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The episode starts with Sid getting busy with presentation to DD’s client. He gets anxious looking at watch as he has to reach garba competition venue soon. DD asks him to continue with presentation. Roshni sadly waits for him at the garba venue and calls him on his phone, but DD asks Bablu to switch off his mobile as she is getting disturbed. Roshni calls him again, but his phone is switched off. Host announces Sid and Roshni’s name for the competition. Raj also calls Sid, but his phone is switched off. Naani says Durga/DD must have stopped him. Host says it is last call from Sid and Roshni. Roshni reminisces her childhood incident where DD did not attend competition. Naani thinks once again DD chose business over Roshni. Roshni drops dandiya and walks out of venue.

Sid comes home late and sees Roshni angry. He tries to speak to her, but she asks him to leave her alone. He says he wanted to come, but. She asks what did not he come then and says she once again failed in life and realized that he does not love her like her mom. He repeatedly asks her to listen to him, but she continues her emotional atyachar and asks him to leave her alone, starts crying vigorously. He sadly walks out of room. DD says him that he cannot carry on the relationship and says he has to go away from Roshni’s life.

Sid sadly sits beside swimming pool and remembers promising Roshni to get her happiness of whole world. He then remembers Bablu’s request to unite mother and daughter and then his marriage with Roshni. He then remembers Roshni selling her jewelry to bail him out of lockup and then fighting with DD for him, DD perparing her food and she eating Sid’s prepared food, Naani telling him about Roshni’s childhood incident. Naani sees him sitting sadly and asks if Roshni fought with him. He says he is confused. Naani says she will not tell that he did not fulfill his responsibilities, but whatever happened is very bad for Roshni. She says Roshni’s hatred is very old and she is seeing its effect on their relationship also. He says he does not know what to do, whenever he tries to correct one thing, another thing gets wrong. Naani says Roshni’s hatred is since her childhood and he should wisely handle her. She says she has gone old and wants to see the family united before she dies. Sid jokes if she referring DD as old. They both smile. Naani asks him to convince Roshni again as he cannot live with him. He says he knows but it is his mistake. He says he made her cry a lot and will make her happy now. He says he will turn the happiness key this navratri.

Sid sees Rohsni working in room. He tries to speak to her, but she ignores and continues working. He thinks how to convince his wife and then thinks of smiling and apologizing him. He smilingly apologizes her and gives her water, asking her to calm down. It is just his imagination. He then goes near her, smiles, takes her hand and apologizes him, but she slaps him. He then thinks even this formula will not work out. He turns back and sees Roshni walking out. He stops her and apologizes her. She asks if he is not getting late for work. DD comes there and asks him to accompany to office in her car as she has to brief him on today’s agenda. Roshni gets irked hearing that and walks out while Sid still tries to talk to her. DD says Sid that she will see him in car in 5 minutes.

DD meets clients at her office. Client says he liked her presentation, but wants to meet some more customers. DD says she will get him best traditional jewelry designs and says she will treat him with traditional indian food. Sid just then brings Gujrati food and serves them. DD asks Kesar who asked to serve gujrati food. Sid says he decided it and starts talking in Japanese. DD asks if he really knows Japanese or just mimicking. Sid says he is very talented and knows many languages than hindi and gujrati. He then says clients that he believes in long-term relationships and says if they don’t like his company’s designs, he will give jewelry for free. DD gets tensed hearing that. She asks interpreter if client will like indian food. She says let Sid do what he is doing as clients are very impressed with him. Clients like indian food and praise it. DD gets happy hearing her praise. She then asks Kesar to arrange garba function and best DJ in town and celebrities for the function. Kesar agrees. Sid asks him to let him handle the function and impress client, else they may lose clients.

Naani asks Sid how will he manage tomorrow’s garba party. Sid says it will be a lavish affair. Resham hears about the party and says she does not have garba dress. Sid sees DD standing there and says client wants to meet whole family, so she can buy garba dress from DD’s money.

DD practices in mirror to invite Roshni and thinks she may not come as she is her daughter and is as arrogant as her. Naani comes there and asks what is she murmuring and asks her to seek Sid’s help to convince Rohshni to attend the party. DD says she will not and says Sid instead is trying to separate mom and daughter. Naani says he instead is trying to unite you both and tells the food she prepared other day Roshni ate on Sid’s insistence. DD gets happy hearing that but then gets irked hearing Sid’s name. She says she is telling lie. Naani says she is lucky to have Sid as jamai. DD asks her to leave her alone for some time as she has to convince Roshni to attend garba party. She practices again.

DD reaches Roshni’s room and invites her for garba party, but Roshni continues ironing Sid’s shirt. DD gets irked Roshni’s ignorance. She takes shirt and irons it herself and asks if she is coming or not. Roshni says she does not like someone entering her room without her permission. DD asks her to stop misbehaving and asks if she will come or not. Roshni says she will not and says she started this by not attending party long back and continued to ignore her whole life and even did not bless her and Sid. DD apologizes her and asks what should she do for her to attend party. Roshni asks if she is sure. DD says yes.

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