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The next day, Pragya is waiting for taxi. Meera is going from there and stop. She offers to give her lift. Pragya refuses and says she will go. Meera get down from the car and asks Pragya to sit. Pragya says you will get late because of me. Meera says the excuse should be good to get late. She tell that her name is Meera and ask about her name. Pragya is about to say, just then driver puts the sudden brakes. Driver says someone came infront of the car. Pragya reasons that he might be in a hurry.

Sarita behen misses her daughter Anu and think she didn’t call her even on her birthday since 7 years. Meera drop Pragya home. Pragya ask her to come inside. Meera come inside and ask Pragya about the house. Pragya says it is rented house. She goes to Sarita behen and wish her happy birthday with a gift.

Sarita behen thank her and get teary eyes. Meera also wish her happy birthday. Sarita behen thank her. Meera sit and says that she will have coffee. Sarita behen says Pragya made the coffee on that day. Sarita behen tell Meera that she (pragya) is her daughter Anuradha who had a fight with her. She tells that no daughter call her mum’s house as her own after marriage. Pragya bring coffee to give to Meera. Meera thank her calling her Anu. Pragya try to tell her name, but just then Prachi comes there and ask Pragya not to send her with Shahana again, as she is shopping for 3 months trip rather than 3 days. Meera hope that Rhea and her enmity end. She tell that she needs a favor from her. She tells that she is very close to Rhea and after her, she feels a strange warmth towards her and asks can I call you Anu. Pragya says you can, but. Sarita behen get tensed. Meera says Anu is my elder sister’s name, who died in a road accident. She says she used to scold me a lot and tells that she was very close to her mum and not much close to her mother. She says when you scolded me, I felt like I got my sister back. Pragya says you can call me Anu. Prachi comes and shows the dresses. Pragya select pink dress.

Pallavi comes to Ranbir and asks where his college friends are going. Ranbir says they are going to different place and don’t know about some place name. Pallavi asks him to take a shower and says you are stinking. He says kids are small for parents always. She says I came to tell you that you are going to picnic. Ranbir says if I refuse? Pallavi says then Aryan will also not go. Aryan comes there. Ranbir asks why did you tell mom? Aryan says I want to come with you. He says even Rhea is coming. Ranbir asks Pallavi to pack his guitar also.

Sarita behen says that Pragya should open a coffee shop. Meera says that is a good idea. Pragya says she is joking. Meera says Mr. Mehra will be your first customer and ask her to teach her how to make coffee. She says his wife used to make nice coffee also. Pragya thinks Pallavi is his second wife and Rhea didn’t accept her. She says I will teach you. Meera says I have to buy clothes for Rhea from the mall, she thank her and leave.

Pragya tells Sarita behen that Rhea haven’t accepted Mr. Mehra’s second wife. Sarita behen says Meera wants to learn coffee making from you and win Mr. Mehra’s heart. Pragya says she just want to take care of him. Sarita behen says you will hear this one day. She challenges Pragya.

Meera smiles looking at Rhea. Rhea asks what is good? Meera thinks Rhea is like Prachi in some way, seems like…

Rhea ask Meera’s opinion about the dress to wear. Meera says you can wear anything. She asks her not to fight with Prachi and Shahana and do patch up with them. Rhea says patch up? Meera asks her to patch up for Dad’s sake. Rhea asks if he will forgive me. Meera says yes. Rhea agrees to patch up with them. Meera says good girl. Pragya packs Prachi and Shahana’s bags and is worried for them. She keeps the mosquito repellent in the bags. Shahana says whenever we are going somewhere, Maasi panics. Pragya says I panic being a mother. Shahana goes to get water. Pragya asks Prachi to forget the happenings, enjoy the trip and make happy memories. Prachi promises her. Pragya asks her not to fight with Rhea and says she is not bad. Prachi says Rhea only starts the fight. Pragya asks her to promise not to start the fight. Prachi promises her. Shahana brings water bottle and says lets go else we have to sit on the back seat. Prachi says it is fun.

Rhea comes to Abhi and says I am going to the college trip. Abhi is on call. He tells Rhea that he don’t want to talk to her. Rhea thinks this is happening because of Prachi and thinks I am facing Dad’s anger and Prachi will face my anger. She comes to hall. Meera reminds her of her promise. Rhea tells that she will not fight with Prachi, will be in her good books and will convince her until she agrees. Meera hugs her. Rhea leaves. Meera thinks it is difficult for Rhea to patch up with them, but she has to do for her dad.

