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The lady says commissioner Dixit has gone out for some imp work, she has handed over the case and details to me. Shivaansh says thanks, why did you come here to tell this. She says you said you recalled PK, PK’s name has come in our investigation again and again, PK is your dad’s murderer, if you remember anything, we can solve this case. He says I heard some strange sound, like someone is walking with a crutch, I don’t know if its true, its scary. She says you can keep me informed, I will reopen the case and start search for PK. He says who can be this PK.

Sahil says I feel Shivaansh and Mannat came close, so she won’t go against her. Varun says she will do what I say, because her weakness is with us. Sahil asks how are you, my old friend, PK, this watch disturbs me at wrong time, your daughter will make me reach Shivaansh’s property. Pramod says don’t dare to trouble her. Sahil says relax, I won’t tell your truth to her. Mannat sees divorce papers and reads. She recalls Varun giving her the divorce papers. He says if you want to save your dad, you have to divorce Shivaansh and get all his property transferred to your name, look at your dad…… on the other side, your husband isn’t ready to accept you as wife. She cries. FB ends. Mannat says my dad is on one side and Shivaansh is on other side, Lord knows that I value the marriage and kept it without any hope, I feel upset with the thought of going away from Shivaansh, I can’t live without him, he said he wants a divorce from me, he doesn’t want me in his life, why does he wish for it. She prays. Nani asks Shivaansh what will you wear in Shivaye and Anika’s death anniversary. He says Mannat knows. Avi says we have to attend a party, when do we have to leave. Shivaansh says ask Mannat. Avi says we need to revise a new contract, what price to quote. Shivaansh says talk to Mannat. Nani and everyone tease him and laugh. Nani says its great that someone knows everything about you, you can’t live without Mannat.

Shivaansh says I can live without her. He attends a party and meets Chopra. Chopra says I have to block your dates for new movie. Shivaansh says ask Mannat, actually Avi manage the dates. He says I can live without Mannat, there are many successful and beautiful girls,Mannat Kaur Khurana will become Mannat Kaun Khurana, Shivaansh is funny and witty too. He imagines Mannat in almost everyone. Khanna asks what happened. Shivaansh says water…. The girl gives him a glass of wine. Shivaansh says someone has said, no matter whatever the question is, wine isn’t the answer, its bad. She asks who said it. He says Mannat said it. Avi and Khanna cough. Shivaansh drinks water. Sahil asks where is Shivaansh. Mannat says he went to some party, he didn’t ask me. Sahil says I will teach him a lesson today, he doesn’t value his beautiful wife, its wrong. Shivaansh comes home. He gets shocked seeing the chandelier falling down over Mannat and Sahil. He shouts Mannat and runs.

Sahil falls back. Shivaansh and Mannat fall down. Everyone comes and looks on. Tanha sa kuch…..plays…. Shivaansh scolds the servant. He says you know Mannat was standing under the chandelier. Sahil says I was also standing under it. Mannat says leave it, it was a mistake. Shivaansh says its your mistake also, if anything happened to you, I would have….. She looks at him. Jaanejaan….plays….. Nani asks then? Shivaansh says sorry. Sahil says I was saying, I was also standing under chandelier, I m joking. Nani says you chose to save Mannat. Sahil thinks he has really gone mad for Mannat, I have to remove her from Shivaansh’s life. Shivaansh goes to his room and talks to himself. He says I do care for her. Her purse falls down. He gets her diary and reads about her dreams. He says she writes her dreams in scrap book, how cute, stupid, who does this, five star hotel… I could make her smile by fulfilling her dream, I don’t love her, I care for her, love and care are entirely different things, I m smart as well, these things shouldn’t come close, should I fulfill her dream, I shall. He smiles.

Mannat says give me some time. Varun threatens her and slaps her dad. She says please don’t hurt him, Shivaansh doesn’t sign any paper easily. Varun says I want the job to be done by tomorrow morning, else your dad will be no more. She cries. She gets Shivaansh’s note and a dress. She says its such a beautiful dress. Mannat smiles seeing the clutch. She says Shivaansh had bought a gift for me, he is trying hard to please me, I m preparing to hurt him, what shall I do, I can’t see Shivaansh and my dad hurt. She gets ready and comes downstairs. Shivaansh looks at her. Jaanejaan….plays…..He says you look really… are you saying something. She says yes, what’s happening. He says I m taking you on our first day. She looks at him. She says I never went on a date before, I didn’t feel bad when you didn’t take me in the party. He stops her. He says you talk a lot, you look upset since morning, I want you to smile like this. She smiles and asks where are we going. She says such a big hotel, five star, I never went to zero star hotel, I told you that day, you remembered it and got me here. She sees a girl and says people are wearing foreign clothes and talking in English, and I….. He says you are better than everyone, and you are with me. Fans click selfie with him. He holds Mannat’s hand and gets her along. He says since you are part of my life, you should be part of the picture too. She smiles.

