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Priyom says to Poonam that you are coward, she says i was fighting with him, I could have handled him, Priyom says you were shivering, Poonam says this all happened because of you, he ask what are you doing here? Poonam says i found you tensed so i thought to go behind you, Priyom says the Poonam who used to not go out of house without Guddi got so worried for me that she came alone in night here, Poonam says dont change topic, tell me who is that girl, he says who? she says dont act, he says if you know her house then take me, Poonam is afraid to go back, Poonam says leave it, i got in problem because of you, how will we go back to hostel? there are no rickshaws seen here, Priyom finds cycle there, Poonam says you will ride it? Priyom says i only know who to steal hearts, he smiles at Poonam.
Choti Amma says to Badi Amma that Bindya was right, her situation is different, Badi amma says my mind is saying something else and heart is saying something else, Choti Amma says we can help her to get some respectable job, it will be good for her. Bindya and Ghungroo listens this, Ghungroo says you didnt tell me that your mother sold you, she says it was no use to tell you, these things should be told where it can effect, i didnt know my past will affect them so much. Choti Amma says to Badi amma that Bindya did favor on us, we have to return it, Maya looks on too, Badi Amma says you are feeling pity for her, she ask Maya? Maya says maybe wife inside doesnt like her but as mother i accept her favor which did saving my son, as thakurs we should help her, Badi amma says to Choti Amma that i will give one chance to Bindya but you will take her guarantee, Bindya have sucked poison so she is not less poisonous too. Bindya listens all this and says these thakurs are hard from outside but soft from inside, i will use their softness, she says to Ghungroo that they will be nice to me and i will rule them.

Maya has called some guests in house. Lakhan comes there and finds girl and her family, Rekha is shocked seeing him and thinks that if he gets to know that i am arranging his marriage then he will make issue, Lakhan ask who are these people? she says how come you came so soon? Lakhan says so should i take your permission, he ask who are these guest, man says i am Ram, i am here with my wife and daughter Radha, we are not guests but going to be relatives, Lakhan says so you want to make me your son in law? Rekha is afraid and whispers that for my respect, be silent, i am doing all this for your good, Lakhan says am i mad that i will disrespect them? Lakhan ask Ram to have refreshment, i will come, Rekha thinks how come this volcano so calm today? Lakhan leaves.
Rekha talks with girl’s family, she says i am having sweat of happiness, Ram says i listened about tears of happiness but this? Rekha says now you will learn blood of happiness etc as you are tying knot with us, he says you are funny, Ram says we are ready to give 2 crore and i have 10acres property, Rekha gets happy, Lakhan comes back, he sits and says if everything is set? Rekha says yes, we are talking, Rekha says i liked girl and talked about things, you talk to them, Lakhan says i will talk about dowry and all but he ask Ram what you know about him? Ram says all know about you, you are lion, Lakhan says then you should know that lion was engaged to one girl for 10 years, name was Poonam, it broke now only, Ram says its all about fate, everything happens for good, if that relation had not broken then this new relation would have not formed, Lakhan says so you are saying that my marriage with Poonam broke for good? Ram says no, Lakhan brings our dagger, he stabs Ram in his leg, all are shocked, Rekha says Lakhan what you did? Lakhan says what mistake i did? i was talking nicely to him but he is saying that my marriage with Poonam broke for good? was it good? Rekha says no it was sad, i couldnt sleep. Lakhan says if any family comes here with proposal for marriage then i will shoot them, Rekha is shocked.

Priyom is trying to open lock of cycle, he ask Poonam what song will you sing in competition tomorrow? he says you sing any song which you like and will win first prize, Poonam says i am afraid to go on stage and you are talking about 1st prize, Priyom says you dont do things but when you do, you do it to win 1st prize, i am imagining you coming on stage, spot light on you, you will take mic, will smile and will start singing, people will be engrossed in your song, when you will end song, there will be silence for second then clapping will start which will not end, Poonam smiles and says you know some magic? i was afraid to go on stage and now i am excited listening all this, Priyom says tomorrow many boys will come behind you, all will try to give you rose, she says i dont wanna take rose from anyone, Priyom says ok i will announce to give you pricks, Poonam says enough, leave this cycle, we will go by walk, Priyom breaks lock, he puts money inside house of cycle’s owner.
Rekha ask Lakhan what was his mistake? he came her with proposal of her daughter, Lakhan says you are probing my wounds, Rekha says i am trying to heal your wounds with marriage medicine, i am your mother, i cant see you burning like this, she is in tears and says accept my thing, and forget that cheap Poonam, Lakhan says enough, telling you for first and last time dont call Poonam cheap ever, i will bring jewelry for you as much as you want but dont come inbetween me and Poonam, only Poonam will become daughter in law of this house.