Beeji asks Ranbir to call her. Ranbir says I will not go if you don’t want. Pallavi tells Aryan that Beeji and Ranbir are inseparable. Beeji says she don’t want him to go. Ranbir says I will not go. Pallavi promises Beeji that she will take her if she misses Ranbir. Ranbir and Aryan leave.

Shahana and Prachi are in the taxi. Taxi stops. He tells that he forgot to get CNG (compressed natural gas). Shahana asks him to drive using petrol. He says he don’t have petrol in car. They get down from the car. Driver asks them to give money. Prachi is about to give. Shahana stops her and tells driver that they will not pay him money. Prachi gives him money and says we will take another taxi. Rhea’s driver stops the car seeing Prachi and Shahana on road. Rhea and Prachi look at each other. Abhi thinks about Prachi’s mum and asks Meera. Meera says she had met the family and asks him to meet. Vikram comes there. Abhi says I can’t come to office today. Vikram asks him to attend the meeting today. Abhi asks what will he do with excess money. Vikram says whatever we do for your kids is less. Abhi says ok and tells Meera that he will meet Prachi’s mum. He says I will call her. Vikram asks him to come to meeting first and then go and meet her. They leave.

Shahana thinks Rhea wants to give lift to them. Rhea says I am not giving you lift and asks Driver why did he stop the car and says you got scholarship to study in my college and not to sit in my car. She asks driver to drive the car. Shahana asks Prachi why she was silent? Prachi says she has promised mum that she will not say anything to Rhea. Rhea and her friends come to the bus. Rhea gets the seat using her charm. Teacher tells that Shahana and Prachi haven’t come. They think to go. Rhea gets happy. Ranbir and Aryan try to stop the bus, but it goes. Aryan blames Ranbir to talking nonstop with Dadi. Ranbir says even I wanted to go when I came to know that Rhea is coming. I want to propose her. He says he will bring the car and asks him to wait.

Prachi and Shahana come to the place. Prachi says nobody came, we are not late. Aryan says bus already left.

Vikram and Abhi have a meeting with the client. The client leave. Employee comes and gives coffee and hot water to Vikram and Abhi. She says Doctor said that you might have shouted at an employee and that’s why you have a rough voice. Vikram asks Abhi to make him hear his voice once and says I was laughing in the meeting and ran to bathroom. Abhi acts to get angry on him. Vikram says lets go out in a jeep. Abhi says it is cheap.

Shahana tells Prachi that she wants to go to picnic. Aryan says it is nature trip. He says we can go altogether. He asks them to see Ranbir coming in jeep. Shahana thanks Aryan. Ranbir asks Aryan to sit. Shahana tells him that Aryan told that they can go with them. She sits in the jeep. Prachi says we will not go with him as he drives rashly. Aryan asks did you sit with him before. Prachi says she heard enough. Ranbir says we don’t have much time for you and asks Shahana to decide fast. Shahana asks Prachi to sit. Prachi sits for Shahana. Prachi is about to sit, but Ranbir is driving the jeep. She asks him why is he doing this? Ranbir asks her to say sorry and thank you. Shahana tells Ranbir that he is sweet and anger doesn’t suit his face. Prachi says sorry and thank you to Ranbir as she can’t leave Shahana alone.

Sarita behen comes home. Pragya opens the door. Sarita behen asks her to first ask who is at the door and then open the door. She tells that there is a theft in the neighborhood and asks her to lock the doors and sleep at night. Pragya says I am smart to deal with the goons. Sarita behen says she is going to a marriage in Noida and will come late.

Rhea and her classmates reach the camp. Principal asks them to strictly follow the rules. Rhea enjoys the nature and tells her friends that this is the best trip and best part is Shahana and Prachi are not here. She gets happy. Everyone likes the camp area. Rhea selects the tent for her. Other girl says we have come here first. Rhea says she has seen it first. The guy tells that she is so attractive. His friend tells that Prachi can only handle Rhea. Ranbir is driving the jeep and is coming there with Prachi and others. Rhea asks her friends to come and explore the place.

