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Finaly Vishu/Shekhar has review himself to the family...

At night, Ragini and Shristi sleep in Vikral’s room. A masked man enters holding knife and attacks Vikral. Ragini catch him and alert Shristi. They both follow the masked man, catch him, and remove mask from his face. Ragini is shocked to see Tiwari. Tiwari try to stab Ragini, but Vishu holds knife in his bare hand and trash Tiwari. Tiwari runs away. Ragini nurses Vishu’s hand. Vishu says he would not have forgiven himself if something had happened Ragini bhabhi and her child. Ragini thinks he has changed. At night, Vishu meet Tiwari and gives him 10 lakhs as promised. Tiwari ask why he is trying to harm his own family, he does not care, he just wants 5 more lakhs to escape with his family before Ragini catch him. Vishu stabs him. Tiwari runs into home and falls in front of Ragini and Anurag. Whole family gathers. Baiju asks to call doctor. Tiwari plead with Ragini not to harm his family and says he came here as part of planning, her family member has planned a big conspiracy against her and Vikral. Ragini asks who is it. He points finger at Vishu and die. Vishu changes his position and stands next to Baiju. Family think Baiju is culprit.

Tiwari point at Vishu/Shekhar before dying. Vishu silently moves aside. Family is shocked to see Baiju. Ragini says Baiju cannot murder Tiwari, Tiwari’s hand was shaking before he died. Shristi says her Baiju is a goon, but cannot murder anyone. Ragini says she knows, but who murdered Tiwari then? Police reach and investigate. Constables tell inspector they searched the whole house, but did not find anything. Inspector says some clue must be there. He ask Ragini if they knew this man from before. Ragini says Tiwari is her father’s party worker. Anurag says Tiwari tried to kill father twice and even today he attacked him, but Ragini and Shristi caught him red handed and Vishu fought him and got his hand injured. Inspector ask Vishu which weapon was used to attack. Visu says 6-8 inch long knife. Inspector ask if it handle wooden or metal handle. Vishu says he did not notice and reminisces murdering Tiwari and hiding the knife. Inspector ask what was Tiwari’s reaction before dying. Dulari says he was pointing at a family member. Inspector walk to Baiju and says he knows it must be Baiju. Vishu says Tiwari wrongly pointed at Baiju, though Baiju has criminal record, he cannot murder Tiwari. Anurag says the whole family trust Baiju. Vishu ask Baiju not to worry, they will hire a big lawyer. Ragini ask why lawyer, crime is not proved at all. Inspector take Baiju aside to question him.

Vishu walk to kitchen, takes out knife from his pocket, wipes blood from the knife and cut apple with it and then keeps it back with knife set, he praises himself that Tiwari pointed at him and he went on the other side, Baiju is caught, now he will be caught.

Ragini search for clue. Anurag ask her not to get so tensed. Shristi ask Baiju why did Tiwari point him, why he is blamed? Baiju says even he does know what is happening, she knows his truth. Ragini tells Anurag that Baiju cannot do this, then who did it, someone from outside tried to attack father and she is relaxed culprit is not a family member, she is confused. Baiju tell Shristi that Tiwari is not related to our family and in confusion pointed at him. Ragini continues panicking. Anurag give her medicine and ask her to relax. Ragini think if Vishu is murderer or Baiju..

The next morning, Ragini and Shristi prepare breakfast reminiscing Tiwari pointing at Baiju. Ragini think Tiwari was pointing at something else and they thought something else. She think if Dulari and Brij did it, or if Vishu has done and she is not doubting him.

After sometime, Ragini bring Vikral on chair and gather family members. Family ask why they all gathered them here. Ragini says father saw murderer’s face. Brij says everyone know Tiwari was the murderer. Ragini says he was attacked many times and only he saw murderer’s face. Vishu ask how will he inform. Ragini says he can point and ask Vikral to ring bell twice if his answer is yes and once if no. She ask if he saw murderer. He beeps twice. She asks if Tiwari attacked him. He beeps once. Revathi ask who was it then. Ragini asks if culprit is a family member. Vishu think he has to do something before old man takes his name. Ragini thinks he is relaxed and thinks he cannot be caught.

Ragini gathers family and ask Vikral if his attacker is from family. Vikral beeps twice. Ragini asks if he/she is present here. He says he beeps twice. Brij says how can family member attack Vikral. Vidhvan says if Vikral is doubting, then he must be true. Ragini takes each family member’s name. Vikral press beep only once. Ragini looks at Vishu/Shekar and seeing him standing relaxed thinks why he is not tensed. She says only 4 members are left now. Vishu calls Revathi and try to divert attention. Ragini takes Vishu’s name, but Vikral collapses. Ragini ask Anurag to call ambulance soon. Vishu says he will call.

Ragini, Vishu and Anurag take Vikral to hospital. Revathi call her. She ask her not to worry as Vikral’s condition is stable and she even informed Ammaji and Parag not to worry. She stays with Vikral and asks Anurag and Vishu to go.

