hugs him and cries. They hear Adi’s cries. Piya says please go and check why he woke up.

Ansh comes to Vedsheree and asks why he is crying? Vedsheree says he has fever, I gave him medicine but its not going down, I think he is missing Piya.

Nishant says witch doesnt help anyone then why she is ready to help Piya? Naman says I changed and she can too. Nishant says you are human and you can improve but witch’s nature never changes. There is some motive behind all this, if Ansh and Piya dont take her help then she will force them to take it.

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