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Shivaansh scolds Dhruv, Shivani and Radhika. Shivaansh says I can’t tolerate this further, I can’t bear the burden of being more good, I m very bad. He goes. They cry and wonder what happened to him. Nani says he can’t say anything such, and if he is saying anything, then there is some reason. Khanna asks Shivaansh not to do this, its wrong. Shivaansh asks him not to tell anyone. Shivaansh says I can’t do this, I can’t hurt them. He thinks I have to save them from big pain, I have to give them this small pain. Mannat comes to him. Shivaansh says I don’t like outsiders in my room. She says I have come to give this beetroot juice. She sneezes over. He throws the glass and scolds her. She says I m sorry. He says get out of you room. She steps on the glass piece. She screams. He looks at her. She cries seeing the blood. She says what shall I do. He says any normal person will first remove the glass piece. She gets scared. He sits to do the aid. She says don’t vent anger on me, I m very scared of blood, I faint down. He removes the glass piece and shows her. He says I pulled it out. She asks really. He does the aid. She thanks him and asks why did you do all this, you said you are bad, why. He asks who gave you a right to question me, you don’t act as my wife, your drama to become good in my eyes is of no use, I have already decided to oust you from the house today. He goes. Nani asks Pandit to do puja so that Shivaansh and Mannat have a peaceful life. Pandit asks her not to worry. She hears music and goes to see. They see the shoot going on. Shivaansh dances with the girls on Aankh maare…..

Nani asks what’s all this. Director asks what’s this SSO, a good shot got spoiled. Shivaansh asks what was the need to come here, my shoot is going on. Nani says there is puja happening. He gets arguing with her badly. He drinks alcohol. Nani asks what are you saying. He says I m not a kid, I don’t need your permission, I had to marry this maid because of you, don’t expect anything else from me. Nani says Mannat is your wife. He says I was going to marry Sonya, you are taking her side, who is she, a maid, you should support me, you have gone old, you should be thankful that I didn’t send you to old age home. Radhika says you are misbehaving with her. Nani says he is not my Shivaansh, he is drunk. She gets angry on him and cries. They leave for temple. Shivaansh asks Mannat to leave. Mannat goes to Khanna and says I want to talk about Shivaansh, you know everything about him, why is he behaving like this.

Khanna says I can’t tell you some manners. She says I want to help you. He says you don’t need to do anything, you think I will tell you. She says you are misunderstanding me, I was helpless, I would like to say that I wish good for Shivaansh and his family, if you ever feel you need my help for Shivaansh, don’t hesitant to tell me. She gets the glass and smells it. She says it doesn’t smell like alcohol, its apple juice, something is fishy. Nani comes and says we are going to temple, Shivaansh refused to come, you are his wife, tell him and get him along, I will be waiting. Mannat goes to Shivaansh. She says this glass had apple juice, why did you do acting in front of Nani. He asks who are you to ask me, you always lie, where is everyone. She says they went to temple. He says perfect. He throws the glass and takes her along. She asks him to leave her. He takes her in the car and asks where is your car. She asks are you fine, drive carefully. He asks her to get down. He warns her. She cries and gets down the car. He goes. She asks what’s wrong with you. He thinks no one will understand this, I m doing right, if love gives pain, hatred reduces the pain, I will fill hatred in their hearts that there won’t be any place left for love and pain. Chachi sees Mannat. Varun is with his wife. Chachi calls him and says Shivaansh has left Mannat here, I think he has ousted her. He says fine, send me the files, I will check. She asks which file. He goes away to talk. She says I m talking about Mannat. He says I know, don’t worry, they are married, Shivaansh is going to die, divorce can’t happen so soon, his money will go to Mannat, welcome her with love. Mannat knocks the door and says sorry. Chachi welcomes her home. She says Munni was missing you, come in and have food. Mannat gets surprised. Shivaansh falls on the bed. He gets Mannat’s blanket. He looks at the moon. Sochke jise dil….plays…. Mannat sees her mangalsutra. She also looks at the moon. He says finally, Mannat is out of my life forever.

