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Zara hide and spill oil on the floor. Zeenat slip. Zara take the dress away from there silently. Kabir enter the room and glare at Zeenat, he ask her to leave. She leave. Kabir fall down and sees Zara hiding under the clothes. He has fallen on her, he move away and says sorry I didn’t see you. Imran come there and cough. Kabir move away.

Imran call Shahbaz as a TV repair man. Imran tell him that I will repair your TV, don’t worry.

At the night, Shahbaz apply the liquid and faint. Kabir, Imran and Zara enter his room. Kabir glare at him and says when he will wake up, he will see his death. They put him in the container.

Zeenat says Zara and Kabir must be planning something. She sees the TV repairing team entering the house. She ask who called them? They say Shahbaz called us. Zeenat start taking them to his room. Kabir and Zara are tensed. They sit in the living room. Zeenat think that I won’t leave them alone. She ask the team to go to Shahbaz’s room and stay here. The repairing team take the box from there in which Shahbaz is. Zeenat think they are taking the TV.

Shahbaz is locked in a net above fire. He wakes up and is shocked.

Shahbaz wake up to find himself caged in a net over the fire, he screams for help. He hear Zara’s voice that you can’t outrun your sins, Shahbaz says take everything but please leave me alone. Zara says if you want to be saved then accept your crime. Shahbaz sees a silhouette and thinks it’s Zara. He faint. Kabir and Imran come there and bring him down.

Kabir and Imran offer prayers the next morning. Zara comes there and starts praying behind them. She follows them and pray. Kabir prays and says I am not hurting my father, I want him to accept his crimes, give me the strength to get justice for my Zara.

Ruksaar comes to Shahbaz’s room and try to wake him up but he doesn’t move. Ruksaar run and cry to Zeenat. She says Zara killed Shahbaz. She will kill us. They hear Shahbaz running out of his room. He says I saw the fire, she will not spare me, she will kill us all.

The guard check the CCTV footage. He says Shahbaz did not go out last night. Shahbaz says I am sure that I was caged. The guard says you are going crazy. Shahbaz beat him. Kabir says he is fine, the guard leave. Ruksaar tell Shahbaz that he might have dreamt about it. Shahbaz tell the priest that I was hanging over the fire, trust me. The priest says that you are made from the fire, we have to treat you. Shahbaz says I am fine. The priest says we will have to treat you. Ruksar has to beat him with a slipper. Ruksaar throw a slipper at him but Shahbaz run and lock himself in a room. Kabir and Zara look on. Kabir call someone.

Shahbaz is in a car. Kabir and Zara are following him. Kabir says he will accept his crime soon.
Shahbaz comes outside Zara’s graveyard. He call his manager and asks if he has booked his ticket? He says yes. Shahbaz says I am coming to the airport, I am sending you my location. He end the call and sees his car surrounded by fire. He hear Zara’s words that you can’t run away from me. Shahbaz says no, I am coming to your graveyard. Shahbaz comes out of his car and run to Zara’s grave. He says I am sorry, I killed you but I am sorry, I never liked you because I wanted to control Kabir, you showed him the way so I had to shoot you, I made a mistake, I can’t bring you back but please leave me alone. He turn to see all family members standing there and Imran recording his confession. Shahbaz says all this? Kabir cry. Shahbaz says you did all this to get this confession? Zara says yes. Kabir says I had to do it, you are my father but look at what you have done, I would have killed you but you made me follow God’s path so I have to spare your life. Shahbaz says I could have died in that fire. Imran says we had covered it with sand so it wouldn’t have burned you. Kabir says I wish you were scared of God as then Zara would be with me. You can’t get out of here now, he shows him the recording and says the law will punish you now, it will be a death penalty. Shahbaz look on.

Shahbaz asks Kabir what he wants? Kabir says you are going to Amaan and tell him that you are going abroad and then you are going to confess to Ruksaar and Zeenat. Then you will cry and repent to God that you did a sin, maybe then God will give you a life. You have destroyed Irfan and Salma’s life, apologize to them and then you will go to police. Shahbaz comes to Irfan and says I can’t change my mistake, I am sorry. Shahbaz start leaving. Zara says he might run away. Kabir says if he try to run then I will tell the media that my father is a killer. Shahbaz hears it.

Ruksaar and Zeenat get Shahbaz’s confession. Ruksaar says I can’t go to jail. Shahbaz says Kabir has done everything to send me to jail but I will kill myself. Zeenat takes the gun from him and says you can’t do it. Shahbaz says I have lost my respect and everything. I can’t go to jail. Zeenat says you don’t have to do that, I have a way to save you. Shahbaz says no, nothing can happen now. Zeenat says I will free you from this mess.

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