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Ranbir asks Aryan to look at Rhea and says she is the only reason for his arrival here. He says he will propose her playing the guitar and she couldn’t refuse his proposal. Aryan smiles.

Abhi comes to Pragya’s house. She senses something. Abhi walks towards her house and sees the door open. Allah wariyan plays…He asks if someone is at home. Pragya don’t recognize his voice as it is rough. Pragya comes near the door, but don’t see him. Abhi tries to peep inside the house. Pragya come near the door and closing the door without seeing Abhi. Electricity goes. Abhi thinks she has closed the door and knocks on the door. Allah wariyan plays…..Pragya goes to kitchen to get lamp. Abhi thinks if this is right to meet when there is no light. Pragya opens the door, but don’t see anyone. Abhi is in the car and thinks to go and tell her that he will come later. He comes to the door again and tells that he is Mr. Mehra. Pragya recalls Vikram’s voice and thinks this man’s voice is heavy, he is not Mr. Mehra. Ranbir asks Aryan to tell what he shall wear? Aryan asks him to propose Rhea and not to trouble him. They see Rhea going somewhere. She returns to get the camera. Ranbir asks Rajesh to give him all info and gives money. He tells that Rhea went to see the place. Ranbir asks Aryan to bring guitar. Prachi asks Rajesh about the best site seeing place.

Abhi thinks it is a wonder that nobody is opening the door. He thinks if someone is in trouble and thinks to break the door. Pragya talks to him in male voice that he is Anuradha’s husband Shyam and asks him to go. Abhi thinks Prachi said that she has no father. Prachi comes to the place and sees the fireflies and smile. She sits under the tree. Ranbir thinks Rhea is a nature lover and is sitting there. He sits there and sings song..oh haare ya main dil…Prachi hears him and thinks he is singing well. She gets mesmerized seeing the song and comes infront of him. Ranbir bends down on his knees and says I love you. Prachi sees him and asks how dare you to propose me twice. Ranbir is upset and asks why will I propose you, and says last line of song was I love you. Prachi says you might be playing song on mobile and can’t sing so well. She says only a deaf person can praise you. Ranbir asks why are you enjoying my song. Prachi says she liked the song which he played and says you might have thought that the girl is sitting and he will impress her. He asks if she is a girl? She says she will not like him. Ranbir says nobody will like her and goes.

Abhi calls Meera and tells that a man is inside Prachi’s house and tells that he is sensing her mum is in danger and that’s why he will break the door. He asks her to call the cops. Ranbir tells Aryan that his plan ruined because of Prachi. He says he was about to propose Rhea, but Prachi came infront of him. He says she said that I am playing the song on mobile and asks what she thinks of herself. Aryan says may be she thinks of herself as singing show judge. Ranbir asks him to keep her away from him. Aryan says else you will pull out her hairs. Ranbir says she is the hurdle between Rhea and me and don’t let me propose Rhea. Aryan asks him to calm down and says you will get many chances, if you get angry then how you will look romantic. Ranbir says I will look romantic and attractive. Shahana comes there and asks them to come to play game with everyone near the bonfire. She asks Aryan not to come and teases her. Aryan says she is the worst. Ranbir says Prachi.

Abhi comes inside Pragya’s house. Pragya covers him with blanket and beats him. She thinks to call the neighbors and goes. Abhi takes off the blanket from his face and sees the thief standing. He beats the thief. The thief pretends to be unconscious. Abhi runs behind him. Rhea is shouting. Ranbir asks what happened? Rhea tells that snake is there in the blanket. Ranbir says it is poisonous, I will throw it far. Rhea asks him to take care and says it might bite you. Prachi hears them and says snake will not bite as it is fake.

Rhea turns towards Ranbir. Ranbir says I thought it is real. Rhea thanks him and says it means a lot. Ranbir says you are welcome. He asks her to come to play the game. Rhea says ok. Abhi beats the goon. Police comes there and arrests the thief. Abhi asks who called again. Pragya had called Police form neighbors’ house. Abhi asks Inspector to lock the door as there is nobody inside. He asks Inspector to keep the thief in jail and goes to sit in his car. Pragya is coming and is about to see him.

Abhi sit in his car to go home. Pragya comes from other side and doesn’t see him. She comes and asks Inspector if he caught the thief. She tells Sarita behen that she caught the thief. Thief says that man caught me. Inspector says we have caught you, I will get promotion. Sarita behen gets worried for her. Pragya tells her that she won’t let theft happen in her house. Prachi, Shahana, Rhea, Ranbir and others are at the camp. Their lecturer explains to them about the game dumb charades rules. Aryan says he is the anchor and referee for this game and divides the classmates into two teams. A girl Preeti comes there. Aryan whispers the film name in her ears. She asks which movie is this. Aryan says if team A don’t reply then points will be given to team B. Team A couldn’t identify the film name. Aryan asks Team B to guess and says it is difficult to guess. Prachi identifies the film name. Aryan says Prachi shall get points for making the team win. Shahana goes to enact. Aryan whispers the film name. Shahana argues with him. Aryan says it is film name. Rhea guesses wrong. Prachi guesses right. Aryan appreciates her.

