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Lakhan says to Bhushan that Phulan ordered that i cant marry Poonam so i will not marry her but i wont let her get married to anyone else, the one who will take baraat to her house, i will kill them, i swear i will not her groom live, Bhushan says you have gone mad, you will die and will make other people die too, Lakhan leaves, Rekha says i am already dead, Bhushan ask what happened to you? Rekha says leave it, you wont understand, have you ever dreamed? you dont know how it feels when your dream breaks, Bhushan says Poonam is bearing so much pain and all you think about is your dream, Rekha says Phulan did wrong with us, Bhushan says he didnt do wrong, you should be thankful to him that he didnt punish Lakhan, i have seen him punishing people, and it shivers people, he was polite with Lakhan, i am telling you to not poison your son else you will be responsible for destruction, Rekha looks on.
Poonam is going to her house, she comes in her house, Birla is crying and says your fate destroyed, the one whom you thought as your husband for 12 years, will not marry you now, reason can be anything but people will blame you only that you have some fault that your marriage broke, now who will marry you? she cries and hugs her, Priyom comes there, Birla ask why you are looking at me like this that you have become stoned, cry as much as you want, you will feel better, now our fate has tears only, what will happen with you now, she cries, Poonam doesnt say anything and leaves for her room, Priyom is sad.
Poonam comes in her balcony, she recalls how Phulan dissolved the marriage, how he said that Poonam is nothing of Lakhan now, Priyom comes there, she ask am i a bad person? my marriage broke, my mother is crying but i am not able to cry? i am not getting tears, Priyom says i dont want to scold you now, i just want to listen to you today, Poonam says from last 10 years i knew where my life will go, i knew i will have to serve Lakhan and family for whole life but now when marriage is broken, i dont know where life will go, what i will do, i am not able to feel anything, Priyom finds parrots in cage there, he says look at them, these parrots are caged in this cage for years, they think this is life, they have never seen life after this cage and never thought life is after this cage, a free sky, freedom to touch clouds, they dont know about it, come lets give them freedom today, he opens the cage, parrots doesnt fly out, he says you always wanted to see world, so fly now, live your life, touch the sky you have always seen from far, Poonam looks at him, parrots fly out of cage and fly in sky, Priyom and Poonam smile, Priyom sys did you see they always wanted to come out of cage and today when i opened door of cage, they were skeptical to fly, they couldnt fly initially but then they mustered the courage and flied to touch the sky, now their life is not only this cage but the whole world, these are birds only but you are human, why dont you muster courage to touch your sky? life has given you second chance, you can choose whatever you want, it maybe studies, or marrying to Lakhan, or job or anything, i am sure, things will take time but one day you will find your sky and you will be able to fly but you have to try flying first and then you will be used to flying.

Mitlaish says to Maya that Phulan gets emotional soon, i dont understand his decisions, people like Lakhan who doesnt have brain and have power, skills, they should be under control, they are helpful in politics but father thinks about justice alot, he got emotional for Poonam and made Lakhan against him, what will happen with this now, Maya says you also went against Lakhan for that Bindya, you didnt think about politics then? Mitlaish gets angry and says i dont expect you to make fuss out of everything, every man lose sense in anger, Bindya is history, will you stretch her to future, i have nothing for her now, he gets Bindya’s call, he is stunned and says you are courageous, he says i feel to kill you, she says so come to me with gun at 10pm near lake, when you will know reason of my running then you wont be able to kill me, if you want to know reason then come, he says i will come. she ends call and says to Yadav one is done, now time to call another one, she call Priyom, he says i told you to forget Begusarai, Bindya says i will not come here again but i incurred loss, i want to make house and 2 3 lacs are less, you give me 1 2 lacs, its nothing for you, will you give me money? i will wait for you at 10pm, she ask him to come to meet her in market and if you dont come then i will have to call Mitlaish and tell about your plan of making me run, will you come? Priyom says i will come and will done your work. Bindya says to Yadav all is set, your men will kill Mitlaish and Priyom outside house and we will attack Phulan in house, will kill his whole family, Yadav says i thought you are only beauty but you have brains too, Bindya says when women starts taking revenge then men are nothing infront of her and now i have to teach this to Phulan.