Mannat says a tea costs 500rs, maybe we have come to a wrong place, its very expensive. Shivaansh say stop worrying about money. She asks why are you saying this. He says for you, you did a lot for me, since I met you, you have shown me a beautiful life, we fought earlier, I was annoyed, but then all my rage and annoyance… turned into care, I m trying to tell you that I…. She asks I? He says I really like this song, I feel like dancing. She says your health… He says some rules for today, we will live in the moment and you will not call me Sir, call me Shivaansh. She says how, I respect you. He says respect is not just by words, you can show respect by obeying someone, just call me Shivaansh if you respect me. She says okay Sir. He says no more Sir, Shivaansh. She says Shivaansh. He holds his heart. She asks what happened. He says say my name again. She says Shivaansh, you are very filmi. They eat food. He also eats noodles by hands like her. She says try adding this lemon to the noodles, its tasty, try it. He tries. She asks is it good. He smiles. They get icecreams from a stall. She says you gave dinner treat, so icecream treat from me, sorry, its not expensive one, I hope its fine. He says we are now single unit. Jaanejaan….plays…. He laughs and cleans icecream from her face. She cries. He says you will never grow up, what happened, why are you crying. She says you were my fav superstar, now you are my fav person, there is no one better than you, I m so lucky to have met you. He says I m the lucky one that Nani prayed to Lord and then I have you in my life, thanks. Tanha sa kuch….plays…. He wipes her tear. The man asks shall I give you another icecream. Shivaansh says no, its okay.

They come home. Mannat says I will never forget this night. She asks can we talk all night. He says go on. She says I will listen to you, I keep talking always, I want to know about you. He says no, I want to know about you. She says I want to know everything from the start. He talks to her. She smiles. She thinks I wish this night gets longer, this is the final night with Shivaansh, I will divorce him tomorrow. Its morning, they wake up. She finds herself in his arms. She gets away. She says so sorry, I fell asleep. He says no worries, its not a sin, we are husband and wife, we are married. She goes to change. He says married, this word isn’t classy, how did I say this, I m just scared.

Mannat comes to meet Varun. He says I was about to call you, give me the papers. He checks and says I had told you to get Shivaansh’s signs. She says I didn’t take his sign. He asks may I know why. She says I have decided not to dance on your tunes. She goes to Pramod and says dad, I can’t do this, I m very sorry, I want to get you out but not by hurting Shivaansh. Pramod says no, you did the right thing, I m proud of you. Varun says I m foolish, I should have understood that she would be a coward like you. She slaps and scolds him. Varun hurts her. She hits on his head with a stick. She says I will get Shivaansh and come. She goes. Varun says this girl will ruin my plans. He calls Sahil and says we have to do something of Mannat. Sahil asks him not to worry.

Sahil asks Shivaansh to sign the divorce papers. He says Mannat looks after you and family, if you want to marry someone else, she may create problems. Shivaansh says I misunderstood her before, but now I can blindly trust her. Sahil says she wants this so that she can take advantage of your trust, you are very innocent, this is what happened with Shivaye, the man whom he trusted the most, took his life. Shivaansh recalls PK. Sahil asks are you okay. Shivaansh asks do you know PK, commissioner Dixit mentioned that the man who killed dad is PK. Sahil says I knew Shivaye trusted that man, but is he PK, he worked at our factory, when Mannat took her dad’s name, I was thinking, PK is Pramod Khurana, Mannat’s dad, this means, Shivaye was killed by Mannat’s dad.

Shivaansh gets shocked. Mannat comes home. He stops her. Everyone comes. He claps and says I thought you were our enemy, I was wrong, you are our ancestral enemy, this game was planned by you and your dad. Nani asks what are you saying. He says I m saying the truth, your innocent Mannat is my dad’s murderer PK’s daughter. Mannat asks what. Shivaansh says your dad snatched Shivaye, you should have asked me for money, I would have not refused, but you played a game with my family. She says Shivaansh…. He says Shivaansh Sir… She says I don’t know, my dad left me in childhood, he met me yesterday so I was worried, Varun is threatening me and asked me to divorce you and get your property. He says Varun is in jail. He calls ACP and asks is Varun in jail, I want to know, please call me. Mannat says Varun has captivated my dad, until police replies, come with me. He says I will give you a chance. Sahil says Shivaansh police told us that PK is Shivaye’s murderer, how can Varun escape from jail. Shivaansh says I want to give her one chance.

Mannat says my dad is here… She doesn’t see anyone. Varun says Mannat didn’t get Shivaansh’s signs on divorce papers, she is going to tell truth to him. Sahil says you get back to jail, get PK out of there, pay the same guard who got you out, I will handle the rest. Varun says fine. Shivaansh asks what happened. Mannat says trust me, they were here. ACP calls her and says Varun is in his cell. Shivaansh thanks her. She says our officer has found PK. He asks what, where is he. Shivaansh and family go to the place and see PK. Shivaansh says my dad’s murderer. Mannat says its not true, my dad can’t kill anyone. She asks her dad to tell them that he didn’t kill anyone. Pramod shouts I killed him.

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