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Shivaansh introduces Alisha to Mannat. He says we were just practicing dance. Mannat asks why are you giving me an explanation. He says no, I m just saying. She says no need to say. She goes. Sahil asks what happened to her. Shivaansh says I don’t know. Mannat stays angry and throws the vegetables to vent out frustration. Khanna comes there. She adds chilli in the veg salad. He asks her to see what did she do. She gets worried and says I was making salad for Sir, so much chilli… I ruined it. Khanna says its fine, I will take the food, don’t worry. He goes. Mannat says I will also come with you. She gets angry seeing Shivaansh with Alisha. Khanna sees her and asks Shivaansh to have salad. Alisha says let us practice for more time.

Mannat asks Shivaansh to wash his hands. He asks why are you getting hyper. She says no. She asks Alisha to go, Shivaansh needs rest. He says I m fine. She asks Khanna to take Alisha. She pushes Shivaansh on the bed and asks him to take rest. They have an eyelock. Jaanejaan….plays…. He asks shall I ask you something, why do you look so angry. She says nothing. He says you were behaving like a child with Alisha. She asks him to stay away from Alisha, her intentions aren’t good. She goes when Sahil comes. He says I hope I didn’t disturb you, did you see the property papers which I left here. Shivaansh says I will see it. Sahil asks did you check the hotel blueprints. Shivaansh says yes, Mannat suggested me about it. Sahil says nice, you are discussing business with her, she is your wife. Shivaansh says you know in which situation we got married. Sahil asks don’t you love her. Shivaansh asks what, no, there is nothing like that.

Sahil asks why are you still in this marriage, if you don’t love her, this marriage wasn’t intended, we are aware of this, the world doesn’t know, you are still married to her, you are a guy, superstar, you have many choices, what about Mannat, you will find love and marry someone, what about Mannat’s future, free her from this meaningless marriage, so that even she lives her life, she settles in life, think about it, there is no hurry, tell me about it, I have best divorce lawyers, check the papers, okay. He goes. He goes and talks to someone. He says I won’t leave you mid way, Shivaansh is fine, its time to take the next step now.

Nani asks Dhruv to go office with Sahil and give invitation to everyone. Mannat asks why all these arrangements. Nani says its Shivaye and Anika’s death anniversary after two days, we have a puja at home and invite all the workers, I always keep telling you about Shivaye and Anika, you didn’t tell about your parents. Mannat says when I was born, my mum passed away, when I was too small, my dad abandoned me and didn’t return. Nani says its destiny, what was your dad’s name. Mannat says Pramod Khurana, he used to work in some factory. Sahil gets shocked and asks her again. Shivaansh asks do you know her dad. Sahil says no. Shivaansh likes his vintage watch. Nani says I gifted a similar watch to Shivaansh many years ago. Sahil recalls stealing Shivaye’s watch. He says Shivaye gifted this watch to me, that’s why I have kept it safe.

Shivaansh sees Mannat getting upset. He goes to Mannat and asks what are you making. She says halwa. He asks what’s the occasion. She says I make something sweet when bitter memories spoil my mood. He says you are talking about your parents’ discussion, I understand your pain, you can share your pain with me, I m a really good listener. He eats the halwa and likes it. She thinks we were defamed, my dad did something, what I don’t know, but people still taunt me about him. She thinks of Shivaansh and smiles. Shivaansh holds her hand when she slips. He asks what happened. She says I liked your dance and was trying your step. He says this is how its done. They dance. Tum se hi….plays…. He recalls Sahil’s words. He gets away and says sorry. She asks why. He says this is wrong, our dance and closeness is ridiculous, you know nothing can happen between us, if you are not my wife, why do we pretend, Sahil is right, we must file for a divorce. She gets shocked. He says you have your long life ahead, how can you stay in this unwanted relation. She says I don’t want to talk, go and sleep. He says you always worry for me. She says why shouldn’t I worry, I m your wife. He looks at her. He rests and thinks this relation has no destination, I should free Mannat, why do I get scared thinking of her leaving. He acts to be sleeping when she sees him. She thinks why did I get angry when he said about divorce, why did I get jealous seeing him with Alisha, how could I say that I m his wife, knowing he doesn’t regard me his wife. She sleeps. He gets disturbed and recalls someone shooting Shivaye. He shouts Papa and wakes up. Mannat asks what happened, are you okay. He says that murderer… She says maybe it was a bad dream, have water, you are fine, I m with you. He says no, I heard a strange sound for the first time. She says I read that you were with your dad when …. He says when he got murdered.