Phulan makes Pinto sit on his back and becomes horse for him, Pinto kisses his cheek, he gets tired and ask Piddi to bring water for him, Piddi goes.
Mitlaish says to Maya that i will come, Badi Amma ask where are you going at this time? Mitlaish says i have some work, he sneezes, Choti Amma sys this is bad omen, Mitlaish says this myth only, he leaves. Priyom is leaving house too, Choti Amma ask where are you going now? Priyom doesnt answer and leaves.
Chuna Yadav with Bindya comes near Phulan’s house, she says our right time wil come soon, he gets a call from his agent that Mitlaish and Priyom have left house, Yadav says i will take revenge of my father’s death. he ask his men to get ready, Phulan is alone in his house, he gives pistol to Bindya, she takes it, and is tensed, he says you cant fire it, you stay here and just listen bullets fired from me, Bindya says no, in my profession, drama in not seen but done, i will come with you, Yadav says ok, they starts going sneakily towards Phulan’s house.

Lakhan is sitting in his room, he gets a call from his man and says i saw Chuna Yadav and his men going towards Thakur Haveli with guns, what to do? Lakhan says nothing, men are there in haveli to fight, Bhushan ask with whom you were talking? Lakhan says no one.
Yadav’s men kills Phulan’s men outside Haveli. Yadav with bindya starts approaching Haveli, they find three men of Phulan guarding the gate, Bindya says we should go from other as if you fire these men then Phulan will become alert, she says we should go to Manjeeta’s house then jump to Phulan’s haveli, they come to Manjeeta’s house terrace, Manjeeta, Birla are sleeping in house. they cuts the lock of door, Yadav’s men points gun at Manjeeta, Yadav ask them to not shoot else it will alert Phulan, just keep an eye on him, one man points gun at Poonam too who is sleeping in her room, Yadav with bindya and his men jumps the terrace and goes to Phualn’s haveli. Bindya takes him to room and says all are weapons of Thakurs are here, he opens door and finds weapon there, he locks the door and says now all their weapons are in our hands, Yadav points hi men outside all rooms of haveli, Bindya takes Yadav in house, she shows him Phulan’s room and says this is your destination, Yadav shouts his men to attack, he opens Phulan’s room, finds someone sleeping and fires at him, he takes of sheet to find no one there, he says seems like they got to know about us, he says no one should be saved, Badi Amma alongwith Maya, her kids, Piddi are in store room, Badi Amm have gun in her hand, Yadav gets a call from his man, he says Mitlaish and Priyom didnt reach at Lake or market, Yadav says they deceived us, Phulan is hiding behind pillar, pointing gun at Yadav, he calls priyom and ask him to finish, Priyom comes in street and fires Yadav’s men standing outside haveli, Phulan fires at Yadav’s men.

Manjeeta wakes up listening bullets noise, he attacks the man pointing at him with axe and kills him. Birla wakes up too and is shocked. Priyom has shoot out with Ydav’s men outside Haveli while Phulan has shoot out inside Haveli. one man points gun at Manjeeta, Manjeeta looks at him angrily, man is about to shoot him when Poonam hits him with rod from back, Manjeeta and Birla are shocked, manjeeta kills him with axe, Birla and Poonam are afraid, Manjeeta ask them to hide in room and dont come out till he comes back, he calls Phulan and says everything is fine here, i am coming, he takes gun and leaves.
Priyom is firing at Ydav’s men. inside Haveli, Yadav shoots Phulan’s man, Phulan gets angry and shoots at Yadav, Yadav runs and hides behind pillar, Phulan and Yadav have cross fire, Phulan fires his men, one man points gun at Phulan and is about to shoot him but Manjeeta comes from behind and shoots him, Phulan smiles, but Yadav fires at Manjeeta and injures his hand, Phulan is shocked, Priyom comes there and helps Manjeeta sit down, he points gun at Yadav and hits him on leg, Mitlaish comes back home and starts shooting Ydav’s men too, Ydav runs with broken leg and hides in room, Mitlaish, Priyom hits the door to break it, store room is in same room where whole family is hiding, Piddi’s phone ring in store room, Yadav says so they are hiding here, he comes in store room to find Badi Amma pointing gun at him, Yadav takes out grenade, takes out its pin and is about to throw at them when Badi Amma shoots at him, Priyom and Mitlaish breaks the door and shoots him from back, grenade falls from his hand comes in feet of Phulan, Yadav is critically injured, Mitlaish shouts that grenade’s pin is out, move away, Phulan is confused, Yadav says i will die but will take Phulan with me, Priyom runs and pushes Phulan away, he covers grenade so that all are saved by it and he dies only, all are shocked.