Priyom sit on cycle and ask Poonam to sit, she sit infront, she says we used to ride it like this in childhood, Priyom says things are changed now, you have become fat, she says you are fat, he says i pray that you get husband and kids like bear, she says i pray that you get wife like bear, Priyom says i am not going ot marry, she finds breaking star and prays that you get married next month, they keep fighting, he says you can give right slang even, she says i am saying slang, he says then say i love you, she say i dont like these kind of talks, Priyom loses balance and falls with Poonam, they are shocked to see Nanda and Sharma sit there, Nanda says you promised to bring girls back on time, it was my fault i trusted you, Poonam says its not Priyom’s fault, we got late because me, i lost my way and if there was no Priyom then dont know what would have happen, Nanda says then punishment should be yours and it is that you will not sing in tomorrow’s competition, Priyom says but.. Nanda says end of discussion, she ask Poonam to go in room, she goes, Priyom says you cant do this, Nanda says you can blackmail me but i will not budge, Poonam will not sing and thats final, she leaves.
Bhushan comes back home and says to Rekha you know what he did, he stabbed Ram, Rekha says i know, why you are making it issue, he will be fine, she ask him to drink cold drink and be cool, he didnt kill him, Bhushan says if he has mother like you then he will start killing people too, for you your son is saint, he ask where is he? Rekha says be his father and stand with your son, Bhushan says i cant stand with wrong, Rekha says what you got by standing wit right all these years, people ask me why did Lakhan marriage with Poonam broke and i cant answer them, Bhushan says so tell them what your son with her, day is not far that we wont be able to show face to anyone, handle your son, Rekha says he is heart broken, fault is mine, i brought relative for marriage soon, Bhushan says he is explosive, he can burn whole begusarai, he leaves, Rekah says i will be with my son always, i dont want him to be servant of anyone like you, i want to see him as king of begusarai.

Poonam comes in hostel room, all girls are talking about competition, Najma says i was tensed about you Poonam, she shows skirt to Poonam for competition, Poonam is lost, Najma ask everything fine? Poonam says yes, najma ask her to practice for song, Poonam says i will on backstage so no need for practice, all are stunned, Najma ask what happened? Poonam says i got late so Nanda Ma’am punished me that i cant sing on stage, Najma says we will talk to Nanda, Poonam says no need, i didnt want to sing, leave it, all are sad for her, she says to Najma that we have make our college win, you all prepare for program.
In morning, Phulan says to Badi Amma that i am missing Poonam’s tea, dont know what she mix in her tea, i dont like anyone’s else tea now, Mitlaish gets a call and is shocked to get news, Phulan ask what happened? Mitlaish says 15lacs which gave to my servants to give to minister didnt reach him, there is no news of the servants too, seems like they did disloyalty, Phulan says i have sent with much more money before, nothing happened before, Mitlaish says those days are gone, no one is like Manjeeta now, we cant trust brothers now, Mitlaish says i will torture their family, they will return themselves, Phulan sys dont do anything without proof and also we dont involve family in work, find out if someone else did this work, maybe some new or old enemy did this.
Bhushan is getting ready to go for work, he ask Rekha where is key of car, she says i am making breakfast for you so i cant help you, he ask tell me where is it, she says where you must have placed it, he ask her to make breakfast soon, i have to go to Haveli, she says oh i will make it fast as you will get punished by Phulan thakur now, he says Lakhan took car so he must have key, she says dont wake him up, Bhushan goes to check in Lakhan’s room. he starts searching for key when he gets brief case, he opens it and is shocked to see money in it, he says this much money? has Lakhan started robbing people? he comes to Rekha and shows her about money, she says how can you say that Lakhan stole it? he is your blood, why you think wrong about it, first find truth, Bhushan says i cant become blind, last night 15 lacs were snatched from Phulan’s man and today i find a bag of money in Lakhan’s room, what truth can be? did Lakhan kill them? i am worrying about Lakhan’s life now. he says i will talk to Phulan, Rekha says first talk to Lakhan, he will tell truth, Lakhan comes and says truth is what you people are seeing, this is Phulan’s money, i have robbed it and killed his men too, Rekha says what rubbish you are talking, you are sleepy, she ask him to go and sleep, Lakhan says i slept alot, now its time to wake up, i have decided how to live my life, he says to Bhushan that decide how you wanna live your life, living like Lakhan Thakur’s father or … he points gun at Bhushan and says or like Phulan’s younger brother, Bhushan looks in his eyes.

