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The Episode starts with Prachi calling Pragya, but her phone is out of coverage. Sarita behen ask her to switch off and on the phone. Shahana says Maasi’s phone is having no network. Pragya tries to take injured Abhi out on the cart. The workers see her and say someone was inside, we shall help them. Pragya asks them to get taxi. She takes him to hospital. Doctor asks what happened to him. Pragya says they were at the construction side and the roof fell down on his head. Doctor asks are you sure and says they can’t treat him until FIR is done. Pragya says it is an accident and asks him to treat him. Doctor says I am not refusing for treatment and asks her to get FIR. Pragya says I will file FIR and asks him to treat him. She says if anything happens to him then she will file negligence case against him. Doctor gets worried and asks Nurse to take him to OT. Pragya cries standing outside OT. Rhea calls Aaliya and asks where is she? Aaliya says I have reached and asks her what happened? Rhea asks her to save her from Dad. Aaliya asks her to tell what happened. Rhea tells everything. Aaliya says fantastic and says you got Prachi suspended from college and says I am so proud of you. She says I am very happy that Prachi is out and you will be happy. Rhea says Dad reached college and he will scold me. Aaliya says he will not scold you and asks her to relax. She says you are looking tired and weak and asks if she didn’t eat anything. Rhea says she was so tensed, and didn’t eat anything. Aaliya asks why there is silence at home. Bahadur Kaka tells her about Abhi meeting with an accident as the construction site collapsed on him. Aaliya and Rhea get worried and leave from home.

Pragya thinks about Abhi and recalls stones falling on him. She cries. The receptionist comes and asks her not to worry, and says he will fine. She asks her to fill admission form. Pragya wipes her tears and goes to reception. She writes the form. The receptionist asks her to write relationship with patient. Pragya writes her relation as his “wife”. Receptionist asks are you his wife. Pragya looks on. She comes near the ICU and sees Doctor making Abhi wear oxygen mask. A fb is shown, Pragya asks him if he is applying ointment intentionally. Abhi says I will apply it on your face and says you get in trouble intentionally so that I apply ointment. Pragya says you was helpless to save me. Abhi pulls her closer and says my life is related with you and that’s why comes to save you always. He says we are two bodies and one soul, and if something happens to you then I…Pragya keeps hand on his mouth and says her breath is related with his. Abhi asks her to kiss him a kiss. She hugs him. Abhi gets happy and asks for a kiss. Pragya says let me go…fb ends..

She thinks whenever we met, some accident or something happens. She sees Nurse going in a hurry. Doctor asks her to get ‘B’ positive blood. Pragya hears her. Abhi’s family and Vikram are getting restless and worried at the front side of the building. They shout. The rescue team comes there and tells that Abhi sir is not here. One of the man asks Rhea if she is his daughter and tells that Abhi was inside, but a lady saved him and took him with her. Everyone asks who is she? The nurse tells that there is no B positive blood in the blood bank. The doctor asks her to talk to hospital authorities. Pragya hears them and comes inside the ICU. Nurse asks her to go out. Pragya requests her to let her stay there for a few mins. Nurse agrees and goes. Pragya comes to Abhi and cries looking at him. Allah wariyan plays…..Pragya says I told you that I will not come again, but I came, and met you. I didn’t think that I have to see this. She says we didn’t meet for 20 years and when we meet this happened?

She says I told Nurse that you agree to my sayings, and says if you don’t agree then I will get upset with you. She asks him to open his eyes and says you didn’t see Prachi yet, and I didn’t see our younger daughter. She says if you don’t open your eyes then I can’t forgive myself. I was with you, but couldn’t save you . She says you used to save me and asks him to get up for her happiness. Doctor comes and asks her to come out. Pragya comes out.

The rescue team guy tells that the lady took out Abhi with much difficulty and says he had a head injury, and much blood was flowing out. He says when that lady took him out and shouted for help. When we help her, she took him to hospital. Dadi thanks God. Everyone ask about the lady. The guy gives Pragya’s description and says she has such grace on her face that one can feel that nothing will happen to him until she is with him. Rhea says he is describing about Prachi’s mum, and says she has the grace on her face. They all leave for the hospital. Aaliya asks contractor to get ready for the consequences.

The Doctor scolds Nurse for letting Pragya inside. Pragya asks how is he? Doctor asks her to ask Nurse and tells that hospital authorities don’t have blood and asks her to do something if she wants him to be fine and use her sources to arrange blood for him, and says his blood group is B positive. Doctor check Abhi and ask Nurse to inform him if pulse rate falls. Abhi thinks of Pragya in unconscious state and opens his eyes. He takes out the glucose drip etc…and comes out of ward although nurse tries to stop him. He sees Pragya talking to Doctor and recalls how she saved him covering herself on him. Nurse asks Abhi to come with her and forcibly takes him. Pragya feels his presence and looks for him. Doctor says he is in ICU and asks her to arrange blood fast. Pragya thinks to call Prachi there and calls her from reception. She calls her. Prachi apologizes to her for her doing and says I am strong and didn’t think while doing that (attempting suicide) and says she will not take this stupid step again, and asks for forgiveness. Pragya says I know that I made you strong and says I am happy that you are courageous. She tells that she lost her phone in the construction site of Mr. Mehra’s office. She says a man met with an accident and asks her to come there and donate blood. Prachi says I will come there. Shahana says I will also come. Prachi goes in a hurry. Sarita behen asks her to let Prachi and Pragya together. Shahana says I can’t leave without them and asks her not to take her far from there.

