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Jalal gets up and waits for Jodha as she comes out he removes his bandage, hold his sword moves it in air and smiles evilly. He leave. Moti tells Jodha he pretended so that she can help him eat the food. Jodha is distraught.

Two men are about talking how Jalal married a hindu princess. Hameeda listens to this and recall how Jalal was born in a hindu’s house. Rukaqya also gets the news and thinks that its just another marriage of Jalal and Jodha is just a piece of playing. Some girl informs Jalal is coming all rushes to prepare for his welcome while Ruqaiya says he will come to her room first as always. 

In Agra, Jodha and Jalal reach and greet Hameeda. Jodha touch her feet while Jalal is surprised but Hameeda is happy and praises her beauty and makes her meet Bakshi who does the ritual call DooDh Duliaye. The Hindu ladies sings song in praise of Jodha’s arrival as a bride. Jodha is overwhelmed and gets emotional and looks at Hameeda. Hameeda ask Maham Anga to make special arrangements for Jodha and tells she will introduce the palace to Jodha herself. Maham is reminded of the curse by Hindu lady. Hameeda takes her to harem and a small talk happens and tells about all the ladies of the harem. Hameeda asks why is she not happy with the marriage. Jodha tell her Jalal doesnt have a heart and is cruel. Hameeda tells her that she has only seen what Jalal lacks, not what he possess and hopefully after her arrival, he will get his lost heart.

There is a small fight between the ladies and Jodha gets to know that Ruqaiya is the BOSS of the harem.

At the Harem, Jodha’s daasi and she discuss about the power of Rukaiya and her importance in the harem.

Menavati at the kali mandir tells Shaguni Bai that she has lost, and ask her to tell Jodha’s future. She says that Jodha’s future is bright, their prayers will be answered and she will earn lots of name and fame. Menavati is relieved to hear this.

Jodha ask for Motibai and find her sitting alone, she rush to reach Moti and comes face to face with Ruqaiya. Both recall their first meeting.Ruqaiya comes to know that Jodha is the one who got married to Jalal. Ruqaiya ask her to apologise and give her the necklace. Jodha give the necklace but does not apologise. Ruqaiya-Jodha have their second verbal fight. affraid

Someone call Jodha to meet Maham Anga, Ruqaiya ask Hoshiyar to keep on wearing the necklace as she has to teach Jodha a lesson.

The Hindu girls/women are eager to meet the new bride Jodha but Maham Anga warn them to behave and they have to listen to MA’s hukum and ask them to leave the place.

Maan Singh and BDas are admiring the palace, AK is furious to see that his enemy is being treated like guests. AK is introduced to the duo. AK belittles and talk low of Rajputs. Jalal come and greet them. BDas says it looks like AK is not happy with their presence. Maan Singh tells Jalal everything to Jalal whatever AK had said to them. Jalal ask him to make arrangements for their nice stay.

MA is overlooking with anger as Jodha is adorning idol of Krishna. She gets irritated with bells and is about to leave when Hameeda arrives and is surprised to see the idol. MA tells Hameeda about Jodha’s conditions, Hameeda tells that Jalal is like this, he can never hurt anyone and Jodha will soon come to know this. MA notices some clothes in Hameeda’s hands, she tells that it is for Jodha, MA tells her how Jodha burnt the shaadi ka joda. Hameeda gift her the clothes to Jodhaand Jodha is surprised to see that, Hameeda tell her that she had made it specially according to her tastes and cultures. Hameeda ask her to get ready for the grand function, Jodha wonders and tell Moti, what is this function all about and is it necessary for her to attend.

A purdah in between Jodha and Jalal, both are getting married according to Islamic customs. Jalal says Qubool Hai and Jodha nod her head.

All the guests including BDas/MaanSingh in the assembly hall, Hameeda Bano enters followed by Jodha who greets everyone with a pranam. Then Ruqaiya arrive with her fleet of daasis and then Jodha comes to know that the verbal fight she had earlier in the day was none other than Rukaiya. Moti is worried how Ruqaiya will take revenge on Jodha. All the ladies hand over gifts to Jodha, MA comes and gives cold stare and some gifts. Rukaiya comes and gives her the same necklace and tells her to wear it now but Jodha deflects it very wisely queen

Finally Jalal arrive, wow his BG is so awesome, he greet everyone and then takes his seat. They are asked to feed sweets to each other. Jodha takes a small bite but Jalal holds her hand, gobbles the whole rasogolla and looks at her intently and smirk.

Jalal is weighed and then tells that the gold should be distributed to the poor.

A song starts, some people perform welcoming the couple, Jalal is stealing glances at Jodha and looks at Ruqaiya too. He goes to Ruqaiya and she fills his ears with the attitude of Jodha and that she didn't accept her gift, what will people think about her behaviour towards Jalal. Jalal gets angry and says that the real tamasha will start now.

Everyone praise the dancers and Jalal says that Agra and Mughals are full of talented people. Jalal tells that his begum, Jodha has got a very sweet voice and ask her to sing in front of everybody. Jodha is shocked as is everyone else.

Jodha stands in the middle of the hall, starts singing a song praising the valour of Rajputs, all are shocked and then stand, Jalal is angry , Maham Anga has disapproving looks, Ruqaiya again instigate Jalal agains Jodha as she will cause the downfall of the pride of Mughals soon, finally after some moments, Jalal shouts, BAS!!! and tells that the function is over, leave the hall.

Ruqaiya is furious at Jodha, MA tells that she will join hands with her to bring down Jodha. MA fan Ruqaiya's ego. MA and AK talk about the pathetic condition Jodha is into and wait for the time.. Jalal recall the FB of Jodha’s talwar and Ruqaiya words and decides to take revenge.

Jodha is sleeping and she wakes up hearing some noise, Jalal is shown walking down, she spots Jalal. Jalal says that he has come to take revenge and Jodha shout. She comes out of her dream and finds Ruqaiya in front of her. Ruqaiya tells her that is she surprised to see her at this hour and was she waiting for Jalal? But he will never come to her as he always spends his time/nigt with her-Ruqaiya. She tells Jalal’s likes and his fetish to achieve things and then forget about it.

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