Lakhan points Gun at Bhushan but then puts it down and gives it to Bhushan, he makes Bhushan point gun at Lakhan, he says if you are my father then be silent, let it happen what is happening and if you are Phulan’s brother then.. Gun and decision both are in your hands, Rekha comes infront of Lakhan and says first shoot me because i cant live without my Lakhan.
Priyom gives red roses to Sharma and ask him to give it to nanda Ma’am, he says seeing it, Nanda will become happy then when her mood is set, ask her to let Poonam sing in competition, Poonam and najma sees him from far, Priyom ask Sharma Sir to go, Nanda comes there and says i listened everything, there is limit to jokes, Priyom says and there is limit to punishment, first you made Poonam think of singing on stage, you gave her courage,
nanda says i will give her chance next time but not now, alongwith her you will realize what is result of crossing lines, she is about to leave but Priyom starts ups- and downs, she ask whats this? he says till you dont forgive me, i will continue it, i cant let Poonam’s dream die because of me, Poonam listens this, Nanda says you look like flirt but you have heart too, i like people who live for others, Poonam will sing in competition, Priyom smiles, Poonam looks at him, nanda says i cant stand this guy, she leaves, Priyom turns and looks at Priyom, he laughs, Poonam glances at him.
Priyom’s servant has brought Shaavni’s husband, Priyom comes to him, man says so it is you, i am not afraid of you, i will tell everyone that you flirt with my wife and want to kill me, you have kidnapped me, Priyom slaps hm hard, Poonam is shocked, Priyom ask man to sit in car, he makes him sit in car and leaves with him, Poonam is shocked, people talk that this is height, he is behind married women now, Poonam says to Najma that there is something wrong, Namja says everything is clear, Priyom is having affair with married women and he is making her husband afraid, Poonam says no, i know Priyom, he is not like this, there is something wrong, Najma says that Man old clearly that Priyom have affrai with his wife and Priyom went to her house too, leave it, prepare for competition, Poonam is not convinced, Najma says he flirts with every other girl, this time its married girl so no big deal, lets leave.

Bindya says to Choti Amma that i cant thank you enough for giving me chance to live respectful life, i will do any work which you will give me, Pinto and Soni comes there, Bindya comes to Pinto and ask him how is he? he says i am fine with medicine, she says good and smiles, he leaves, Choti Amma says will you eat Paan? Bindya says me? she say yes, she ask Bindya to sit on chair, Bindya sit, she gives Paan to Bindya, Bindya smells it and says it seems nice, Bindya says you wanted to talk, Choti Amma says i wanted to talk about work, Bindya says i will do any work you say, i learned dance too, you just give me work, i will not disappoint you, Choti Amma says Phulan thakur opened center for women, women work there, it includes embroidery, art work, food making etc, if you work there, you will earn 8000 per month, Bindya says only that much? Choti Amma says its hard earned money so you will not earn bucks, Bindya says i understand, i will start working to get my respect back, Choti amma sys start working from tomorrow, she leaves, Bindya says now i have to act like hard working women to make place in thakurs’ hearts.
Mitlaish comes back home and says to Phulan that i didnt find the men who took my money, Phulan says what reason it can be, Mitlaish says they were disloyal, if i find them, i will tie bomb around their body and will blast it, i have no other choice, the man’s wife come there and says my husband used to work here from years, he cant do this, Mitlaish says dont act else i know other language too, wife says we dont know anything, Phulan says they are not lying, he ask wives to leave, we are finding about your husbands, Mitlaish says how can you let them go, Phulan says we cant doubt our people till we dont have proof as this way people will loose faith in us, he ask Bhushan why are you looking tensed, Bhushan says i wanted to talk something but i wanna ask promise first, Lakhan is my only son, dont kill him.. Phulan says you mean to say that Lakhan stole my money? Bindya listens this, Mitlaish thinks its time to bring Lakhan back under me, if i make him get forgiveness from Phulan then he will become my slave again, Phulan ask to call Lakhan, i wanna talk to him, Mitlaish says if you agree then can i talk to Lakhan? Phulan says okay it is your business, your money so you can talk to Lakhan but there should be no fight, Mitlaish says you dont worry, Mitlaish leaves. Bindya says this is good, these Thakurs will keep fighting among themselves and i will do what i want.

