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Vishu accuse Baiju of attacking Virkal. Shristi says Baiju saved Vikral instead. Shristi scold Vishu that he cannot accuse family member. Vidhvan says they cannot accuse each family member like this. Anurag says they should all take care of Vikral as only he and Ragini cannot take up the responsibility. Vidhvan says it is a good idea. Revathi console Ragini that the whole family will take care of Vikral. Vishu says each member will guard Vikral turn by turn and ask Ragini not to get tensed. Ragini says let us go and have food. 

Each family member takes care of Vikral. Anurag, Baiju, and Vidhvan play chess with him, Dulari read novel, Shristi and Baiju tell him stories. When Vishu’s turn comes, he look suspicious. Ragini enter and feed him soup. Vishu’s face turns into evil. He walk into his room and punch pillow angrily saying that old man is enjoying favor, then laugh and says they get blessings for serving dying people and then will kick out goon Baiju from Shristi’s life, he will win this time.

In the morning, Shristi come to living room drying her hair after bath. Vishu sees that and run in front of Dulari frightening her. She drop milk on Shristi and asks her to go and bathe again and change her dress. Vishu smirk and follows her hiding. Shrihsti walks to her room and walks into bathroom. Vishu call Baiju. Baiju goes out. Vishu walk in smirking. Shristi ask for towel. He show towel. She pulls him in. She is shocked. They get drenched in shower and come out. Vishu says he heard someone asking for towel, so he entered, but Shristi pulled him in. Shristi says she thought he is Baiju. Baiju says he understood and ask Shristi to go and change. Revathi passes by and notices that. Vishu smirks at her and leave.

Vishu goes and changes his dress smirking. Ragini walk in and asks why he is interfering between Shristi and Baiju, their bonding is very strong and he will end up empty handed. Vishu says he love Shristi. Ragini says he does not. Vishu pick hammer and makes a hole in wall and says he will break Shristi and Baiju’s relationship like a hole in this wall. Ragini walk out fuming.

Shristi walks into her room and sleeps on her bed thinking Baiju is sleeping already. Vishu turn. Shristi is shocked seeing him and ask what is he doing here. He says Baiju asked him to sleep here. Baiju says yes and says Vishu messaged him that his room’s roof is leaking, so he asked him to sleep in their room and messaged Shristi to sleep in Dulari or Ragini’s room. Shristi says she did not get any message. Vishu reminisce deleting message from Shristi’s room. He take Baiju’s mobile and shows message sent to Shristi. Shristi argue. Baiju asks not to make an issue out of small confusion. Shristi walk out yelling. Vishu smirks thinks their misunderstanding starts.

Vishu walk to Baiju and says sorry, he says he should not have irked Shristi. Baiju says madamji is over reacting, he will go and calm her down. Vishu sleep on Shristi’s bed laughing and think if Baiju had come 30 seconds later, he would have kissed Shristi.

Shrtisti stand in the garden. Baiju walk in and ask why she is angry so much, earlier other family member like Dulari, Ragini, and Vasu have slept in her room. Vishu hide behind tree and hear their conversation. Shristi says Vishu is different and she feel something is wrong. He says she is over reacting. Ragini come out checking signal on mobile and seeing them fighting ask if they gave room to Vishu does not mean they will spend the whole night in the garden. Baiju ask how does she know. She says Vishu himself told her and ask them to sleep in her room as she and Anurag are sleeping in Vikral’s room. Baiju and Shristi leave. Ragini try calling Parag.

Vishu walk back to Shristi’s room, picks her clothes from cupboard and smells them lustfully. Ragini walk in switching on voice recorder on her mobile and ask him to stop his drama provoking him to confesses his crime. He confesses, but then he sees her recording and change his tone. She ask him to stop. He says he saw her recording and realized what she is up to and warn her not to dare try it again. Ragini says his truth will come out like this mirror. He ask to close room and go. He then take out Shristi’s perfume and smell it lustfully.