Priyom lies on grenade to cover it from other family members, Mitlaish shouts Priyom to move away, Badi Amma ask him to run, he says you all run away, Phulan ask Priyom to get up, he says no you go from here, Phulan pushes him from there and says seeing your courage this bomb got diffused, Mitlaish finds bomb dead, i have seen many who takes lives of others but there are very less people who are ready to give their life for others, i am proud to be your father, thanks for being my son, Priyom hugs him, Phulan kisses his forehead, Badi Amma says to Priyom till now i thought you only fire at girls with love but you proves today that you can fire real bullets, well done son, Maya says were you not afraid, if bomb had blasted? Priyom says in war, one should not get afraid, only fight for winning, i had listened this from Phulan and remembered today, Phulan hugs him, Mitlaish doesnt like it.
Manjeeta is injured as bullet has hit his hand, Poonam and Birla comes there and supports him, he recalls how Poonam saved his life by beating the goon, he blesses her by putting hand on head, he ask to take me inside haveli. In Haveli, Yadav and his men’s bodies are thrown out, Manjeeta comes there too. Bindya comes out of box lying in Haveli, all are shocked to see her, Phulan folds his hand infront of her, all are stunned, Phulan recalls how Bindya called him when she was outside HAveli with Yadav and how she made him listen Yadav’s plan that he will enter Haveli and will kill everyone, fb ends. Phulan says to Bindya if you had not told me about Yadav’s ideas of attacking Haveli then we wouldnt be alive today, whatever you done, i am thankful to you for that, Bindya says dont embarrass me, i am dancer but i have eaten your food, how can i be disloyal with you, when i left Begusarai, Yadav kidnapped me and forced me to call Mitlaish and Priyom and send them away from Haveli so he can attack you, i knew you will fight him but for safety i told you, Phulan says you will get reward of your loyalty, he ask Badi Amma to fill her pockets with money before she leaves, Bindya folds her hand and says i dont want money, what will i do with money? if i take this money from Begusarai then Yadav’s men will kill me, if you want to do something for me then put me under your blessing, let me live here, i will be safe in Begusarai, i dont want money, only let me live here, Maya doesnt like it, Phulan says for my family, you made Yadav’s men your enemy so now your safety is my responsibility, he ask Priyom to find a house for her and Ghungroo in Begusarai, Badi Amma leaves from there, all leave, Priyom curtly looks at Bindya, he leaves too, Bindya smirks.

Ghungroo thinks that now i got to know 100 jerks must have died when this Bindya was born, the Thakurs who were on verge of killing her, now they will protect her. Bindya looks at Thakur’s throne with lust, Ghungroo sys to her that i bow to you, you made Yadav die and became hero of this house, now i will call you Madam ji from heart, he says why you didnt take money? Bindya says you will always think small, when i came here, i used to think small too but these thakurs made me learn how to think big, when this Priyom thakur kidnapped us in Lakhan’s marriage, he had put us in a room, she recalls how the room was filled with money, jewelry, she says i cant forget that sight, now i want all that, she looks at Phulan’s throne, Bindya says to Ghungroo that i have understood one thing that these Thakurs have great unity but their weakness is only their ego they can do anything for theri ego, i will play with their ego and will break it, once theri ego is broken, all thakurs will destroy, that day is not far when i will become queen of Begusarai, and will rule all these Thakurs, will make these Thakurs dance on my fingers, Ghungroo says do you even know what you are saying, you cannot live in water by making crocodile your enemy, Bindya says even crocodile will die without fishes and i am that fish which crocodile cant gulp down, i will do anything to fulfill my dream, i will lie, will conspire and will achieve what i want, soon this Begusarai will be called ‘BegumSarai’ (Begum means Queen), she sits on throne of Phulan and says congrats Bindya for getting Begumsarai.

