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Pramod says I have done this crime. Nani says Shivaye’s soul will get peace. Shivaansh says he will get justice after so many years. Mannat asks her dad to tell them the truth, he didn’t do any murder. Pramod sees Sahil and recalls. He says I didn’t kill Shivaye. Sahil says but you will accept this crime, else I will not spare your daughter. FB ends. Pramod is taken away in the police jeep. Shivaansh stops Mannat and scolds her. She says I didn’t know about this. He says you are a murderer’s daughter, I can never trust you, whatever we had between us, I don’t know what it was, everything will come to an end, don’t you dare show your face to me. He leaves. She cry. Shivaansh gets the same nightmare and wakes up. He says Mannat, I…. He looks around and says I don’t need her, what was that sound, like some alarm. He recalls Mannat.

Its morning, Shivaansh asks why did you do this. Pramod says it doesn’t matter now, I will get punished. Shivaansh says I was also in the car that day, tell me who is involved in this. Pramod says I killed Shivaye, he was buying icecream and I shot him with a pistol. Shivaansh says you shot him by a revolver. Pramod says fine, maybe I forgot. Shivaansh scolds him. Pramod says I have forgotten few things.

Shivaansh asks why did PK kill dad if he had no motive. Sahil says Shivaansh caught him for fraud and fired him. Shivaansh asks how did he get the gun. Sahil says he may get it in black market. Shivaansh asks how do you know. Sahil says I wanted to get justice for Shivaye and found out details, I have to see arrangements of Shivaye and Anika’s death anniversary. He goes. He says Shivaansh is finding his dad’s murderer, before he reaches truth, we should kill him, Shivaye died today, if Shivaansh dies the same day, it will be great. Khanna comes. Shivaansh asks are the arrangements done. Khanna says yes. Mannat comes. Shivaansh asks how dare you come here, that too on this day. Mannat gives the keys to Nani. He says you won’t need to see my face, because I m leaving this city, I have no home, I will keep wandering. Shivaansh asks are you done, get out and don’t think of coming back. He goes to his room and says I had already ousted her, why am I hurt that she is going.

Mannat comes and says I wanted to give you something. He says you have me much pain already. She says I can bear pain for your sake, I can’t hurt you, I wanted to give this to my fav superstar. He says I don’t need it. She insists and keeps the coin there. She says this will always protect you, always keep this with you. She goes. He picks the coin. Nani asks Khanna about garlands. Shivaansh says I will get it. He goes out. A goon aims at his heart and shoots. Shivaansh gets shot and falls. Khanna and Avi run to him and shut. Shivaansh closes his eyes. He says where am I, I will ask him, Papa….. He goes to Shivaye and gets seated on the bench. Shivaye says you have grown up, classy and handsome, I feel I m meeting myself, just the season is new. He hugs Shivaansh. Shivaansh says I miss you Papa.

Shivaye says I miss you too, when the size of the shoes of father-son gets the same, father should have a man to man talk with his son, words of wisdom, life never gave me this chance, but today, Lord gave it to me, I want to take total advantage of it, life has taught me everything, nothing is imp than love and family, anyone can earn money, status and power, one who earns people is the richest, I m happy you always valued family, I regret you don’t have place for love in your heart, we exist because we love, we breathe, you can fight with the world for family, you need someone who fights the world for you, if such person comes in your life, don’t let her go, Anika was that person in my life and yours? Shivaansh says Mannat, you don’t know the entire story, its complicated. Shivaye says love isn’t easy, I don’t want you to make mistake like me and get late in understanding love, you are like your mum and follow heart, how can you believe that Mannat is a murderer’s daughter, and how can you punish her. Shivaansh says I m dying with guilt even today. Shivaye asks what guilt.

Shivaansh says that accident, I was responsible for that, if I hadn’t been adamant to have an icecream that day, you and mum would have lived well. Shivaye says who told you that life ends after death, it was an accident, don’t blame yourself, it was destiny, Anika is still there in my heart, so she followed me, she is waiting for me, if I m late, she will throw water on my face. Shivaansh asks what shall I do. Shivaye says your answers are around you, focus and see, you can solve the riddle of my death, just keep your ears and heart open, close eyes. Shivaansh wakes up. Srivastav says you are fine, this coin saved you, it was in your pocket, must be a good luck charm. Shivaansh asks where is Mannat. Shivani says she left the city. He says dad told me to keep my ears open. He goes to find Mannat. Sahil thinks its good he is going out, my work will get easy. Shivaansh hears the same sound and sees Sahil. He asks this sound…

Shivaansh recalls Shivaye’s words. He sees Sahil going and closes eyes. FB shows Shivaansh sees Sahil near the icecream stall. Sahil ask Pramod to shoot Shivaye and kill him, he will give him much money and handle everything. Pramod goes to shoot. Icecream vendor sees him pointing the gun and runs. Shivaye turns and sees PK. He says PK, put the gun down. Sahil shout shoot him PK. Pramod says I can’t and move aside. Shivaye sees Sahil and says Sahil you…. Sahil shoots at his heart. Shivaye fall back. Shivaansh shout Papa and cry. FB end. Shivaansh says Sahil killed dad.

