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The Episode starts with Pragya thinking why shall I go? I will go after meeting my daughter. Just then Dadi slips. Bahadur runs back to Dadi. Vikram and Abhi tastes the food made by Pragya thinking Sarita behen made it. Vikram asks if she can do this order. Sarita behen says yes. Vikram says he will give 700 per plate. Abhi says 800 Rs. Sarita behen are surprised and says you will have the tasty food. Abhi says I have a condition and says he wants to get coffee which you made me drink in the morning. Sarita behen thinks that coffee was made by Pragya and says shall I make filter coffee. Vikram says you are an expert and asks her to make two coffees which made his friend Deewana. Sarita behen says ok and takes her phone. Dadi says my Pragya has come. Sarita behen calls Pragya and tells that she got a big order of 500 people for 700 rs each plate. She says she will get her order if you make coffee which you made in the morning. She says Rhea’s father came and the order is for Mehra family. Pragya asks for Rhea’s father name. Sarita behen says Abhishek Mehra.

Dadi opens the door and comes out. Pragya says I am coming there and runs out. She sits in cab. Dadi comes out and sees the cab leaving. She waves her hand calling Pragya. She says Pragya is gone. Vikram says Sarita behen is taking so much time and says let's go. Abhi says special coffee takes time. Vikram says if the coffee is not tasty then I will not come to office for 3 days and you have to handle the work. He says if I like it then you can kiss her hand. Abhi says he will like he used to. Vikram ask what? Sarita behen thinks what to do, shoud I tell them that Pragya made the coffee, and think she will not get this order nor any order. She think to make an excuse that milk is curdles and she will get milk from market. Abhi says I will check and is about to go to kitchen. Sarita behen comes out and tells that milk is curdled, may be due to hot weather. She says I have to get milk from outside, but you must not have time. Abhi says we will not leave without drinking coffee. Prachi come there and greets them. Abhi says he became lively seeing her and ask Prachi to bring milk. Prachi ask why? Abhi says for Sarita behen’s coffee. Prachi says I will bring milk. Pragya come home. Prachi says Rhea’s father came to meet Sarita behen and tells that she is going to buy milk. Abhi peeps out of the door, but doesn’t see Pragya. Pragya ask the driver to keep the change of 2000. She then thinks what to do, and asks driver to give 1800 Rs. He says he don’t have change. Vikram get call and says he is drinking coffee and will reach in 5 mins. Abhi ask Sarita behen to bring coffee in the evening and tells Vikram that they shouldl wait for 5 more mins. Pragya takes the change from the driver. Abhi and Vikram come out of the house and sit in the car. Pragya bend down to pick her fallen notes. Abhi get down from the car and sits again. Allah wariyan plays…..Pragya goes inside the house. Sarita behen says she is not getting pen now. Pragya ask where is Rhea’s father. Sarita behen says he left and says he waited for coffee so much, but he went for some work. Prachi bring water and asks where is Sir? Sarita behen says he went and ask her to keep the milk in the fridge. Pragya thinks Abhi saved his daughter without knowing about her, and daughter reached her father. Vikram ask Abhi to stop the car and says I will drive. Abhi says I was bored, and ask him to drive. Vikram sits on the driver’s seat and says cycle guy was overtaking the car. He says you are yearning for the coffee and desperate for it. It seems like I have stopped your meeting with girlfriend and behaving like a kid. Abhi asks him to take a U turn and says we forgot to give advance to Sarita behen. Vikram says Pallavi will scold me and I don’t have cash.

Sarita behen think what to make and think if they don’t like it. Prachi tells Sarita that Maa is a good cook. Abhi call Sarita and says sorry. Sarita says order cancelled. Abhi says no, sorry for the inconvenience. She ask if the order is cancelled. Abhi says I will make you understand by coming inside.

Abhi tell Sarita behen that he is outside as he forgot to give her advance. Prachi ask Sarita behen if she should bring it. Sarita behen sends her and asks Abhi to give money to her. She dances happily. Pragya sees her dancing. Sarita says she was not dancing, but hitting the mosquitoes. Pragya says you are looking good while dancing. Prachi comes out. Sarita behen ask Pragya how much advance he will give? Pragya says why didn’t you ask him then? Sarita behen says she forgot in excitement and tells that he came out. Pragya comes out and sees Vikram. Abhi says we have forgotten to give advance and ask Prachi to give to Sarita behen. He says sorry. Vikram says he forgot due to the coffee. Prachi says its ok. Pragya sees Vikram and thinks he is Mr. Mehra. She ask Prachi if he is Mr. Mehra. Prachi says yes, and tells that he is Rhea’s father.

Purab is in the room. Aaliya ask why did you do this? She takes his phone and ends the call. Purab ask her to talk to him with manners and says I am your husband and not your Servant. She asks why did you take Mukherji’s back paper. Purab says why did you take papers from him and says he is working for us since 25 years and why we can’t give him loan without guarantee. Aaliya says it is company rules and says when he repay the loan, I will give back his papers. Purab says you can’t see anyone happy. Aaliya asks what do you mean by that statement. Purab says you will get the respect which you will give to people. She asks who said this? He says Disha. Aaliya says I can’t believe that middle class, cheap woman went from the house, but didn’t go from your heart. She says it is all Pragya’s mistake as she changed you. He says Pragya and Disha went, but you are taking their legacy forward. She says I thought you will change after marrying me, but I was wrong. She says you are just like Pragya and Disha, and your mentality is cheap of poor people. Purab ask why did you marry me then? Aaliya says I thought I can change you, but hearing you and repeating our arguments, I think you don’t want to change, I have failed.