Poonam is practicing her song but cant concentrate on it, Najma says you remember lyrics but why are you not singing well? where your concentration is? Poonam says i cant sing, Najma ask her to close eyes and then sing, Poonam closes her eyes and recalls how Priyom went to Shaavni’s house, how shaavni’s husband alleged Priyom that he has affair with his wife, how Priyom warned him and took him away, she opens her eyes, she finds Priya there and is about to go to her, but sees Priya taking rose from other guy, Najma says see Priyom found someone else and Priya too found someone else, dont think about it, just practice.

The festival starts. Najma says to Poonam that dont look at audience as you will lose confidence, close your eyes and just sing, you will win. Poonam is called on stage, Poonam comes on stage, she is tensed, Priyom enters the hall, guys are hooting, spot light is on Poonam, Poonam tries to sing but cant utter a word due to stage fright, one guy from audience taunt that if you cant sing then take training from me, Poonam starts to leave stage, Priyom brings that guy out of audience, Poonam looks on, Priyom says you wanna give training then go on stage, go else you will not be able to walk even, he brings a guy on stage and ask him to sing, minister who is chief guest says what is this behavior, Priyom says you can see my behavior but cant see this guy taunting people on stage, minister ask his secretary to arrest this guy, secretary says he is Priyom thakur, Phulan thakur’s son, Minister gets silent, Priyom ask guy to sing and train, guy says i am sorry, Priyom says you were commenting from audience now what happened on stage, cant sing then atleast say something, guy is silent, he says to people that now you understand, people shiver on stage, he ask if anyone else wanna comment? a girl who never stood infront of audience, mustered courage to sing infront of all so respect her guts and if you cant then atleast remain silent, guy leaves silently, Priyom says welcome Poonam, all claps, he comes to Poonam and says see all are clapping fro you and spot light is on you too, your dream is going to be fulfilled, dont look at me just sing, he leaves, Poonam holds mike, look at audience.

Shaavni comes to college. Lakhan calls someone and says i need drugs but it should be original, Mitlaish comes there, Lakhan is shocked, Mitlaish comes and sit infront of him, Lakhan ask what work you have? Mitlaish says you ate my 15 lacs and my 2 men, before taking any action, i wanted to ask if you killed my men just for fun or are you starting a new business with this money?
Poonam closes her eyes, she starts singing, People starts clapping for her, Poonam opens her eyes and sings with confidence, she ends her song, all praises her, Poonam looks at Priyom who is clapping for her, she smiles, just then Shaavni enters hall, Priyom goes out with her, Poonam is stunned, she goes behind them.
Mitlaish says to Lakhan that you must remember that i made you learn how to use toys(hinting guns), Lakhan says 15 years passed, Mitlaish says after 15 years, you are pointing gun at me, he says my and Phulan’s way of ruling is different, for him justice, welfare all this matters, and blood relations, but i know you are my brother, this is not first that i have spent my money on you, but remember one thing that Phulan can kill me or you for justice, you are my brother so important than money or my men thats why i am here, think from mind, after Phulan and Bhushan, we have to rule Begusarai, everything is ours then why you are taking gun in your hands? i want you to be my side when i become king, i want us to be united, you be my power, i saved you today from Phulan and will keep saving you and your business in future too because i have hopes from you, you love Poonam? after i become king, i will allow you to marry her and this is rule of Begusarai that girl’s father have to follow king’s order then why you are taking gun in your hands? Lakhan agrees, Mitlaish says you are intelligent, remember one thing this talk shouldn’t go to Bhushan as he is more brother to Phulan than your father, Rekha comes there and is shocked to see Mitlaish, she says you here? Mitlaish says just came to see Lakhan, i will leave, he leaves, Rekha is confused.
Poonam comes out of hall and tries to find Priyom, she finds Priyom talking to Shaavni that i can go to any length for you Shaavni, she comes there and finds shaavni hugging Priyom, she is stunned, he says Poonam.. Poonam comes to him and slaps him hard, all are shocked.

