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Kabir sees a car and tells Zara that this is Jalali’s car, they are taking opium there. Zara stops the car and scares the man. She makes him unconscious. Kabir takes the car and leaves with Zara. They both disguise. Zara says we will have to pretend as husband and wife, I don’t even have the experience, you will have to romance with me and take care of me like a couple does. Kabir says protecting you is my responsibility so I will do it regardless. They both enter Jalalpur. They both enter Jalali’s house.

Kabir and Zara are in the car in disguise. A black cat stop them. The man says we will search your car with this cat. The cat goes inside the car. Zara is scared of it. The car get locked and smoke is filled automatically. Kabir says this cat is a ghost. He starts praying to God and the cat leaves. Kabir and Zara have a sigh of relief.

Jalali is dancing in his den. Shahbaz ask what happened? Jalali show him the clip of Kabir and Zara entering his village.
Zara and Kabir enter Jalali’s village and there is magic everywhere. Kabir ask her to be careful. Zara falls down. Kabir says don’t worry. He helps her in getting the sprain away and asks if she is fine? Zara thinks that he does care for me, maybe I will be able to make a place in his heart. Kabir sees the people scared of coming out of their houses. A man stop on a scooty. Kabir greets him but he says come with me. They start going with him, a tree falls on him but nothing happens to him. Kabir takes the tree branch and follow him. The man bring them outside a gate and asks them to come inside. Zara and Kabir are scared. Zara says what if this place is ghosts’ den which Hilal asked us not to go inside. Kabir says God will protect us. Kabir turn to see Jalali and Shahbaz coming there in a car. Jalali ask who is he? Kabir says I am Aryan Khan and I am here to do business with you. Jalali says you will like to do the business with us, do you have any other mission here? Kabir look on. Jalali laugh and says you look worried? I like that, don’t worry, we will do business with you but later. First, we want to take care of you. He shows him powder and says once you taste this opium, you will enjoy your life. Kabir look on. Jalali says you have to taste this as you are going to sell this to us. Kabir says I really like it but I do it at night only. Jalali says don’t worry. He call his man who is the same guy that met Kabir earlier. Jalali ask his man Janab to take care of them. Zara think this man is a ghost. Kabir and Zara take them from there. Shahbaz says if we doubt them then why don’t we send them off? Jalali says let’s have fun with the prey before killing it.

Kabir tell Janab that I know you are a ghost but you can’t do anything to us. He says that I am human, he shakes hands with him. Kabir says no you are playing with us, he check his tongue and it’s fine. Janab says I am a human and I want to leave this hell. Kabir says then why were you acting like that? Janab says some ghost might have disguised as me and tried to take you both from the ghosts’ cave. You both should leave from here. Kabir says no, we will win against Jalali. Zara is scared.

Zara walk on the street and recalls her childhood. How she used to play with her brother Asim. She cry and says I loved Asim so much, I wanted him to leave with me but he stayed with Jalali. I don’t know if you are still in Jalalpur, I don’t know where to find you. She sit on a tree and hear someone calling her baji (sister). She is shocked and look around. She loses her balance and falls from the tree but Kabir come there and hold her. They both share an eyelock, tera ban jaonga play as Kabir help her in standing up. He lift her on his back and start walking… It turn out to be Zara’s dream. Kabir shout at her that why did she come here alone? I have to protect you. Zara show him the tree and says I used to play with my brother Asim here.

A man (Asim) tells a woman that you have to pack opium, Jalali didn’t even spare my sister and my mother. You women are the destruction of this world.

Zara tell Kabir that we have to find Kamran and get him to sign these papers. Kabir says I will go and talk to Jalali, I will keep him busy and you find Kamran to get these signed. Zara says I used to doubt husband and wife’s relation but now I feel we should have a companion, I couldn’t face Jalali alone but now you are with me and I am able to face him because you are my protector. Kabir look on.

Asim brings a woman that is chained on the streets.

Zara comes outside her house and recall her mother’s death. She scream and cry. Kabir ask what happened? Zara says Jalali killed my parents, he beheaded them in front of me, he is so evil, he like to see pain of others. These memories will make me go crazy. Kabir says you should leave from here. Zara says I will not leave you alone. I will be with you and finish this mission. Suddenly the wind blow and Zara is falling away. Kabir ask her to keep herself in control otherwise she will enter ghost’s cave. Jalali’s man laugh at them.

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