Shivaansh says I m responsible for the death of my parents, Radhika lost one of her eyes, Shivani became an orphan, everyone had to bear sorrow, because of me, I told my dad that I wanted to have an icecream, if I hadn’t been adamant, maybe that person would have not shot him and my mum would have… Mannat hugs her and asks what happened with them. He says when my mum got to know about dad, she lost her senses and drove the car to meet him, she met with an accident. FB shows Anika’s accident. Mannat says you don’t blame yourself. He says I couldn’t get my dad’s murderer punished, I couldn’t even find him, I need some fresh air, let me go. He goes to kitchen and washes his face. He drinks some face. He thinks what was that sound I heard in the dream, does it have any connection with my dad’s murder. He hears the same sound and gets tensed. Sahil comes and calls him out. Shivaansh look on and says this sound. Sahil asks what are you doing here, what happened. Shivaansh says I still remember the incident of dad’s murder, I got the same nightmare, I heard a sound. Sahil asks what was it. Shivaansh says it sounded like your crutch.

Sahil says my child and hugs him. He says the more you think about the past, you will feel more pain. Shivaansh says that dream seemed like truth. Sahil says I wish I had been with Shivaye that day, I would have been able to help him and save him, save this house’s happiness. Shivaansh hugs him. Sahil asks him to drink warm milk and have a good sleep. He goes to his room. He calls and says Shivaansh has started to remember the past, we have to do something and hide the truth, else I wonder what he would do. Shivaansh oils his hair. Mannat looks on. He feels the pain. She cares for him. He says I couldn’t apply oil here. He hands over the bottle to her. She helps him. They have an eyelock. Music plays…. Phone rings. She gets away and goes to answer phone. He hands over tissues to her. She goes out and answers. She gets shocked and says I will be there.

Shivaansh asks Avi to fix his meeting with new stylist. Munni comes and says don’t know where is Mannat. Shivaansh calls out Mannat. He asks Khanna to find her. He says I will drop Munni to the school. Nani asks what happened. He says Mannat isn’t here, if she comes, inform me, I will drop Munni to school. Mannat cries, eats chocolate and cuts vegs. Shivaansh stops her from hurting her finger. He asks where were you. She says I has some work. He asks what was it, you forgot to drop Munni to school, whats the problem. She says nothing, I just went out. He says there is some problem. He checks chocolate and says she sprinkles salt on the chocolate when she is stressed, there is something fishy. She cries and hugs her childhood drawing. She says I wanted to meet you dad and talk to you, I didn’t know I will meet you in such a way. FB shows Mannat going to meet her dad. She calls him out. They rush to meet. They are obstructed by the glass wall. Varun in bride’s disguise shouts surprise, its an emotional moment. He removes the mask. She gets shocked. She says you were in jail, how did you come here. He says by walk, imp thing is, your talk with your dad, I will do one thing now, as you can see, your dad is in my captivity, you know when your loved one is in my clutches, what you have to do. She asks what do I have to do. He says good girl…. FB ends. Mannat cries. She gets a call and says I will do your task, don’t harm my dad. Shivaansh comes and asks what happened, tell me. She hugs him. He asks what’s the matter. She says nothing, I just recollected something. She goes. Khanna says I have fixed the meeting with stylist and new director PK Gupta. Shivaansh gets the visual, someone asks PK to shoot. He calls commissioner and says I have to talk to you about my dad’s murderer. Varun scolds Mannat’s dad. Sahil comes there. Varun says good to see you partner, you have failed even Kans Mama. Sahil says Krishna’s enemy was Kans, same way, Shivaansh’s enemy is Sahil. He throws the crutch and walks well. Varun says poor Shivaansh, he doesn’t even know that his biggest enemy is living in his house. Sahil says he is innocent, he thinks he has sent you to jail and got rid of danger. FB shows Sahil asking Varun/Ashish to marry Radhika. Varun says I m already married. Sahil says you don’t have to be married to her all life, you will get her property, we will share it equally. Varun agrees. He asks how will Shivaansh let her marry me. Sahil says Varun Mehra is your new name. FB ends. Sahil says Shivaansh will know you escaped from jail, he will remember the death incident, we should run away with the money, last time I had to change the plan because of you. FB shows Sahil hitting on Radhika’s head and fainting her. He gives the pill and says have it, you will seem dead for some time and Shivaansh will go to jail. FB ends. Varun says relax, even this time Mannat will write Shivaansh’s destruction.

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