Poonam jumps terrace and comes to Priyom’s room, Priyom is shirtless, Badi Amma is applying cream on his wounds, he ask Piddi to click his selfie and upload it, he will get 200 likes for firing bullets, Piddi and Guddi are sad, Piddi says i was afraid, Guddi says if anything had happened to you, Priyom says nothing will happen to us till we are together, he says to Badi Amma that you are applying cream or giving me more pain, Priyom says Yadav must have hit one bullet to this old lady, Poonam is standing at door and smiles seeing his bunters, he says enough of medicine, he is about to strike with Poonam, he says you are looking good too, did you enjoy the fight? are you fine? she says i am fine and not afraid, she says what if that grenade had blasted? Priyom says then i would have become ghost and people would call you mad for talking to ghost, she says should i laugh on your joke? she ask dont you get afraid of dying? Priyom says i get afraid of seeing my own die infront of me, she smiles, he says i got to know you hit a man with rod, you dont seem but you are courageous, she says also dont seem but you are too courageous, Priyom says i will my girlfriend to inform that i am alive else she will find other boyfriend, he leaves, she smiles broadly and says he is mad but nicely mad.
Poonam comes back home, Lakhan comes there, is shocked seeing him, he comes in so she moves back, he says to Birla that i want to talk to Poonam in private, leave from here, Poonam says dont talk to Maa like this, he says you have got guts to cut my talk, to complain about me to Phulan, Birla says Poonam didnt say anything, he says then you complained and broke my relation? Manjeeta comes there and says Lakhan Thakur.. he says to Lakhan that two women lives in my house, it will be good if you come here in presence only and one more thing, now you dont have any relation with poonam so it will be good if you stop meeting Poonam, Poonam is surprised, he folds his hand and says you are nephew of Thakur Sir so just saying to you, dont force me to make you understand in other way, there was enough blood shed for today, you go home, its night, go, Lakhan silently leaves. Manjeeta ask Poonam to go and sleep, you will be late for college tomorrow, she smiles and says tomorrow is sunday, he says so will you not sleep today? he leaves, Poonam and Birla smiles, Poonam says i remember when i used to hold papa’s hand in childhood, i used to feel safe, today i am feeling same, maa did you see he talked nicely, he makes us laugh today, i am very much happy that he is with me, Birla says now you father is not stuck between fatherhood and father in law, Poonam hugs her and says i always want to be like this with my family.

Phulan says to Bhushan that dont feel bad that you were not here when attack happened, he finds BAdi amma giving money to family of men who died in attack, Phulan says to them that they were our loyal men and i sad at their deaths, Harya(man who died) served me alot, Harya’s father says that i am proud that my son died while protecting your family, he says there is my younger son, please appoint him in place of harya, Phulan says no i dont want your other son to hold gun too, he ask Bhushan to put him in finance department, father says God gives you happiness, Phulan says i promise you that after me, my heir will take care of you people.
Ghungroo says to Bindya that AC, fridge, microwave, everything is brought for our new house by thakurs, Bindya says it will be good drinking cold drink in cold Ac in summers, Priyom comes there, Bindya is stunned and says i am excited to go in my new house, thanks for giving everything, but what was the need? Priyom says it was needed so you keep in your house only, Papa has given you place in Begusarai but dont affect anyone, Papa has sent order that your presence shouldnt bother Maya bhabhi, you go to your house and should not be seen near haveli, did you understand? she says from the time, i have come in Begusarai, i understand everything, he leaves, she says i am here to rule Begusarai, she ask Ghungroo to find out where is Mitlaish.

Najma comes to Poonam on scooty, Najma says you are smiling alot today, Poonam says why cant i smile? Najma says i want you to smile daily, she says lets go to market, will buy some dresses, Poonam looks at her scooty, she says is it difficult to run scooty? Najma says no, i knew how to ride cycle, so i learned scooty riding in one day, Poonam says even i know how to ride cycle, so will i learn scooty riding too, i want to learn it, Najma says you are doing good sins today, she makes Poonam sit on sccoty and makes her ride it, Birla sees it and ask Poonam what are you doing, Najma says nothing will happen, she will learn it, Poonam rides it, Najma helps her, Badi Amma, Choti Amm, Maya comes out and sees Poonam riding bike and are surprised, Badi Amma says i will learn scooter riding too, Choti Amma says you need support to go on floor and will you ride in this age? Maya says if you fall in this age then bones will not join easily. Poonam is riding nicely, Choti Amma ask her to ride slowly, Priyom comes there and is surprised too, he says yesterday she beat goon, and today riding scooty, she is ready to write history, let me see if she has got this confidence by birth, he stands in her way, Poonam rides it and crosses him, he smiles, Poonam is shocked to see Manjeeta there and stops bike, Choti Amma says now big accident will happen, do something, Badi Amaa infront of this devil, you can only recite Hanuman chalisa, Manjeeta nods to Poonam and leaves without seeing anything, Poonam smiles, Choti Amma says devil is behavaing like human, seems like winds of Begusarai is changing, Poonam rides bike again, Priyom says finally Poonam started flying, i am very happy today.

