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Ruksaar tell Zeenat that she told Kabir that she will take his side against Shahbaz. Zeenat says are you mad? You shouldn’t have done it.

Kabir comes to Salma’s house. He meets the kids and has brought a big cycle for them. Firdous says we are miffed with you and we will not tell you that we are making food for your Zara. Kabir says really? Zara says yes, they are making food for her. You love the kids that’s why you didn’t bring a cycle that they can use right now. Sameway God is helping you in a way that’s best for you so you shouldn’t be angry with him. The kids tell Kabir that we will stop being miffed with you if you stop being angry at God and your Zara will have your prayers. Please agree. Kabir asks them to focus on the food, he leaves.

Zara comes to Kabir. She says you shouldn’t be miffed with God. Kabir says no one can understand my pain. Zara says we lose our own people in this world. Our Prophet lost a lot of his people but he never left God’s path then how can you do it? Kabir looks on. Zara brings the Quran and asks him to stop being angry with God. She offers him the Quran. Kabir recalls the kids’ words and take the holy book. All smile seeing it. Kabir prays for Zara and asks God to give her peace.

Salma brings the turban. Irfan says I want Kabir to wear this and become the head priest. He makes Kabir wear it. Imran says he looks very nice. Kabir is surprised. Irfan hugs him and prays for him. Zara gets a call and it’s Shahbaz. Shahbaz says the court has filed an FIR that his daughter took sharia board’s money so now you will have to leave your position, I will prove that your daughter was a cheat. Kabir ends the call. Irfan tells Kabir that no one can fight Shahbaz as a head priest. Azra says Imran can fight him. Irfan says he can’t fight him alone, Kabir can do it. Kabir says I have to teach a lesson to him, he leaves.

Kabir comes to Shahbaz’s house with his turban. Shahbaz says I expected this from you. Kabir says you want to threaten people? He holds his plastered hand and says don’t you dare threaten Irfan again, he leaves.

Kabir comes to his room and sees it decorated. He turns to see Ruksaar and says I have proved loyal to you so you prove what you feel for me. She tries to romantically dance with him but Kabir is irritated and grabs her. He brings her to the lounge and shouts at her that you are a fool. You are not my wife, you are a compromise. Zeenat says she has a right as your wife. You can’t accept her? Zara comes there. Ruksaar says my husband doesn’t love me. Kabir says you will be punished Ruksaar, there is no reason for love. He leaves. Ruksaar says this is not my Kabir, this Zara is provoking him. Shahbaz says this Zara is failing our plans. Zeenat says finish her. Shahbaz says how? Zeenat smirks and hugs Ruksaar. She says I will force her to leave this house. I promise you.

Kabir comes to Shahbaz’s office and says God your faith is stopping me from punishing this killer. Zara comes there but not me, he is your father but I can destroy his life. Kabir says this is my work, my God will show me the way. Zara says you have done a lot for me so give me a chance. We have to weaken his businesses, he will lose his power and then he will come to his knees. Kabir says we have to destroy him.

Kabir is making the kids ready for the school. Zara comes there and says I have the files that will tell us how he got the funds for the elections. Kabir says it’s time to destroy his business. Zara says yes. Zara sits on the bus with the kids to go to school but there is a big dog in the car. The kids get scared and cry. Ruksaar says to Zeenat that this dog will eat them alive. Kabir comes there and tries to open the door but it’s jammed.

The dog is about the attack the kids. Kabir tries to scare him from the outside and asks Zara to open the window somehow. Zara tries to but the dog scares her. Kabir distracts the dog and Zara opens the window. Kabir offers the food to him. He opens the back door and brings the kids and Zara out. Zara says they were scared. Ruksaar and Zeenat are angry that Kabir saved them. Kabir sends the kids to the school and takes the dog away.

Shahbaz says our plan was destroyed. Ruksaar says I will shift in Kabir’s room tonight, he is my husband and he as to give me the rights.

Kabir brings the dog to the vet. The vet says that he is a dangerous dog but they take him to humans.

Zara tells the kids to be brave like Kabir. Firdous says Kabir saved your life too. Zara smiles and hugs her. Zara thinks that my heart was of Kabir and now my life debted to him also.

Kabir finds the man that sent the dog to the house and asks him who sent it.

Ruksaar is shifting to Kabir’s room but Kabir comes there and shouts at her, he says shame on you for sending a dangerous dog to these kids? Ruksaar says I didn’t do it. The man comes there and says she gave me the money to send the dog. Kabir says why did you bring that dog here? Ruksaar looks away. Kabir asks the man to leave, he leaves. Kabir shouts at Ruksaar and says I want to send that dog for you but I am not like you. Zara gets angry and slaps Ruksaar. Zeenat says how dare you to raise hand on her? She is about to beat her but Kabir says I am divorcing Ruksaar. All are shocked. Kabir asks Zara to record it. 

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