Aaliya, Rhea and Tai ji are in the car. Aaliya gets angry on the people for jamming the traffic. Rhea worries for Abhi and says how do you know that Dad is in some hospital. Aaliya says that hospital is near. She asks Rhea to call Prachi and asks her if her mom took Abhi to hospital. Rhea says how can I call Pragya? Aaliya says our time will wasted if he is not in the hospital. Rhea calls Prachi. Prachi has left mobile at home. Shahana picks the call. Rhea asks her to give Prachi’s mum number. Shahana says I will not give. Sarita behen comes and takes the call. Rhea asks her to teach manners to Shahana. Sarita behen says she is hearing as per her karma and asks her not to call again. Shahana gets happy and hugs her, calling her heroine. Sarita behen asks her to go. Rhea tells Aaliya that they misbehaved with her. Tai ji blames Rhea for her doings and says this is happening with Abhi because of you. Aaliya asks her to stop it and says don’t know why everyone sympathizes with her.

Meera is in another car and recalls her moments with him. She thinks nothing shall happen with him. Vikram, Mitali and dadi are with her. Vikram says I wish our guess is right and Abhi is in that hospital. Dadi feels Pragya and Abhi are going to meet soon, and thinks when she comes to know about his accident, she will come running, and their family will complete.

Prachi comes to the hospital and apologizes to Pragya. She says I will not do this again. Pragya asks her not to fall weak in such situation. They come to the reception. Prachi asks who is that man? Nurse comes. Pragya says my daughter will donate her blood. Nurse says blood will match then..Prachi is clueless. Pragya says I told her that you have the same blood group. Prachi asks Pragya to come with her and says she is feeling nervous. Doctor comes and asks who is she? Pragya says she is my daughter. Doctor says he will be fine if daughter gives the blood. Nurse takes Prachi for the test. They reach the Pulse life hospital. Tai ji stops Rhea from going inside. Dadi comes and asks what happened? Rhea asks them to make tai ji understand. Meera asks her to let her go.Tai ji says this is our family matter. Vikram asks what did you say? Tai ji says you are his business partner. She scolds Rhea for hurting Prachi and says she tried to commit suicide because of you. She says everything is happening because of you, he is bearing this because of your karma. Rhea asks Dadi to make Tai ji understand. Dadi says Pummy is right.

Nurse comes to Pragya and tells that Prachi’s blood matched with Abhi and Doctor operated on Abhi and he will be fine soon. Pragya is happy. Abhi is shifted to the ward from the OT. Doctor says he is fine. Pragya tells Nurse that she wants to talk to her and tells something. She comes inside the ward and sits holding his hand. She cry..honge juda na hum plays…..Pragya says who has given you blood is Prachi..our daughter. She says she was born with your blood and today she has saved you with her blood. She says you will be fine soon. Nurse ask Pragya to let the patient rest seeing Pragya with Abhi. Pragya is about to leave, but Abhi hold her hand in unconscious state. Pragya keeps his hand back and leaves. Jab tak jahan me…plays…Aaliya is searching for Abhi and is coming towards pragya. She asks ward boy about accident patient and reception. Pragya asks someone about temple and goes. They don’t see each other. Rhea tells Tai ji that she never this to happen. Mitali asks Tai ji why she is scolding Rhea so much. Tai ji asks her to be quiet. Mitali says Vikram is like Abbi’s brother and Meera is like Rhea’s mum and our family. She asks if this is the time to scold Rhea. Tai ji says I never interfered before and says she is called for parties, but when she is scolding Rhea, everyone is upset with her. She says this family is because of Abhi and something happens to him then..Aaliya comes out. Rhea says sorry and hugs her and cries. Aaliya asks who scolded her. Tai ji says I scolded her. Aaliya says if anyone tells her anything and warns her. Tai ji thinks Aaliya is spoiling Rhea, it is good that elder daughter is not with them. Prachi donates blood. Nurse gives her juice and asks her to take care. Prachi asks shall I go. They ask her to go. Aaliya takes everyone inside. They ask receptionist about accident case. Vikram shows Abhi’s pic. Receptionist says the patient needs blood and is shifted to ICU. Prachi comes out and thinks why they didn’t let me meet the patient, they should have let me meet him, I gave him blood. Just then medical equipments fall on the ground. Prachi sits to pick it. Just then Rhea, Aaliya and others go past her, but they don’t see her. Prachi sees dupatta falling and makes Dadi wear without seeing her face. She asks nurse about her mum. Nurse says she is in temple. Dadi turns and looks at Prachi while she is going.

Pragya asks God not to make her believe that she is inauspicious for him and asks God to save him. She cries. Prachi comes there and sees Pragya praying to God and crying. She asks why you are praying for the patient and asks who is he? She asks why is he important for you. Pragya asks her to come home. Prachi says ok, don’t tell, I will find out. Prachi asks why you are stopping me and why are you crying for a stranger. Pragya says he is a stranger. Prachi says I will question you, and says I feel that I am his blood whom I have given blood, and says he is my Papa.. I am feeling this. Pragya says he is not your Papa. Prachi asks then who is he? Nurse comes and says he is out of danger now. Pragya gives her number and asks Nurse to message her when he gain consciousness. Prachi calls her and says you got life knowing he is fine, and asks why you don’t want me to question you. Pragya says if you question me then I will do the same thing which you tried to do in closed room. She says we have no work now and asks her to come. Dadi asks Meera to take her to temple and says she wants to thank the God for saving Abhi and for sending that lady to save him. 

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