Mitlaish ask Maya what was happening in street? Maya says Poonam was driving scooty, she seemed happy because Thakur freed her from that Lakhan, Mitliahs says and he freed Lakhan from my serving too, you women cant see anything, you are just seeing Poonam’s happiness and what about making Lakhan enemy? after Phulan, i have to take kingship then i will have to handle his enemies, i will have to control that mad Lakhan and all you think about is Poonam’s happiness, he applies perfume, and takes red rose in his hands, she ask where are you going? he says why you point things in me, i am going to meet Bindya, Maya gets sad, Mitlaish says if i tell you then its problem, if i dont tell you then its problem, like you women complained about to Lakhan to Phulan, dont even think complaining about me as then i will be in problem and when i will be in problem then you will have to suffer so dont think to tell anyone about me meeting Bindya, he kisses her cheek, Maya leaves, Mitlaish is disappointed.
Bindya comes in Haveli. she hides behind pillar seeing Phulan and Badi Amma. Badi Amma says to Phulan that in attack of Yadav, Priyom proved that he is best for next king of Begusarai, how will you announce this decision? Phulan says first i will have to calmly make Mitlaish understand this, Badi Amma says do whatever you want but do justice, Priyom should be made king only, Phulan says there is no doubt about that, Phulan says i am just waiting for right time to announce this. Bindya listens all this and says Not Mitlaish butPriyom is going to be next king? she thinks for some plan, Ghungroo what plan she is thinking now.

Poonam ends her scooty ride after comign from shopping, she is smiling, Najma says you look nice while smiling, Poonam says all because of your scooty, Poonam says now i will take you to college from tomorrow, najma says you forgot, i am going to Patna for stage program, you prepared for it, you helped teachers in costume selection and all, you have to come, will Manjeeta allow you to come? it comes once in year.
Bindya is in her house, Ghungroo is crying and says you wanted to become queen of Begusarai but now Mitlaish is of no use, Bindya beats him and says i will think about it, i thought Mitlaish will be next king and i will become his queen, Ghungroo says you will get nothing now from Mitlaish, Bindya thinks and my beauty still has guts to change things, i have to change my plan, if Priyom is going to be next king then i will have to trap him in love, Ghungroo says Priyom can love but cant marry you, he cant be controlled, its impossible, Bindya says i think and make impossible into possible, if Priyom is next king then i will force him to marry me and i will become his queen. Mitlaish comes there and ask are you going to ditch me again? Bindya is stunned seeing him.
Poonam comes back home, she ask Birla where is Manjeeta, Birla says he is in Haveli, you have some work? Poonam says i told you about inter college competition, all girls are going Patna to attend it for two days, Birla says you will have off from college fro two days, it will be nice, we will make prickle together, Poonam says i want to go too, Birla ask what happened to you? are you fine? Poonam says i never went like this, najma is going too and teacher Sharma is going too, Manjeeta knows him well, Birla says manjeeta will never agree to let you go out of Begusarai, dont argue, Poonam says think if our college wins then i will get medal, if father doesnt agree then i will not argue but atleas ask him once so i will have peace that i tried, Birla says you will make me listen his strict words, Poonam says i will listen his words but i will try.

Mitlaish comes to bindya, touches her face with rose, she closes her eyes being afraid, Mitlaish says i like your eyes so open it, she looks at him and says what plan were you making? Bindya says i was planning for dinner, she finds Priyom outside her house and is tensed, he angrily looks at her through window, she thinks so Priyom is spying on me, its good opportunity for me, Mitlaish says you left me so you have to please me now, bindya starts her acting and says Mitlaish leave from here, dont meet me again, Mitlaish is stunned and says you are a cheap dancer and you cant say no to me, Bindya says yes i am cheap dancer, she sit in his feet and says i dont want you to get dirty, i dont want Phulan to not make you king because of me, i am not saying no to you but i am just respecting you, Mitlaish says nothing will happen, he goes to close the door but Bindya stops him and says you are Thakur, you will beat me so i will have to agree on your wishes but to be true, i am not happy with all this, all people in street listen to this, Mitlaish is embarrassed, he says you are making fun of me infront of all, now i will teach you lesson, take care, he throws away rose and leaves from there, Priyom listens all this, Bindya looks at him, he is about to leave but Bindya stops him and says i did as what you said, i will do what you want, i will listen to your everything, Priyom nods and leaves from there, Bindya says all queens listens to their kings and i can do anything to become your queen Priyom.
Poonam comes in Priyom’s room, Guddi is dancing there, Poonam laughs, Guddi says lets dance, Poonam says now, Guddi says your heart is dancing so why not body, dont be shy, nobody will see Poonam and Guddi starts dancing, they are laughing and enjoying, Priyom opens door of his room and finds Poonam, he hides behind door and sees her dancing happily, he smiles, he comes in, Poonam is stunned seeing him and stand straight, Guddi says why did you come, go away, Priyom comes in and says why did you stop, dance, Poonam says arent you ashamed seeing girls dancing, he says one is my sister and one is my best friend so whats shame? Poonam and guddi starts beating him with pillow, they stop seeing Phulan there, Priyom turns and finds him, all are tensed seeing him, he angrily looks at them.

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