Prachi gives the envelope to Sarita behen. Sarita behen get happy seeing so much money and tells Pragya that she will give her 25 percent profit. Pragya says she don’t want money? Sarita behen says she got the order because of the food which she made today. Pragya says I will make the food and can manage it. Shahana comes out. Prachi tells her about the order and tells that aunty promised maa 25 percent profit. Sarita behen says I will not give now and says you have to have relation with me and want to get my house. She says everyone wants this and says do you think I am a fool to come in your sweet talks. She reminds her that she is just a tenant and should not have any relation with her. She throws money on Pragya asking her to keep it. Pragya goes to Sarita behen’s room. Sarita behen says I don’t want to talk to you. Pragya says you have to do the worldly things. Sarita behen says you have a daughter and niece, but I have nothing. She says her daughter in law took her son and her daughter never bothered about her. Pragya ask why she is expecting anything from them and thinking all this.

Sarita behen asks do you know how it feels when someone leave you. Pragya says I know as my own family left me, but I made them as my memory and not the reason of my sadness. She says when the same God gave you a chance, you don’t want to take it. She says when Prachi and Shahana look at you, you don’t smile. She asks her to be happy for herself and others.
Abhi comes home. Dadi ask did you come? Abhi says yes. Dadi says you will not trust me and says I was waiting for this. Abhi ask her to tell. Dadi says Pragya came today at our door. Abhi says really. Dadi says I felt and says next time she will come inside the house. Abhi says even I feel. Dadi says she has come to this city and will come to our house soon. She asks him to tell everyone. Abhi says I will tell everyone, and then says we will tell when we see her, else nobody will believe us. Dadi says you are saying right and asks him to rest. She goes out of room. Abhi thinks he lied to Dadi that he felt her and thinks she had promised that she will never return to the city.

Shahana tells Pragya that she heard her and says if Sarita behen throw us out of house. Prachi says you being a teacher scolds everyone, but you should have told her smiling. Sarita behen says she wants to hear only truth. Pragya says I don’t want to hurt your heart. Sarita behen says whatever you told today was meaningful and truthful and I felt that even you have bear so much in life. She says nobody showed me this perception of life as we were destined to meet. She holds her hand and says I promise that I will live happily forever.

She says I will be very happy if you accept my 25 percent profit and can have relation with me, for your happiness. She says we are partners from today, we will cook and Prachi and Shahana will serve as helpers. Prachi says family business. She says we have become family and now have a family business. Sarita behen asks her to make coffee for Mr. Mehra in the evening. Pragya says ok.

Tai ji tell Meera that Pragya used to make rangoli, seeing the rangoli made by Meera. She says Pragya had named the colors with the family members name. Aaliya comes and asks Meera if she does this also. Meera says she learned on net and used to do in childhood. Aaliya asks her to do in what she is best at and shall select Rhea’s clothes and shouldn’t waste time on this. Meera feel bad. Tai ji ask Meera not to feel bad and says Aaliya said all this as she don’t want how to make rangoli. She asks her to make rangoli fast and get ready. Meera says just 5 mins. Pragya steps inside Mehra Mansion. Meera is surprised and says you are here? Pragya says she came with Sarita ji for catering. She looks at the rangoli and says it is good, like a family. Meera asks Servant to show her kitchen. Sarita behen comes and asks Pragya where to make food. Pragya says he will take us to kitchen. Meera thinks such a nice soul and thinks Dadi might be happy to meet her. Abhi and Dadi come to the temple.

Abhi thinks Dadi came to pray for Vikram and Pallavi, even though she has so much pain. Dadi prays to God and says today she has to lied because of him, and says bless Vikram and Pallavi, but listen to me also. She says Pragya is in this city and asks why did she go without meeting us. Abhi is outside and sees Prachi coming there. Prachi says she came to thank God on Sarita behen’s behalf and says she is happy and even she is happy as if she got a big job. Abhi asks her to go inside and pray.

Dadi asks God to unite Abhi and Pragya, she asks her to unite her with her grand daughter. Prachi sees her. Dadi calls her. Prachi touches her feet. Dadi blesses her and finds Pragya’s resemblance in her. Prachi says I will go. She comes to abhi and says I will meet you at the house. He asks her to come with him. Prachi says she has some work. Abhi asks her to be careful while going and says he says the same to Rhea. Prachi thinks all parents are same, caring. Sarita behen calls some men for help and tells Pragya that professional helpers were costly. Pragya asks Sarita behen, how they will do the work. Shahana comes and asks how they will do waiter’s work being vegetable guys. Pragya takes Sarita behen out and says if they do any mistake then you will have loss and not profit. Shahana says she will train them on how to Serve. Pragya asks her to cut from her payment, but not on quality. Sarita behen asks her not to less more else she will cut her pay.

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