At home, Vidhvan tells Revathi how can a family member attack Vikral, who is that heinous person. Revathi asks where is Vishu. Brij says he is resting in his room. Vishu enters hospital disguised as doctor and try to stab Vikral. Vikral holds his hand while he try hard. He pulls bedsheet and is shocked to see Ragini. Ragini says she doubted him from before and caught him red handed. He says good she is also here, he will kill her and her old father. He strangulates her neck. She try her best to escape. Vikral crawl from under bed and pulls his leg. He falls down. Ragini try to take Vikral away. Vishu gives her injection and she collapses. He gets them both on stretcher and tries to get out of hospital. Anurag passes by and call Ragini. Vishu holding Ragini’s phone does not pick it. Anurag being in front does not identify Vishu and walks into Vikral’s room and search for them. Nurse says doctor took Vikral for scanning.

Vishu take Ragini and Vikral to a godown, ties time and starts torturing them. Ragini warn him to free her and see what she can do and plead to spare her father. Vishu trash Vikral. Anurag call him and says Vikral and Ragini are missing, he is going to file police complaint. Vishu ask him to send their picture, he will also search via his contacts. Ragini shouts misterjii.. Vishu shouts to shut up.

Vishu/Shekhar kidnap Ragini and Vikral and orders her to speak as she says, else he will kill Vikral. Ragini agree and he records her video. Anurag call Baiju and inform him that Ragini and Vikral are missing from hospital. Baiju is shocked. Anurag ask him not to inform family member. He send Ragini and Vikral’s picture to Vishu to file police complaint. Vishu show it to Ragini and says this fool does not know he can click many pictures of them. Ragini scold how can he insult his brother. Vishu says he tried to kill fool Anurag many times, but he escaped, he heard Anurag lost his memory, but Ragini helped him and revived his memory. Ragini reminisces Shekar shooting Anurag and says Shekar. Vishu clap and says she recognize him right, he is Shristi’s lover Shekhar. He explain how he sent contract killer to kill Vishu, then got plastic surgery on his face and took Vishu’s face, Vikral saw him in the hospital, so he tried to kill Vikral via accident, but Vikral escaped. He blurt out all the incidences and at last how he killed Tiwari and Tiwari pointed him, but he moved aside and everyone thought Baiju was the murderer. He says he will go and start drama at her home and leave singing.

Tensed Baiju walk to Revathi and Vikran. Revathi ask why he is tensed. Anurag enters and says Ragini and Vikral are missing from the hospital room, Vishu went to file police complaint, he does not know where they went. Shristi gets Ragini’s video message and plays it. Family sees Ragini saying she is going far away with father as she is worried for his life, she wanted to celerbate janmastami with Shristi preparing bottle gourd/lauki halwa, etc..but cannot now. Anuraag shout if Raagini did not have trust in him.. Vishu enter and acts as consoling them and says he will go and file poice complaint.

Vishu returns to his den and taunt Ragini. He says he brought her food and forces her to have it and warns if she does not, her babuji will die. She helplessly eats.

Shristi walk to Anurag and reminisces incident where Ragini tells she takes lauki and never talk about it. She says Ragini had desired to celebrate janmastami. Anurag says they will. Shristi think Ragini must have given some clue which she is missing..

Ragini sees Vikral’s condition deteriorating and assures him they will get out of here soon, thinks how to get out of here…

Vishu/Shekhar tie Ragini back to pillar. Ragini says she will not spare him. Vishu says his Shristi said she is very excited regarding janmastami pooja, he will go and enjoy pooja with her. Ragini says even she wants to go. Vishu says he will perform pooja here itself for her, he performs pooja and then sets time bomb at 12 p.m. She says he cannot harm her and Shristi’s child. He says she count time here, he will fix bomb at home and return.

Vishu/Shekar returns home. Daadi says we all are tensed regarding Ragini and Vikral’s safety and in no mood of celebrating janmastami, but they can pray for their safety. Revathi says police will find them soon. Vishu ask why police, he did not file complain seeing Ragini’s video. Anurag says he still believe Ragini and Vikral are in trouble, so he filed police complaint. Baiju says Daadi is fasting, let us perform pooja soon. Vishu take out shank and says while coming home, a saint gave it to him. Anurag ask to keep it then. He smirks thinking of planting bomb in shank and think Shristi will blast in sometime. Anurag get a call from inspector and askshim to keep informing him about progress. Pandit perform pooja. Family performs pooja next.

Ragini crawl to Vikral and cry that she can not save him, she will be born as his child even in next life. She collapse. Vikral try hard and shout Ragini, you cannot accept defeat. Ragini open her eyes and get happy hearing her father speaking. She says she will not accept defeat, she get up and breaks pot and with a broken piece cuts her rope. Ragini says she will return soon. Vikral says he will wait for her. She run on street in jungle and seeing a car plead with driver to drop her to Hari Nagar, he says he will not go that side.

At home, Vishu message Shristi from Ragini’s mobile. She reads it and walks out. He walks behind her. Ragini continues pleading, but man does not agree. She slap him, makes him sit behind, and drive the car. Shristi wait for Ragini outside. Vishu sprinkle chloroform powder on his palm. Shristi think she should inform Baiju and Anurag first. Vishu walks to her and says Ragini messaged him to bring her. She think something is wrong and stop. He insists and pulls her. She cals Ragini’s number and finds mobile in his pocket.

PS. Please Note That some scenes are missing as there are no updates on those particular scenes kindly watch tomorrow episode to be updated.


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