Sahil asks why do you need money, he is alive. The shooter says this time I will shoot him in the head, he will die on the spot, I will take payment in advance. Sahil says fine. He check and says my account is blocked, how can this happen, it means Shivaansh… Shivaansh shout Mannat and sees her standing over the pole platform with a noose in her neck. Sahil ask where were you, I was waiting for you, come. He drop the crutch and walk with ease. Shivaansh get shocked and ask him to leave Mannat. Sahil says fine, sign these papers. Shivaansh ask what is it. Sahil says its the papers of your property and business, you are transferring everything to me. Shivaansh says you did this for money, you ruined your sister’s home, you killed her husband, you killed my dad. Sahil says I am smart, I killed your dad and Mannat’s dad went to jail, if I can kill my sister’s husband, its easy for me to kill your wife, sign the papers. Shivaansh says never, I will never give my dad’s hardwork to his murderer. Sahil says I have fixed a bomb in this house, even if you save her, you can’t save them, they will be dying if I press this button. He point gun at Shivaansh and ask him to sign. Shivaansh sign and tears the papers. Sahil ask what are you doing, are you mad, you are trying to be smart. Shivaansh says shoot me, you killed my dad on this day, I want answers from you, why did you do this, Shivaye gave you a place in this house, what did you do. Sahil says yes, I killed Shivaye, I wanted revenge for my insult, your dad sent me to jail, Anika slapped me because of him, I needed his permission for anything, I was a beggar here, that is why I gave money to her dad to kill him, that coward couldn’t do this, so I had to kill your dad, I think history will repeat itself today. Shivaansh takes the gun from him and says this time history won’t repeat itself, my dad will get justice and his murderer will get punished. Sahil says I will blast this entire house. Shivaansh shoot at rope. Mannat falls down. He fires in the air and says you killed my dad, cheated me, got Varun here and ruined Radhika’s life, you blackmailed Mannat and forced her to marry me. Sahil says your bullets are over, you won’t get saved from this bomb. Shivaansh says bomb will explode for you. Police comes with family. ACP says you were threatening of this bomb, we took no time in finding and defusing this, thanks to Shivaansh, we found Shivaye’s murderer. FB shows Shivaansh freezing Sahil’s bank account and informing ACP that Pramod is innocent, Sahil killed Shivaye. He ask her help to make Sahil confess the crime. FB end. Nani scold Sahil. Sahil is arrested.

Shivaansh says sorry Sir, I misunderstood you, why did you confess to that crime which you didn’t commit. Pramod says for the sake of my daughter, I couldn’t give her happiness, I just wanted that nobody hurts her, so I lied. Mannat hug Pramod and cry. She says lets go. Shivaansh asks where are you going? She says my home. He says this is your home. She says no, its your home. He says confusion is clear, what’s the problem now. She asks can you guarantee that you won’t suspect me again or oust me again. He says sorry, I should have believed you, I reacted this way. She says I met my dad after many years, but I didn’t stop trusting you. He says I a really sorry, don’t leave the house. She says we can’t be together, you change faster than seasons. He says I will change, no matter what the season is, I will be the same, I can prove it, give me some time. Khanna asks Mannat to come. She asks why did you get me here. Khanna asks her to see it herself. He goes. It starts raining. She enjoys the rains and smiles. Tanha sa kuch….plays… It starts snowing. Seasonal changes are shown. The leaves of trees fall over. She plays with the butterflies. Jaanejaan…plays…. Shivaansh says you have all the four seasons now. She turns to him. He says the union of Shivaansh and Mannat is like all the four seasons coming together, it sounds impossible but I made this possible only for you, you want to leave me because you think I change faster than seasons, how do I explain that I feel all the seasons are same without you, I don’t enjoy any season, monsoon doesn’t please me. He takes each step and seasons switch. He says I don’t feel like cold in winter, autumn flowers and leaves don’t seem to bring any fragrance, spring doesn’t feel joyful. He walks to her and says do you know why, because you are my seasons, since you have come to my life, there have been only problems, you hit me with a stone, you dropped noodles on my hair, and the chocolate ice cream in my shoes, even then, I didn’t wish you to go from here. She ask why? He says because you are my Mannat, I got habitual to you, I exist if you are with me, I will be nothing if you are not with me. She says say more. He says I won’t speak like a filmi romantic hero, though I am one, if you expect me to propose that way, then don’t expect, I won’t go down on my knees. He goes on his knees. He says I haven’t brought a ring and I won’t hold your hand, I won’t put this ring on your finger. He hold her hand and makes her wear the ring. Tanha sa kuch….plays…. He says I will not look into your eyes and say that I love you Mannat, please don’t faint. She faint in his arms. She says I don’t want you to wake me from this dream. He says how will the dream get fulfilled if you don’t wake up, when will our love story begin. She gets up and hug him. He asks did you say something, I didn’t hear you, you should say something. She says you are saying as if you don’t know, I love you, I fainted when I met you for the first time, when I would meet you, I would imagine balloons and hear music, that was love. He says yes but that must be love of a fan, not of a wife. She ask what is the love of a wife. He ask am I supposed to explain that, okay. Jaanejaan…plays…. He kisses her. Shivaansh and Mannat come to everyone. Everyone clap. Shivaansh says lets have a photo. He show the picture of Shivaye, Anika, Gauri, Omkara, Rudra, Bhavya. Old season moments are shown. Shivaansh sees his family happy. He think thanks dad for showing me the right path, I promise that the way you have tied the family together by love, I won’t let this family separated, like you and mom set an example of love, Mannat and I will live that way all life, we will be Ishqbaaz, we are the ones who sing the melodies of our hearts, who teach love to love, we are those Ishqbaaz. He sees Shivaye smiling and waves to him. Everyone get picture clicked. Everyone shouts Ishqbaaz Forever.


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