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In the morning, Ruksaar tell Shahbaz that they are investigating about 5 crores. Shahbaz is worried and gets the call. He asks his lawyer to handle this case. Shahbaz leave. Ruksaar smirk. Zara hide.

Ruksaar come to Kabir and tell him that Shahbaz is going to the factory to meet the lawyer today and he is alone. Kabir smiles and says you started climbing love stairs. He asks her to keep moving like this and she will win his heart. Zara hides and hears it. Kabir leaves. Zara comes there. Ruksaar says this is my husband’s bedroom so stop coming here. Zara says Kabir is using Ruksaar to get his revenge.

Shahbaz come to the factory and enter alone. He comes to the office but doesn’t find the lawyer. He sees Kabir there and get scared. Kabir says you know who is coming? Your death. I can strangle you but that’s easy. I can throw you inside the chemical, it will melt your body like you had thrown my Zara in the river. Shahbaz try to run but Kabir throw the net on him and hold him. He lift him and takes him to the burning hot water tub. Shahbaz is scared and says leave me. Kabir says I can throw you in this easily… he throw Shahbaz on the ground and says my Zara would have felt that, where is Zara’s body? Shahbaz says Zara’s body is in that graveyard only. His guards entered there so Kabir leave and think I promise to give pain to Shahbaz.

Kabir comes to the graveyard and prays for Zara. Irfan comes there and says why you are here? You are miffed with God. Kabir says Zara is here, I come to meet her. Irfan says you lost your love Zara but you can’t be miffed with God if you want to pray for her soul. Kabir gets emotional and leaves from there.

Shahbaz come home, his hand is bandaged. Zeenat ask how he got hurt? Kabir come there and glare at him. Shahbaz says I slipped. Kabir says he should be careful. Shahbaz ask the guards to never leave him alone again.

Zara and Azra talk to the kids. Zara tell Firdous that I will be miffed with your uncle Kabir.

Shahbaz ask the guard to stay outside his door. He goes to sleep. Kabir enter his room from the secret passage and write a message on his bandage. Shahbaz wake up and gets scared. He shout at the guard for not being careful and that Kabir has written ‘I killed Zara’ on his plaster. Zeenat come there and try to clean the words. Kabir says you can’t wipe the truth like that. Zeenat call the doctor but he says we can’t change the plaster. Kabir laugh.

Kabir comes to Irfan’s house and bring the toys for kids. The kids ask to let them go for Rama. Kabir say the path is dangerous so I am not allowing you guys. The kids get angry and say we will not keep a relationship with you if you don’t allow us. Kabir says I am doing this because I care for you guys. The kid say we will be miffed with you.

Shahbaz sit in Irfan’s car. He tell- Irfan that you will tell the court that your Zara took 5 crores from me, he threatens him. Irfan says you are the biggest jerk but I won’t leave God’s path, I am not scared of you threatening so get down. Shahbaz says okay and leave.

Irfan comes to Kabir and says Shahbaz threatened to take away my head priest’s position and defame me if I don’t write a letter to court saying that Zara took the money from him. Kabir says I will set him right. Irfan says no, don’t be angry. I can make Imran as the head priest but he can’t fight with Shahbaz alone, I can make him vice president and you can become the head priest. Azra is angry to hear that. Kabir says I can’t become the head priest as I have stopped praying to God. Zara ask him to not do this. Kabir leave from there.

Zara come to Kabir and says you can’t be angry with God like this if he didn’t hear you once? Kabir says because you don’t understand my pain. Zara says I lost my parents but I was never angry with God, I got Azra, Salma, Irfan and you.. Irfan had to bear so much pain but he is still following God’s path, you can take this position for Irfan.. Leave it, you don’t even remember that tomorrow is Zara’s death anniversary as per the islamic calendar. I will know tomorrow if your love for Zara is more important or your ego. I will see if you will pray for Zara tomorrow or not. Kabir look on.

Kabir look at his Zara’s photo and says I was dying after you but I got the three kids and this new Zara. His alter image says that you think God didn’t send these people to you? He gave you the light to live again, he sent those kids and Zara for you to become strong again.

Salma says I want to giveaway the clothes for Zara but who will take it? Zara says I will distribute it.

Ruksaar tell Kabir that tomorrow is Zara’s death anniversary, don’t be fooled by anyone. Don’t follow God’s path. You have to take Zara’s revenge. If you want then we can go out tomorrow. Kabir says I agree. Ruksaar says so it means you will spend the romantic day with me tomorrow? Kabir says yes. We will sit together and we will talk about my Zara. You will talk about her. Ruksaar think that he want me to say something wrong, she says I am going to sleep.

Zeenat ask Shahbz to sleep but he is scared. Ruksaar come there. Zenat ask him to drink the medicine if he can.

Ruksaar tell Zeenat that she told Kabir that she will take his side against Shahbaz. Zeenat says are you mad? You shouldn’t have done it.

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