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Anurag get a call from inspector and ask him to keep informing him about progress. Pandit perform pooja. Family performs pooja next.

Ragini crawl to Vikral and cry that she can not save him, she will be born as his child even in next life. She collapse. Vikral try hard and shout Ragini, you cannot accept defeat. Ragini open her eyes and get happy hearing her father speaking. She says she will not accept defeat, she get up and breaks pot and with a broken piece cuts her rope. Ragini says she will return soon. Vikral says he will wait for her. She run on street in jungle and seeing a car plead with driver to drop her to Hari Nagar, he says he will not go that side.

At home, Vishu message Shristi from Ragini’s mobile. She reads it and walks out. He walks behind her. Ragini continues pleading, but man does not agree. She slap him, makes him sit behind, and drive the car. Shristi wait for Ragini outside. Vishu sprinkle chloroform powder on his palm. Shristi think she should inform Baiju and Anurag first. Vishu walks to her and says Ragini messaged him to bring her. She think something is wrong and stop. He insists and pulls her. She cals Ragini’s number and finds mobile in his pocket.

Shekhar forcefully makes Shristi wear garland and starts pheras with her. Anurag calls and asks him where is he Shekhar says he is not Vishu, Ragini must have informed him already. Anurag ask him to come home with Shristi, they can will get him married to Shristi. Shekhar says he is not a fool to come there and is marrying Shristi here itself. Baiju warn him to spare Shristi, else he will not spare him. Shekhar ask to come and dare touch him then. Police try to track his location. Shekhar realizes it and asks them to catch him if they can and break the mobile. Inspector says they traced the area, but not exact location, they should reach there soon before janmastami celebrations start there. Brij and police rescue Vikral and bring him home.

Shekhar forcefully takes 4 pheras with Shristi and asks her to take rest 3 pheras coming in front. She comes in front and collapses. He carries her and leaves in car. Anurag with Ragini and Baiju follows police jeep. Ragini panics and shouts save Shristi. She sees Shristi in opposite car and shouts it is Shristi. Anurag reverses car and follows. Shekhar gets out on bridge. Anurag and Shristi walk out of car and threaten Anurag and Baiju to stay away. He shoots Baiju’s leg and warns he will shoot Ragini. They stand far away. He then says if not alive, they can die and unite and falls from bridg with Shristi. Baiju runs an dholds Shristi’s hand. Shekhar holds Shristi’s legs. Shristi kicks him. He falls down the bridge. Baiju pulls Shristi up. Ragini hugs her emotionally. They all leave for home.

After 5 months, Shristi and Ragini now 9 weeks pregnant come down with Baiju and Anurag. Revathi says they lost their wealth. Vidhvan says they dont have money now, but is happy they are getting 2 grandchildren. Daadi performs Ragini and Shristi’s rasam. Vikral enters and gifts them necklaces. Ragini thinks it is her father’s blessing.

Family celebrates Ragini and Shristi’s goad bharai ritual. Vikral gifts them necklace each and blesses them. Baiju’s friend Famous returns and asks why he started toy business. Baiju say it was necessary and he will seek his help when needed, he asks Dulari to show Famous his room. Ragini rests on bed and tells Shristi her legs are swollen. Shristi checks and says no. Anurag and Baiju walk in. Ragini asks Anurag what about his tender, results would have come. Anurag asks her not to worry about business, he and Baiju will handle it, she should rest.. They both leave. Ragini and Shristi’s chatting starts. They discuss names for their babies and discuss Anurag and Baiju want daughters, they will pamper their daughters well like we are pampered by our fathers. Ragini says she will keep her name as Sakshi. They discuss like they stood firm during thick and thins, their daughters will also stand together always and support each other. Revathi hears their conversation and pray god to fulfill their wishes.

Famous speaks to his boss and informs that he will supply drugs via Baiju’s toys. He goes down to check
Anurag and Vidhvan discuss they don’t have any money left, not even to pay electricity bills. Their creditor enters and tells Vidhvan that he did not return either principal or interest since many months. Vidhvan requests for some more time. Creditor says whole zilla trusts Vidhvan, so he will return after some days. Revathi asks what loan is this. Anurag says Shekhar took loan as Vishu, so they have repay it. Famous hears their conversation and informs his boss that Vidhvan’s family is pauper now and are hoping in Baiju’s toy factory, they don’t know that we will use factory to supply drugs, he is just hungry for money and power, Baiju will not know at all that he is betraying him.