Khanna says your medicine is ending. Shivaansh says my story is ending, don’t know doctor still insists me on taking medicines. Khanna says there is a saying, as long as you are breathing, there is hope, here is your medicine, I will get more. Shivaansh says life is short, but I m proud that I got a friend like you. Khanna says you know something, I will do everything it takes to save your life. Shivaansh says take it easy, I m really glad you remember this. Khanna says no, Mannat remembered and got this medicines. Nani asks Shivaansh why didn’t Mannat and he come to temple for puja. Shivaansh gets on the sofa. He calls the servant. Nani says I m talking to you. Shivaansh gets rude to Nani and everyone. Nani asks where is Mannat. He throws the cushion which hits Nani. They get shocked. He says I have thrown out Mannat, I dropped her where she belongs. Nani asks what do you mean. Shivaansh says I dropped her where she used to live. He argues with Nani. He says I won’t make any maid my wife, I m not good, I m bad. Nani asks what happened to you. He asks Khanna to send coffee for him. He thinks so sorry guys, I m in more pain than you all.

Mannat talks to someone regarding job. She sees Varun and his wife’s pic. She says its about Radhika’s life, I have to tell her, call Shivaansh and tell him everything. He asks Khanna to disconnect the call. Khanna says she said its imp. Shivaansh throws the phone. Mannat says its very imo, he is not answering, what shall I do. Shivani asks Nani not to act like kids and have food. Nani says Shivaansh is being rude to everyone, he is riding a bike, drinking alcohol, hurting everyone, I don’t know what the matter is saying, if he had his mum today…. Sahil says so what, he has his uncle. Shivani and everyone hug him. Nani hugs Sahil. She says we needed you a lot. Sahil says we are connected by heart, we have come. Nani says don’t know what happened to Shivaansh. Nani says you have come, you explain him. Shivaansh comes. Sahil goes to hug him and loses balance. Shivaansh holds him. Sahil says give me a hug at least. Shivaansh says I would have hugged you if you came to meet me, you would have come on Nani’s saying to control me, stop advising me. Sahil says whenever world taunted me, you used to protect me, you are taunting me, you were my good nephew. Shivaansh says now, I m bad. Nani says Sahil wants to support you. Shivaansh taunts Sahil. Nani asks him to stop it now. Shivaansh says you had heart attacks twice, if this happens for the third time, we will be hurt. He throws his phone and says I don’t like anyone’s interference. He goes. Nani cries.

Mannat calls him again and says how will I tell him about Varun. Radhika answers the call. Mannat says don’t disconnect the call, its about Radhika, I have seen Varun in Mumbai yesterday. Radhika cries. Mannat says I will send the pics to you, I know you love Radhika a lot, sorry. She sends the pic. Radhika gets shocked seeing the pic. The lawyer says it will take six months to get divorced. Shivaansh says I can’t wait, make a new clause that after I die, my siblings will get equal shares, my wife won’t get anything. The lawyer says fine, I will make the new will. Shivaansh says I will make sure that Mannat doesn’t get anything. Radhika calls Varun and asks where are you. He says Pune. She says lie, I know you are in Mumbai. He says yes, I m planning a surprise for you, I m at factory. She leaves. He worriedly calls his wife and says I think Radhika to know my truth, what am I supposed to do now. She goes and collides with Sahil. He asks what happened. She says factory and goes…. He asks factory…. Radhika comes to meet Varun at factory. He says pest control is going on here. He hugs her. She pushes him. She asks why did you cheat me. He asks what. She says you told me that you are going Pune. He says I was in Pune, I came back for urgent work. She says you said you are planning surprise for me. He says I will plan surprise after ending my small work. She says your small work didn’t end since yesterday. He says I was in Pune yesterday. She says stop lying, I know the truth. She shows the pic and asks who is this girl with you. He says this is not me, I don’t know this girl, I swear on you, you are my wife. She says yes, but you have someone else in your life, you didn’t give me wife’s place, you cheated me. He shouts yes, I cheated you, what will you do, don’t act like helpless woman, thank me for marrying you, you have a defect in your eye, sorry, I told this in anger. She says you lied to me, you cheated me, you think I m overreacting, Shivaansh said right, I m obsessed with you, you are a big fraud, how could I see. He says I love you Radhika. She throws things at him. Someone comes there. Varun says please listen to me. She pushes him and goes to hit him. Shivaansh gets Sahil’s call. He gets shocked. He asks what’s the matter, I will be there. He goes to the factory and sees Radhika and Varun unconscious, Varun stabbed.

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