Ranbir says nobody heard such film names. He says may be it is popular in hoshiarpur. Lecturer says it is popular hindi films, I wrote the chits. Ranbir says we shall play game with our age film. Prachi tells that she could easily guess. Ranbir tells Aryan that he will propose Rhea today while enacting. He tells that he will take Rhea’s favorite movie names and she will guess it rightly. He asks Aryan to make Rhea’s team win. Ranbir acts. Rhea asks if it is English movie. Ranbir says it is your favorite movie. Rhea is still thinking. Prachi tells the three film names together. Aryan appreciates Prachi for her team victory. Rhea gets upset. Lecturer tells that they will go to cliff climbing and asks them to sleep. She goes. Ranbir asks his classmates to wait and says something is left. Aryan thinks he is going to propose Rhea.

Meera talks to Pragya and ends the call. He tells Abhi that Anuradha told how she had beaten the thief. Abhi asks she had beaten the thief? He says she was not at home, I beat the thief and called Police. Meera says Anuradha told that she had beaten the thief. Abhi says she might be trying to impress you and asks her not to tell and says she is doing childish thing. Pragya tells Sarita behen that Mr. Mehra didn’t come here and told her that he is coming here. She says Mr. Mehra is a liar. Abhi tells Meera that Prachi’s mum is a liar. Meera laughs and says there is a misunderstanding.

Ranbir asks Rhea if she is going to sleep. Rhea says yes. Ranbir says I heard the Delhi and Mumbai girls don’t sleep all night. Rhea smiles. Ranbir sings song main suna hai…..He dances with Rhea and other friends. Prachi and Shahana also dance.

Ranbir is dancing with Rhea. Suddenly he sees Prachi about to fall and holds her striking RK pose. Rhea thinks Prachi has become everyone’s favorite, I am like not existing for anyone. She says this college, students and Ranbir are mine and not of Prachi. She goes. Ranbir thinks Rhea left and he left a golden opportunity.

In the morning, Principal asks the students to get ready as they are going for hill hiking. Rhea tells that Principal told that we can’t go there alone and tells that she has a plan. She asks Shaina and her other friend to click her pics there. They ask if she wants to look more beautiful etc. Rhea says she wants them to click pic when Prachi pushes her. Aryan says I thought you will propose Rhea yesterday. Ranbir says I want to propose Rhea when we are lonely. Aryan says someone wants to make the rejection special. He asks shall I come and click pictures. Ranbir says no.

Prachi talks to pragya and tells that they are going to hill side. Shahana talks to Pragya and asks her to call them often. She asks about Sarita behen. Pragya asks about Prachi and Rhea. Shahana says that girl is strange. Pragya asks them to forgive her and asks Shahana to do something to make them patch up. Rhea’s friend tells Prachi that the lecturer is calling her. Prachi goes.

Shaina call Dimpy and tells that Prachi is coming there. Rhea says Prachi will come here, but will see me and not Saraswati Maam. They hide. Rhea comes out from hide out and walks towards Prachi. Prachi thinks there is nobody here. Rhea asks what are you doing here? Prachi says Saraswati Maam called me. Rhea says lie and asks her not to make excuses. Prachi asks her to think what she wants and says I don’t want to listen to you. Rhea says you came here to the camp, but your mom is not here. She says where is she today? She then asks about her Dad and says I didn’t see your Dad. She asks if he left your mom. She says your mom is so good, even I like her then who separated them and says you are that reason. She says your Dad left your mum because of you. She says your Dad left you and that’s why you want to snatch my dad. She says if he takes your name then..She asks him to show her dad, how is she? Prachi asks her not to take her mother or father’s name. She pushes Prachi. Pragya pushes her. Rhea falls and signs Shaina. She gets up and smiles. She tells Prachi that she has no idea what she did. Prachi asks if she has gone mad and tells that she don’t deserve her dad. Rhea says I am my dad’s princess. Prachi asks her to stay away from her mother. Rhea try to go near the cliff. Prachi stop her holding her hand. Rhea says your mum will also leave you like your father. Prachi slap her. Rhea smiles and asks her friend to show the pics to everyone. She asks her to cry and tell that she couldn’t save Rhea when Prachi pushed her off the cliff. She tells that Dad will feel bad when he comes to know and tells she will be found and will do acting. She says Dad will kick her out of the college and from Delhi. She says she will hide somewhere and will be in contact with her. 
Pragya gets worried for Sarita behen and says something is wrong with my daughter. Sarita behen says mother’s heart is such and says so many students are going with her. Pragya is still worried. Sarita behen says Prachi is fine and asks Pragya not to worry. 
Principal asks Saraswati maam if all the students are ready. Saraswati maam says some students are coming. Shaina and other friend inform Principal that Prachi pushed Rhea off the cliff.

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Twist of Fate air on Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 9pm

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