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Radhika hugs Varun’s coat and cries. She keeps his clothes back in the cupboard. Shivaansh is hiding inside the cupboard. Shivani comes there to call Radhika. She says pandit is arriving for condolence meet. Radhika shuts the cupboard and goes. Shivaansh comes out and gets angry. He says I haven’t found anything here. He hits the frame and gets a sim card. He thinks why was this hiding there. He checks the sim and says maybe we get something from the phone records. Mannat says this is my number. He calls on her number. She says you remember this number, its the blackmailer’s number, who was calling me. He recalls of her words. He says this is an e-sim through which calls are made by internet, it means Varun was blackmailing you. Mannat says I know that the blackmailer used to call me from this house, I didn’t know he is from your family. He says no, he supported me in this fake marriage, it was his idea. He asks where do you fit in this. She says I don’t know, he had fixed bomb on Munni, so I had to marry you, I tried to tell you many times. He says why did he make me marry you. She tells what all Varun asked her to do. He says its fine. She says I swear because you don’t believe me. He says I trust you. Jaanejaan…..plays…. She says I don’t know what that blackmailer wanted, when he asked me to change your medicines, I understood he wants to harm you, but I didn’t change the medicines. He asks her to say from the start. She says he asked me to steal medical report from O section. He says it means he wanted my medical report, what did you do of it. She says he asked me to come at back gate, he asked me to keep file and go, when I turned, file was missing. He says it means someone was with him. She jokes. He says we have to solve this mystery first.

Nandini says this work should be done soon. Shivaansh calls her and says I need your help, I want back gate footage of hospital CCTV. She says sure, if you call me like this, we both will be in trouble, your doctor asked you to take rest, your doctor will blame me, you will get it, take care. She ends call. He says stay with the family Mannat, they shouldn’t doubt that I m here. Mannat goes. Sahil asks the men to keep the photo, condolence meet will begin. He asks where is Mannat. Shivani and Radhika refuse to have Mannat in the meet. He says Mannat is Shivaansh’s wife, he is a murderer. Mannat comes and says don’t think Shivaansh is a murderer. Radhika taunts. Mannat says you know him since childhood, how can you believe this, he can sacrifice his life for his family. Nani says Shivaansh accepted that he killed Varun. Shivaansh looks on.

Mannat says you heard the police and what Shivaansh said, listen to your heart, Nani how can you believe that your upbringing can go wrong, I just want to say whatever Shivaansh does, there is a reason behind it, I completely trust him. Jaanejaan…plays…. Sahil says I m happy to hear this, someone is fighting with my Shivaansh by believing him. She goes to Mannat and says you here…. He says I just came. She asks did you hear what they said. He says no. She says they were talking about Varun. He says I didn’t hear anything, you should leave. She says strange, she trusts me so much, I didn’t trust her ever. Nani greets pandit and says it was a happy occasion when you came last time. Pandit says who can avoid fate, Varun came to me to talk about Shivaansh’s marriage, I didn’t know he will die so soon. Shivaansh thinks Varun changed the pandit so that marriage turns into real, what is his benefit. Mannat says commissioner madam has called. He checks the CCTV footage and asks who is this, if we can reach this man, we can find out the truth. He recalls Radhika and others’ words. He thinks bride and groom, I think they are involved, who is that bride. Chachi gets Munni home. Mannat hugs her. Mannat introduces Chachi and Munni to Nani. Chachi says I have come to offer my condolences, sorry to hear about Varun, he was a good human begin. Mannat asks how do you know him.

Chachi says people talk good about the one we lose. Nani says he used to take good care of everyone, he took our happiness. Munni shouts, bad uncle.. and points to Varun’s pic. Radhika scolds Munni. Shivaansh comes and asks what’s happening, is this Munni. He recalls meeting her. Munni asks him to beat the bad uncle, Varun, he had kidnapped her and fixed a bomb to her. Shivaansh hugs her. Mannat says she is talking about Varun, he told me that if I don’t marry you, he will get all the guests killed. Shivaansh asks Munni not to worry, he will teach a lesson to the bad man. Munni asks what about the other bad uncle, he is short, he kidnapped me and kept me hungry. He shows groom masked guy and asks was he the one. She says yes. Shivaansh says he seems to be a short man.

Mannat says I think I have seen him, someone took Munni along when our marriage completed. He says give me your phone, this is weird, it works as it wants. She says I bought this phone in sale. He calls Nandini and asks her to send sketch artist to find that man. The man gets some message and thinks how can this happen when Varun is….. Shivaansh hides from Khanna. Khanna asks Avi why are you calling from Shivaansh’s phone. Avi says I m missing Shivaansh a lot. Khanna says even I m missing him, don’t know how he is. Avi asks how can Shivaansh kill Varun, he is so good. Khanna says I m sure he didn’t murder Varun, someone is planning against him. Avi says I wish this was some bad dream. Khanna says I also want this to be a bad dream and someone wakes me up. Shivaansh laughs hearing them. He coughs. Khanna says Shivaansh….. Mannat comes coughing and says I have a bad cough, get a cough syrup for me. Khanna goes. Shivaansh sees Mannat. Jaanejaan….plays….