Abhi talks to Dadi on call and tells about Rhea is enjoying with her friends and asks her not to worry. Vikram comes there and asks him to come. Abhi tells Dadi that his blood thirsty guy came. Vikram asks him to drink beet root juice. Abhi says your joke and taste are bad. Vikram says I am very happy as my children went to picnic and all house is all mine. Abhi says you are a bad father. Vikram says when kids are at home, I have to remind my wife that I am her husband and not a paying guest. Abhi says I am going to meet Prachi’s mum. Vikram asks him to attend the last meeting and requests him. Abhi says ok. I will go alone. Secretary asks alone and says she will come later. Abhi asks why she said that? Vikram says Secretary must be thinking that something is going on between you and Prachi’s mum. Abhi asks what nonsense? Vikram says Prachi’s mum is so humble and good, and she might be God’s first model in this world. He says she is the bestest creation of the God. Abhi asks shall I call Pallavi? Vikram asks him to tell her that he is praising his sister. He says when she scolded him, he felt as if she is his elder sister. He asks him to stay away from his sister. Abhi says I have my lady and tells that Pragya is graceful, caring and daring. She is one of the kind, she is the Kohinoor of India, which is still in India. Vikram says I have seen Prachi’s mum and she is the best creation of God. He asks him to stay away from Prachi’s mum. Abhi asks are you challenging me? He says she will click her pic with me and will keep it as DP.

The principal tells the students that they will stay here for 3 days as family and will follow the rules. He asks them to wake up early in the morning and go for trekking with the trainer and asks them not to go alone. He says there are animals nearby and asks them to go with group. Just then Ranbir, Aryan, Prachi and Shahana come there in jeep. Principal asks why did you come late? Ranbir says he got late. Principal asks did you bring your dad jeep to show off. Ranbir says I am not spoilt etc. he says when I was on the way, I saw Prachi and Shahana helping a lady who met with an accident and that’s why he stopped and helped them. He says I took the lady to the hospital and thought that you will appreciate me and claps, but you are scolding me. Principal asks Prachi if this is truth. Aryan says she is still in shock and saying no, the lady can’t die. Shahana stops Prachi when she says no. She tells that Prachi is still in shock. Principal asks everyone to give a round of applause to Ranbir. Everyone claps.

Meera calls Pragya and tells that Mr. Mehra wants to meet you at your house. Pragya says I want to thank him and asks her to send him home. She sees a man roaming outside the house covering himself with blanket and tells Meera about Sarita behen asking her to be careful of the thief as she is alone.

Ranbir flirts with Shahana. Prachi argues with him and asks him to stay away from her sister. She says she don’t need his help to lift her stuff and asks what he thinks of himself. Ranbir says he thinks of himself as superhero, romeo etc. Prachi says she sees him with low sight. Ranbir asks what is her problem? Prachi says she has objection with lie. Ranbir tells a dialogue. Prachi says I had to lie because of you. Ranbir says we are here because of me. Prachi asks him to let her go, else she will burn the mosquito repellent. Aryan laughs. Ranbir asks did she call me mosquito and says if you call them again then I will break my relation with you. Aryan smiles and thinks he never saw Ranbir talking to any girl like this.

Rhea comes there and asks her friends to act normal and acts as heard the rules. They come and stand there. Principal asks them not to go near the slide and says anyone can slide there. Rhea says we can take our enemy there and make them slip. Principal asks when did you come? Rhea says we are standing here since long. Principal asks them to explain the rules to Ranbir, Prachi, Shahana and Aryan as they came late. Rhea gets upset hearing Prachi came. She sees Prachi and looks angrily. Prachi thinks of Pragya’s words. Rhea thinks of Meera’s words asking her to patch up. Ranbir asks Aryan to look at Rhea and says she is the only reason for his arrival here. He says he will propose her playing the guitar and she couldn’t refuse his proposal. Aryan smiles.

Abhi comes to Pragya’s house. She senses something. Abhi walks towards her house and sees the door open. Allah wariyan plays…He asks if someone is at home. Pragya don’t recognize his voice as it is rough. Pragya comes near the door, but don’t see him. Abhi tries to peep inside the house.

#TwistOfFate #Kumkumbhagya #zeeworldgists #tellygist
Twist of Fate air on Star Life from Mondays to Sundays at 9pm

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