Poonam slaps Priyom, all are stunned, Poonam says to Priyom that i never thought you will stoop so low that you will have affair with married women, i am ashamed to call you my friend, to keep your illegal relation with her, you had beaten her husband, did you kill him? i am feeling that you are filth, Priyom leaves from there, Poonam is in tears, and starts leaving, Shaavni stops her and says you thought wrong, he was mot making me away from my husband, he has saved my life, Poonam is stunned. Poonam ask Shaavni what relation you have with Priyom? shaavni says once i was friend with Priyom then i got married to Sanjay, he is a drunkard and beats me alot but i never showed my pain to anyone, i kept thinking that mu husband will change, will love me someday but that day never came, i came here that day to meet my cousin, Priyom saw me, i tried hide to my pain but Priyom doubted me, dont know how he found my address, he cam to my house, you came there too, Priyom asked me everything and i told him truth as i was broken from inside, then my husband came so Priyom left from backside, Sanjay was drunk that day, he got loss in business and beat me hard, then i lost my patience and called Priyom, told him everything, Priyom sent his men and took my husband from house, Priyom have admitted him in rehabilitation center so he can leave drinking, because of his drinking he lost alot in business and had to pay hefty loan but Priyom paid that loan, Poonam is stunned, shaavni sys you all were going back Begusarai so i thought to meet Priyom and thank him but you misunderstood him, he changed my life and what you said to him? by the way who are you to Priyom? Poonam looks on, she says i am Priyom’s friend, Shaavni says Priyom is laways laughing and chirpy but he is very serious from heart, you call him friend but you misunderstood him like others, all thinks Priyom traps girls but nobody saw his goodness, Priyom is very nice guy, nothing is wrong, you are lucky to have friend like Priyom, there are very less people who think about others than themselves, go and pacify your friend, dont ever lose a friend like him, Poonam feel guilty.

In Haveli, Phulan and Bhushan are waiting, Phulan ask Bhushan what Lakhsn did with Mitlaish’s men? Mitlaish comes and says Lakhan didnt do anything, Bhushan says then how he got money? Mitlaish says you doubted him and he being angry man said that he robbed my men, how can you think that he will go against Phulan, he will rob my money? he is your blood, and about money, Lakhan has taken loan to do business, i have confirmed it, Phulan ask Mitlaish then where did money go? Mitlaish says i have found the one who robbed my money, Lakhan is innocent, Mitlaish leaves, Phulan says to Bhushan that you make issue f small things, Lakhan is hot headed person, handle him with calmness.
Poonam is finding Priyom, Najma ask her to not feel guilty, anyone will think like this, Poonam says it was my mistake, she finds Priyom’s servant, Poonam ask where is Priyom, they say Priyom went to bus stand, Poonam runs toward bus stand, she is finding Priyom, crying, she is checking in every bus but doesnt find him, she cries, Najma ask her to calm down, you fight with him everytime but everything becomes fine, Poonam says its not small thing, i have done sin, i have alleged his purity, how to find him, she comes to receptionist and says my own is lost, can you announce his name, she says his name is Priyom, receptionist announce his name and ask him to come here.
Lakhan is thinking, Rekha ask what are you thinking? you robbed money, killed Phulan’s men so drama will be created, Mitlaish can save you and can help you in business too, Lakhan sys yes, Rekha says remember one thing that from years your father is servant of Phulan, yo dont become servant of Mitlaish, Mitliash can become king but you have to setup your own kingship, Lakhan says you are right, i will not repeat my father’s mistake, i will take help of Mitlaish but will setup my own kingship, i will rule it, he calls someone.

New entry Dolt is shown in jail, he watching a movie and lifting weights, he says i like this girl in movie, he says i love this actress, but does she love me? other man says this is 25 years old film, she must be having kids now, leave her, Dolt gets angry and beats that guy with weights, he injures him and says i asked you a simple question that will she love me or not? and you said she has kids, you broke my heart, he beats him, he maybe be having kids but can love me, he looks at actress in movie and says i love you., he again starts beating guy, his phone rings, Lakhan has called him, Dolt ask him to just order, Lakhan says i have started new business come fast, Dolt says i will fly and come.

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