Shivaansh traps the man. He lifts his mask and asks where is Varun. The man asks who. Shivaansh says I have sent that message from Varun’s phone to call you. The man says I don’t know, I used to follow his orders, he used to pay me, I heard that he died and then I don’t know anything, he is Ashish Malhotra, let me go. Shivaansh says no way. He goes home and says until that man tells us about Varun, we can’t do anything, my 24 hours grace time will end. Mannat worries.

Shivaansh tells Mannat that they can’t reach Varun until that man tells them something. Mannat says I m thinking why did Varun got us married, what’s his benefit. He says I don’t know, you helped Nani and she got you home. She says yes, I went to buy vegs from market and met Nani, Chachi didn’t refuse and returned the bag. Shivaansh asks why did you go there, the place is far from your house. Mannat says I asked the same to my Chachi, when that incident happened with Nani, Chachi asked me to leave for home. He says strange, you arranged hair dresses for Radhika by asking Chachi, it means Chachi is also Varun’s accomplice. They talk to Chachi.

Chachi says I didn’t do anything, I don’t know where is Varun, I also thought he is dead, don’t tell the cops, I accept I helped Varun to bring Mannat in this house, I also tried to open the locker which Varun had stolen, but I didn’t steal anything. Mannat says yes, the locker had disappear, do you remember. Shivaansh says it can’t be opened without Radhika’s biometrics, it means Varun kidnapped Radhika. Chachi says yees. He says ACP Aditi and Varun are together, I was blindly trusting them, Varun deceived me and I didn’t realize. Chachi says Varun is very convincing and clever, he promised me to give 25 lakhs, but he didn’t give me anything. He scolds her and asks her not to hurt Mannat and Munni now. Chachi goes.

Mannat asks what was in that locker, that Varun wanted. He says I kept my will in it, so Varun wanted me to marry, there is a clause in my will, my property will go to my wife after my death, else it will be donated to a trust, he wanted me to marry you, he thought he can manipulate you, he tried to get me killed, he made me sign surgery consent form wrongly and then tried to change my medicines. She says it means Varun united us, not destiny. He says I…. He starts coughing. She gives him water. She asks are you feeling better now. He says I can’t breath, its pointless now, I just have a couple of days left. She asks what, are you fine. He says better, Give me your phone, Varun is alive, I have to get him out from his hide out, your phone is just like you, why did pics come instead call log. He sees something. Nandini says police has found Shivaansh. She sees Shivaansh coming. Nandini says Shivaansh didn’t kill Shivaansh, Sharda has finally revived from coma, police will take her statement. The reporter asks who has killed Varun. Nandini says Sharda will tell the entire truth, wait until the evening. Varun sees the news and shouts Sharda, I did biggest mistake by leaving her alive, I have to wipe off all the evidence and leave this country. He laughs. He disguises as bride again and goes to kill Sharda.

Shivaansh catches him and scolds him. He punches Varun. Mannat looks on. He asks why did you do this, you were married and cheated my sister. Varun hits a vase on his head. Mannat worries. Varun gets her at knife point and threatens to kill her. Shivaansh says if you have the courage, fight with me. Mannat bites Varun’s hand. Shivaansh catches Varun and says your game is over now. He drags Varun to the living hall. Everyone gets shocked seeing Varun. Dhruv asks what’s happening. Shivaansh calls Nandini there. Radhika says no one will touch Varun, stop it. Nandini says congrats Shivaansh, your plan was successful, real culprit is caught. He thanks her for believing in him. Sahil asks what’s happening. Shivaansh says Varun acted to die, he is a cheat and liar. Varun says Radhika, he is a liar, he tried to kill me, when I got saved, he wants to trap me. Shivaansh says he has cheated everyone, his real name is Ashish Malhotra, he has a wife Deepti, he used to steal things from Shivani’s prop room and took disguise of a bride to wander around, he did Sharda’s accident and got Mannat home, he threatened Aasya and compelled her to leave, when Sharda came out of coma, he attacked her again.

Sahil asks where is Sharda. Nandini says we lied this so that Varun comes in our trap. Shivaansh says he blackmailed Mannat by kidnapping Munni, he forced Mannat to marry me, I found out that Nani didn’t get the heart attack, someone induced it, Varun wanted me to get married, knowing my will’s clause, that my wife will inherit my property after my death, he thought he can manipulate Mannat and snatch everything, Honey got to know this, Varun killed him too, I would have not known this, if I didn’t see that video on Mannat’s phone. He recalls Varun killing Honey.

Varun asks how did Shivaansh see that video, when I deleted it. Shivaansh says the best part of truth is, it comes out. Everyone scolds Varun. Varun gets arrested. Nani asks why did you take his murder blame on yourself. Sahil says for Radhika’s sake, he wanted to save Radhika, when Radhika had a fight with Varun, she attacked Varun with a screw driver, I saw this and informed Shivaansh, so Shivaansh took the murder blame on his head to save her. Radhika cries and apologizes. She hugs him and says I m so foolish, I believed you killed Varun. Nani says forgive me, I misunderstood you. Shivaansh says its fine. Nani says how could I think that my Shivaye’s son could do anything wrong, it was my mistake. He hugs Nani. She says you saved us from this fraud man. Shivaansh says you should thank Mannat, she believed me when everyone lost their belief on me. Mannat cries seeing him. Jaanejaan…plays….

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