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Zara says Jalali killed my parents, he beheaded them in front of me, he is so evil, he like to see pain of others. These memories will make me go crazy. Kabir says you should leave from here. Zara says I will not leave you alone. I will be with you and finish this mission. Suddenly the wind blow and Zara is falling away. Kabir ask her to keep herself in control otherwise she will enter ghost’s cave. Jalali’s man laugh at them.

Kabir tells Zara to hold and don’t enter the ghost’s den. He holds her hand and pulls her back.

Kabir and Zara come to Jalali. They see men inebriated. Jalali asks Kabir to taste the opium and have peace. Asim comes there with his gang. He shows Jalali a woman who is chained. Asim bow to Jalali and says this woman said no to our work. Jalali says they force us to kill them. Don’t you remember that Asim’s family went against us and we taught them a good lesson. Asim look on. Zara is shocked and says my brother Asim. Kabir ask her to not react. Jalali says I killed Asim’s parents as they went against me. Zara can’t control herself and says Asim.. I am Zara. She cry and goes to him. Shahbaz take off Kabir’s glasses and sees that it’s Kabir in a disguise. Shahbaz says welcome Kabir. Jalali ask Asim to beat her. Asim slap Zara. Kabir slap him and says how dare you? Zara cry and tells Kabir to leave him, he is my brother. Asim says I have no sister. My Prophet is Jalali. Kabir says he wouldn’t listen to you Zara. Zara says I will try, he is my brother. Asim take the gun and hit Kabir with it. Kabir faint. Zara scream. Jalali pull Zara to himself and says you ranaway from here but you didn’t kill yourself in my fear? What happened to your parents will happen to you. Shahbaz says kill her as she took my son away too. Jalali says I want her to suffer before dying, I will give her to you, make her death enjoyable. Shahbaz pull Zara to himself. Zara shout for Kabir to wake up. Kabir is unconsious. Zara ask Kabir to wake up as he promised to protect her, listen to me Kabir, I am dying and I just want to tell you that I love you Kabir.. Kabir wake up. Zara says I love you, I have loved only you. Shahbaz is about to throw her in the burning fire but Kabir run and push Shahbaz away and grab Zara. Zara cry… it all turns out to be Zara’s dream. Jalali ask Zara where she is lost? Jalali hasn’t found out that he is Kabir. Shahbaz says she is shaking. Jalali recall how he told Shahbaz that they both are fake, they had some power to enter here so I will make them eat opium and see how they get inebriated. He gives the opium to Kabir and ask him to taste it. Shahbaz think that if he is Kabir then he will never taste it. Kabir take a packet and tastes opium. The flashback show how Zara gave some leaves to Kabir as they make sure that person doesn’t get inebriated. Kabir says this is good. Shahbaz think that it’s not Kabir.

At night, Jalali says we will burn this woman who went against us. Zara says you can give her a chance. Jalali says I have already decided that she will burn. Asim says she will walk and burn herself. Zara is tensed. The woman cry and start walking towards the fire. The woman is about to burn herself but Zara goes and throw opium at Jalali. All are shocked.

Zara tells Jalali that if you try to hurt us then our men will come here to attack you people. Asim is about to attack her but Jalali says do you realize how can I punish you? Zara says we are buying this opium for 5 crores but this is fake opium and Jalali doesn’t even know it. Jalali says you want to see how real my opium is? He makes the poor woman eat it. She get dizzy and faint. Zara thinks that I wish I could save her. Jalali says she is so dizzy that she will die. Kabir laugh and says if this woman die then it’s wrong. You said that you will burn her in fire and now you want to kill her with opium? What you said is not happening. Jalali says she will wake up and then will walk to the fire. Kabir smile.

Jalali is trying to wake up the woman. Zara says I can help to wake her up. Jalali think that they are challenging my power? Zara says we have to take her to a place to save her. Shahbaz says if you are unable to wake her up then we will kill you both. Zara says I agree.

Zara and Kabir bring the woman to their guest house and gives her a remedy. Kabir pray for her. The woman wake up and look around. Zara thanks God.

Shahbaz tell Jalali that you wanted to know how they can wake her up, you wanted to know their remedy. Why didn’t you use your ghosts? Jalali says they have some protection from my ghosts. They are fools, I could kill them but I want to play and finish it with my victory, I want to know who these people are and why they are here.

Zara recall Asim’s words and is about to cry but Kabir come there and says they are recording our act. He bring her closer and romances with her. He whisper to her that a camera is watching us so we have to act like a couple. Jalali is watching them. Zara put on the music maahi ve and dance with him. Shahbaz sees them and says we have to see this? Jalali says they have played the music so we can’t hear to them, they don’t know who I am. Kabir whisper to Zara that I know you are crying for your brother from inside but you have to smile and be brave. Zara is about to breakdown but Kabir pull her closer. Zara says I want to take him from here. Kabir ask her to be brave. Zara show her picture with Asim and says I will fight for him against Jalali. Kabir says we will cross all the limits to protect our families. Jalali sees a light surrounding them and says they are protected from my magic. We have to separate them to attack them. I will hunt and make another runaway.

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