Ragini returns to Anurag tensed. Anurag try to calm her down and play piano on Ragini’s hand. Ragini ask him to stop. He get sad. She then plays piano on his hand and try to calm him down. He get romantic. Vikral cough in sleep. They both get alert and then again get romantic. Ragini goes to prepare juice for Vikral reminiscing her romance with Anurag. Vishu watch hiding. Once she goes aside, he mix rat poison in the juice and think Ragini will kill her old father now. Ragini pass by via hall and sees Shristi making Baiju write down grocery list with Kashmiri rajma in a list. Baiju says he likes local rajma. Shristi says everyone likes Kashmiri rajma and cannot change to his taste. Ragini keeps juice on table and asks Shristi to order both. Shristi yells she will order via shop and leaves. Baiju says he will bring it. Ragini suggests they both should not fight. Baiju says Shristi is getting groggy, yesterday she scolded Vishu and now him. Ragini asks why did she scold Vishu. He says he does not know, she herself can ask Vishu or Shristi. She says she will and asks him to feed juice to babuji till then. Vishu get happy thinking Ragini prepared juice, he mixed poison, now goon Baiju will feed it to Vikral and will be blamed for Vikral’s death.

Baiju extend juice towards Vikral’s mouth to feed him. Vishu gets excited. Baiju stops and says it has fly, he will prepare another juice for babuji and goes to kitchen. Vishu angrily walks into his room and yells this old man is not dying at all, he will kill old man ruthlessly and protector Baiju will not be able to help.

Revathi walks into Dulari’s room calling her and scolds what is she doing. Dulari says she is fixing different girl’s features and making a perfect girl’s pic for Vishu. Revathi scolds her and sends her away.

Baiju return home holding grocery bags. Shristi helps him. He says looks she is calm now. She asks why did he bring it. He gives her gift box. She asks what is it. He says shop keeper must have kept it. Shristi says she will thank shopkeeper then. He says she should thank him and he knows where to accept it, signalling to romance her. Shristi goes to her room with gift box. Vishu breaks vase and hides. Shristi goes to check. Vishu runs to her room and checks gift and Baiju’s message in to to wear gift and come to their favorite spot at 9 p.m. He smirks and leaves.

Shristi waits fo Baiju in garden wearing dress and shawl over it. Vishu goes there. She thinks it is Baiju and turns closing eyes an dremoves shawl revealing mini skirt. Vishu lustfully looks at her. She opens eyes and gets shocked seeing Vishu and drapes shawl back over her. Baaiju walks in. Vishu shows letter and says Baiju gave it to him. Shristi is shocked looking at it. Baiju says it is his handwriting, but he did not write it. Shristi reads lewd letter by Baiju and slaps him. Vishu reminisces writing it. Shristi leaves. V ishu tells Baiju h e should not have written this letter.

Baiju follows Shristi. Shristi closes door and says she does not want to see his dirty face. Revathi passes by and asks if something happened. Baiju say usual misunderstanding. Shristi opens door. Baiju tries to convince he that he did not write it, but Shristi alleges he did it and even he sent that MMS. Vishu watches standing near door and smirks. Baiju checks letter and realizes Vishu wrote it, he walks to Vishu and holding his collar warns how dare he is to play his evil game. He goes to Shristi and iinforms he did not write it as letter is addressing Shrisit as tum when he always addresses her aap. Ragini hears that and thinks it is Vishu for sure.

Baiju show letter to Shristi and says Tum is written in it, but he addresses her Aap. Ragini hear that. Shristi clap and says he is lying as usual, she does not trust him anymore. Baiju says their relationship is based on trust, but she does not trust him anymore. He walks out sadly. Ragini try to speak to her, but she walks away. Vishu laughs and says it is bad, he ask Ragini how did she like his high voltage drama? Ragini also leaves angrily. Vishu continues laughing.

Ragini walks to Baiju. Baiju sys madamji does not trust him at all. Ragini consoles him and asks him to give Shristi some time to get back to normal. Vishu continues laughing in his room and continues planning. Ragini walks in and warns him to stay away from Shristi and Baiju. Baiju challenges her to prove him wrong, else bend in front of him and accept her defeat. Ragini angrily tries to slap him, he holds her hand and warns to keep this excitement for Shristi and Baiju and yells to get out. Ragini leaves fuming.