Ragini and Shristi insists for halwa. Revathi asks Dulari to get badam from store room, which she has hidden to prepare badam halwa. She serves pomegranate juice. They both continue their chat and enjoy juice. After sometime, Shristi rests in her room. Baiju enters and pampers Shristi and then gives good news that his loan is passed and he is opening toy family. She says they should inform family and serve sweets to god first. He says she is right. They both inform family. Family rejoices..

Anurag asks Ragini where she had gone in the afternoon. Ragini says to meet Ammaji. Anurag says Ammaji had called and told she did not speak to her since 2 days. Ragini says she wanted to tell him.. He says he is already tensed and she is starting again. Ragini says she took Vikral’s car and did not take much help. He takes out money from her bag and asks what is it then, he agreed to let Vikral get her delivery in any big hospital, then why she is doing all this. Ragini says Shristi’s condition is worse and she cannot afford costly hospital, so she sold her bangles. He says he did not feel so helpless, he tried a lot but did not get job. She asks him to join Baiju in his toy business and if they both join, business will grow rapidly, he can join any job later. He agrees. She says she is having leg swelling, so will go for a walk and leaves.

Solid dismantles Baiju’s factory toys and says he will tell where to hide drugs, clicks pics and sends to his aide. Ragini passes by and seeing broken toys asks why he is clicking pics, why toys are broken. He says he is doing quality check. She leaves. After sometime, shop owner enters and holding Baiju’s feet asks why did he send money and papers, he will give shop without that. Baiju says he left goondagiri long ago and is starting toy business, so he will pay rent on time. Owner looks at Solid and leaves. Baiju scolds Solid not to start goondagiri again. Shristi warns Solid that Baiju left goondagiri more than a year ago and will not start it again. Baiju warns to start a right path.

Shristi and Ragini play with toys. Baiju and Anurag walk in. They taunt them that their children will also argue like them. They gift them dolls. They both like it.

Solid informs his boss how he will hide drugs in toys and get Anurag and Baiju blamed if they are caught. Boss comes in front. Solid is shocked to see Shekar with half burnt face and asks how did he escape death. Shekhar says god saved him to take revenge from Vidhvan’s family and get back Shristi. He fixes each family member’s pic on a pot and says he will break Baiju like this pot. He then orders Solid to get out now and hide drugs in toys. Solid picks drugs and leaves.

Solid returns home nervously. Ragini catches him and checks his bag and seeing drugs asks what is it. He says he has hypoglycemia, so carrying glucose. She asks why in open packet and tries to taste. He says she will sneeze with dry powder. She asks from when he has hypoglycemia. He says since childhood. She thinks how can she not know about his disease.

Baiju lifts Shristi and brings her to living room. She asks to get her down, someone will see. He says he does not mind. She says she is heavy now. He says weight is just a number. He gets her down and showing toys says he got 100 toys’ delivery order. She says she will quality test each toy. She checks scold Baiju. Baiju smiles. Solid watches hiding and thinks he has done quality check himself.

Anurag walks into Ragini’s room. Ragini angrily asks him to get out. He says he had got her a good news, he was waiting for tender announcement thinking of her smiling face and results were announced, he got tender. She scold him that he is giving good news 3 hours later. He says 6 minutes are left. She continues scolding him. Revathi with Vikral walks in and scolds Anurag for making her bahu angry. Ragini says he got a tender and is informing 3 hours later with empty hands, not even a choc. Vidhvan says he brought choc for her and asks Revathi to get it via Dulari. Revathi asks Anurag to bring choc. Ragini says only she will have it. She goes out and taking choc passes by store room and sees it open. She enters and does not find anyone. Solid who is hiding drugs in toys hides. Once she leaves, he calls Shekhar who orders to go to deliver toys himself, return midway and inform police, he wll come there and see Baiju getting arrested. Solid asks how can he come there. He says he can come anywhere and see Vidhvan’s family’s destroyal.

Family is busy chatting when Shekhar enters disguised as eunuch among eunuchs. Eunuch says she heard they got a baby boy home, so they came to celebrate. Revathi says there is still time for that. Eunuch says they will dance and bless them and go. They dance. Shekhar also dances and sensuously touches Shristi. Police enters to arrest Baiju for peddling drugs in toys. Shekhar yells Vidhvan’s family is a criminal, they should be cursed and curses that Baiju will never see his child’s face. Vidhvan asks them to go. Ragini reminisces seeing Solid carrying drugs, but does not utter and gets busy consoling Shristi. Police arrests Baiju. Baiju says he will return soon, till then take care of Shristi and leaves with police.

PS. Please Note That lots of scenes are missing as there are no updates on those particular scenes kindly watch tomorrow episode to be updated.


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