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Zara come back home and tell Irfan and Salma that Kabir is in the mosque praying. Zara says I don’t know how Shahbaz was able to get free. Shahbaz comes there and says you people can never win against me. Imran ask him to stay away. Shahbaz tell Irfan that you can bear me misbehaving. He tells Irfan that once I get some higher position then I will take your position and will insult you in a way that you will remember. Irfan says only I have the right to give my position to someone else. I can give my seat to Imran and make your plan go to waste. Shahbaz look on.

Zara come to Kabir’s room and take his clothes. Ruksaar come there and says he is my husband, how dare you touch his clothes. Shahbaz get a call from his manager and he says that you need to get a letter from head priest for further work for the government post. Shahbaz says but he is against me, I can’t do it. Zara hear him and leave from there. Shahbaz tell the manager that I need that post.

Azra recall Irfan saying that he can make Imran a head priest. She says I want him to become that and I will be his queen.

Kabir pray to God and says you have to get justice for me.

Shahbaz get the government post. Shahbaz says I found some papers which Irfan had signed for Kabir earlier and I used them.

Kabir pray and check his phone. Zara hide and look on. Kabir says Shahbaz got the position in the board, you have proven that evil win in this world. I bowed to you and cried to you, I gave respect to my father and followed your father, he is alive because of your will. But not anymore, Shahbaz won’t live now. Zara is shocked.

Kabir says Shahbaz won’t be saved now. He comes out of the mosque and look at Zara. He tell Zara that I am sorry. Zara says you can’t ignore God’s presence. Kabir says I am angry with him, he didn’t listen to my request, he leaves. Zara asks God to give strength to Kabir and end his anger.

Shahbaz is keeping prayers at his house when Kabir come there, all look on. The priest ask Kabir that the kids are here so give them some blessings. Kabir says I don’t have any prayers for them, I am not talking to God anymore. The priest says how can you say that as a priest? Kabir glare at Shahbaz. Shahbaz think I have to control him. He says this is my son, come with me. The guards start following Shahbaz but Kabir says I want to talk to my father alone. Shahbaz goes with him.

Shahbaz tell Kabir that I wanted to give you the power and make you a head priest but you fell in love with that Zara? Kabir says enough, now a killer is telling me how to love? God’s love is forbidding me to kill you. Shahbaz gives him a gun and says kill me. Kabir says I could have done it easily but I will not. Shahbaz says I am your father so you can’t win against me. Kabir says I know, I am going to do something which God doesn’t allow. I will kill you like you killed my Zara. I will torture you and then throw your dead body in a river. I will put allegations on you as you did with Zara. I will kill you like you killed my Zara. I will do it when you are alone. I am not following God’s path anymore so I am free. He leave from there.

Azra and Imran enter the house. Azra congratulates Shahbaz. Imran and Azra go from there. Azra think that I want Imran to become head priest that is why I greeted Shahbaz.

Zara puts honey in the milk and says I am allergy to it. She drinks it and says it will bring Kabir back to God’s path.

Kabir hear Azan and try to avoid praying. He says no.. Irfan and Salma come to his room. Irfan asks him to keep lying as you don’t respect God. Salma says we can’t leave God’s path like that.

Zara is getting ill. Imran says why are you doing this? She says for Kabir. Imran come to Kabir. Zara comes there too and falls down. Kabir gets worried and goes to bring water for her. Zara says nothing will work. Irfan says I will pray for her, Kabir bring the book. Kabir goes but stops. Irfan says I can’t read it without my glasses. Salma says Kabir could have read it. Zara goes to vomit. Kabir look on. Irfan asks Kabir to read it for her. Zara falls down on the floor. Kabir is tensed but take the holy book. He pray for her.

Kabir prays for Zara. She becomes fine. Kabir says why God does it? Zara says I did it deliberately, I wanted to know if you still have God in your heart and I can see that you still have. Kabir leave from there. Salma says will Kabir come back around? Zara says I am sure that Shahbaz will be punished soon.

Zeenat tell Ruksaar that you are going away from Kabir. Ruksaar says he doesn’t love me. Zeenat says you can trap him, he is a man. Ruksaar says I am scared. Zeenat says look at yourself, trap Kabir in your love in a way that he can’t come out.

Zara put namaz schedule on the wall in Kabir’s room and leave. Ruksaar comes there dressed up and tells Kabir that I have made food for you. Kabir glare at her. Ruksaar imagines him strangling her but Kabir take the food and smells her hair. He ask what’s your agenda now? She says I love you. Kabir says but you are with a killer? You loved me but now you don’t. Ruksaar says I can do anything for you. Kabir says then do something that will prove your love. Ruksaar says okay, I will be with you and I will tell you all the secrets. She leave.

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