Revathi arranges Satyanarayan pooja for Ragini’s child and Baiju/Shristi’s better future. Ragini arranges havan and other pooja items. Anurag tells Vikral everything is under control, his Patna project is going fine. Ragini asks Anurag to give her thali. Vishu gives it and showing her timer ask her to hurry up before time finishes. Family performs pooja next. Baiju sits next to Shrtisti, but she ignores him and performs pooja. Baiju walks away. He returns. Shristi leaves. Ragini consoles Baiju again.

Shristi walk to her room and sees wedding dress, mangalsutra, bangles, etc. on her bed, thinks who brought it. Baiju messages that she trusts Vishu more than him, so she should marry Vishu and he is gifting wedding dress. Shristi walk to Baiju and asks what rubbish is this? Vishu watch standing at a distance and smirking. Baiju says he did not understand. She says he wants him to marry someone else, so she will divorce him and already got divorce papers prepared. He ask what does she mean. She shows message and says he sent it. He says he did not. She says their relationship has finished from today. Vishu smirk. Baiju asks how will it end. Shristi says it is an end and walks away fuming.

Ragini tells Baiju there is some confusion. Baiju leave. Vishu walks to her and laughs and says she challenged she will reunite Baiju and Shristi, but she failed. He confesses that he ordered wedding sari for Shristi and sent message to Shristi via Baiju’s phone, he is being all the drama, Baiju is clean bold, now he will enter with band baaja. She and her god could not do anything, he won. He order to accept her defeat and kneeling down rub her nose on the floor. Ragini kneel down. Vishu asks to rub her nose. The whole family enters. Vishu stand shocked. Shristi says she doubted Baiju because of him and finally realized he is behind it. Revathi slap Vishu. Shristi apologize to Baiju and says when Ragini told her the truth, she did not believe her and reminisces the incident. Baiju explain his side of the story. Ragini ask Vishu what will he do now? Vishu hold knife and tell Shristi he is her culprit and should be punished, she can kill him. Baiju says he is unfit to be forgiven. Shristi says she can give him a chance, he should forget the past and move on. Revathi scold Vishu next. Vishu does emotional drama and requests to forgive him. She does. He thinks mothers are emotional fools, wait and watch what will happen next.

Vishu angrily look at himself in the mirror and address himself that he has failed and could not get Shristi and kick Baiju out of Shristi’s life. He wrap tape around himself shouting he does not have right to live and gasps for air. He then remove the tape and thinks he will not accept defeat so easily and will take revenge at any cost.

Anurag ask Ragini why she did not nform him Vishu’s truth, if she does not trust him. Ragini say Vishu is family’s favorite and nobody would believe her, she researched a lot and planned all this. Shristi also tell same to Baiju and says they made Vishu accept his crime in front of the whole family. Anurag ask to inform him first next time. Ragini agrees. Shristi also agrees to Baiju. Their nok jhok starts.

Vishu walk to living room thinking what to do next. Anurag walk to him and showing their photo ask if he remembers that moment, they clicked it when he went to London, he met so many people around the would, but did not meet innocent person like Vishu. Vishu says he is a sinner. Anurag says sometimes we go overboard in love, he should forget what happened and move ahead in life. Vishu act and nod his head, but think the whole family is a fool. Shristi watch them from 1st floor. Revathi bring doctor and says she wants Vishu to get treated and remember his past. Vishu says he does not want to, else would not be able to live. Anurag request Revath. Revathi agrees and apologize to doctor and send him away.

Family sits enjoying tea in the evening. Dulari says even she want to confess her crimes, she burnt Vidhvan’s favorite kurta and burnt Ragini’s food as she was busy reading novel Saas nagin hai. She confess her crime to each one. Revathi scold her. Ragini says Dulari’s punishment is double food. Dulari happily finish the whole food. Baiju says he will take care of Vikral, she can relax.

Baiju goes to Vikral’s room and take care of him. He get a call and walks out of the house. Vishu walk in and seeing Vikral asleep think he will kill this old man and get Baiju punish. Ragini walk in and asks him to forget old memories, she informs she asked Baiju to give headache medicine to Shristi. Vishu reminisces he changed medicine to kill Vikral. She goes to give Vikral’s medicine. Vishu run to Shristi’s room and sees Baiju already giving her medicine.

PS. Please Note That lots of scenes are missing as there are no updates on those particular scenes kindly watch tomorrow episode to be updated.


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