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Ram shouts if she is so daring to stop him. Dayimaa wakes up and tries to stop him again. He picks trishul and try to stab her, but Siya hold trishul. Aygiri Nandini..shlokas play in the background. She snatches trishul and keeping it aside gives Ram a tight slap. Mohini feels that slap. Siya holds Ram’s collar and confronts how dare he is to harm Dayimaa, if he has gone mad, look into her eyes. Mohini pleads not to look into Sautan’s eyes, else she will lose all control on him. Siya continues confronting Ram and forcefully looks into his eyes. Ram’s black magic breaks and he collapses.

Ram is laid on his bed. Siya confronts Dayimaa that they they did a lot of truth from her, she will not leave Ram here and will take him from here. Dayimaa says she cannot do that. Siya says Ram is possessed by evil, he was speaking in local language and dared to hit women, else Ram respects women and cannot think of even touch them.

Ghagra paltan team treats fingerprints on Mohini’s cheek and ask if a common human is so powerful that Siya injured chudail. Mohini says once she controls Ram’s all 5 senses, even Siya cannot do anything. She will control Ram’s senses after 2 days when sun will raise from opposite direction. Her doll mimics same.

Siya cry thinking if anyone can save her Ram. Devimaa disguised as a girl walks to her and asks to follow her. Siya walks behind her asking who is she. Girl takes her to temple. Siya asks why did she come here. Girl says she brought her to devi maa/mother as children can be angry on mother and mother will not. Girl enters temple door and disappears. Siya wakes up from sleep and realizing devi maa is calling her walks out of room. Mohini walks into room and and thinks soon Ranasaa will be hers and is about to touch Ram when Dayimaa enters and scolds her what is she doing here. Mohini says she saw Kunwar Rani saa going out of room, so she came in to take care of Ram. Dayimaa scoldsd that Siya has just gone out of room and not Ram’s life and warns her to get out right now. Mohini walks away. Rajguru walks in. Mohini thinks what is Dayimaa up to. Dadimaa joins them. Rajguru says chudail is controlling Ram, so Ram destroyed all protective barriers. Dayimaa asks to finish pooja before Siya comes. Rajguru does pooja, and four balls emerge out of Ram and return back. Dadimaa asks what was that. Dayimaa says chudila has controlled Ram’s taste, touch, smell, common sense and if she controls his vision also, they cannot get back Ram from chudail. Mohini thinks she will control even vision sense soon.

They all hear Siya knocking door and shouting to open it and walk out to check. They see Siya knocking temple door, and Dayimaa says this temple door is closed since years as Devi maa is angry on them. Siya asks then why did Devi maa come into her dream last night and took her near this door and disappeared. She continues knocking door. Rajguru says it is a good sign and Devi maa wants to come out now. Dayimaa asks how will they do that. Siya says by doing khsatchandi yagna. Dayimaa asks how. Siya says she is Devimaa’s daughter and knows how to plead her mother. She chants mantra, and temple bells ring. Mohini unable to bear pain shuts her ears. Siya says where Durga shaptapadi mantra is chanted, Devimaa does not leave that place. She will do this yagna to save her husband. Mohini thinks everything was going well, with his yagna, she will lose all control on Ram, she cannot even take name of this yagna. Rajguru says Kunwarranisaa’s decision is good, they will perform yagna after 2 days. Siya drops water and takes oath that she will perform yagna to save her husband. Dayimaa and Dadimaa feel proud of her.

Mohini walks to Ram’s room and cries that she cannot lose him again. Her team says why she is so worried, she has faced yagna even before. Mohini says it is yagna of a devi whom all chudails are afraid of, if yagna is performed perfectly, she will lose control on Ram and will not get him in this life.

Raj Jyotishya/RJ explains Siya that her determination will help her in her Shatchanti yagna and says there will be many steps and rituals for havan; first she has to invite 9 suhagans, prepare food and feed them, send them with gifts fully satisfied, and then eat their leftover food from their thali. Siya agrees. Mohini thinks she will see how will she complete yagna. Dayimaa sees Mohini and asks what is she planning. Mohini says nothing, she is going to prepare food. Siya warns her not to enter kitchen, she will prepare food. Mohini walks away frowning. RJ explains next ritual that she has to perform yagna with Ram sitting next to her. Siya agrees. RJ says she has to inform everything to Ram beforehand when he is in his senses. Siya asks what he means. Dayimaa says she herself told Ram is not his self as if there is someone else in his body. Dadimaa asks if she wants to know why nobody stepped on this soil since 2 generations. Siya says yes. Dayimaa says whoever steppted on this soil died and reminisces many accidents and massacres of many generations. She says Ram is is Sisodiya clan’s first king Rana Bhanu Pratap, so he was playing sitar. Siya asks that means Rana Bhanu PRatap is troubling Ram. Dayimaa says it is black curse that is troubling him. Siya says once she gets Ram rid off this curse, she will take Ram back to London. RJ says nobody could succeed till now. Siya says this time a pati vrata/loyal wife is trying to protect her husband, she will succeed this time for sure. Mohini thinks whatever Siya tries, she will take Ram away from Siya at any cost.

Mohini walks to sleeping Ram and leaning on him says soon they will reunite. Siya opens door and sees sand on Ram, thinks how did it come. She then leans on Ram and gets emotional. Mohini thinks let Siya cry today, she will see how she will perform suhaag thaal ritual tomorrow. Next day, Siya prepares food. Dayimaa praises that her food’s smell is all around haveli, suhagan ladies will love her food. Siya asks when are they coming. Dayimaa says she invited them yesterday, they are coming soon. Mohini meets an old woman Kubharja who just knows to curse and provokes her to curse her sautan. Kubharja asks if she wants her to curse Behramgarh’s kunwar rani saa, she is expelled from Behramgarh and cannot enter easily and curse without any reason. Mohini says she will be insulted, so she can curse royal family. Kubarja says she will curse so much that Behramgarh will burn into ashes. Mohini asks to show her talent.

Suhagans enters haveli, and Siya serves them food. Kubharja tries to enter haveli, but guards stop her. Siya hears sound outside and walking to door gets Kubharja in. Everyone present are shocked to see her. Dayimaa is also shocked. Kubharja tells Dayimaa they are meeting after many years. Dayhimaa asks Siya why did she bring Kubharja in. Mohini says her grandmaa told Kubharja’s whole family burnt because of her mistake and she killed her whole family, so she is expelled from Behramgarh since then. Siya says she does not care what happened years ago, she brought an old hungry woman home to feed her. Suhaagans oppose and say they will not have food with a widow, even god will be angry on Siya if she does so. Siya says her mother is not so cruel to get angry for feeding a hungry woman. Mohini eagerly waits for Kubharja to curse. Suhaagans says she has to choose between them and Kubharja. Siya says she wants them to feed themselves and go happily from here, but when they don’t have to, they can walk away. Women walk away. Siya washes Kubharja’s feet and asks what is her name. Kubharja gets emotional and says everyone call her Kubharja since ages, even she forgot her name. Siya asks again. Kubharja says her name is Poonam. Siya calls her Poonam maa. Kubharja gets more emotional. Mohini gets tensed that Kubharja instead of cursing Siya is getting emotional. Siya asks Mohini to bring thali. Mohini opposes. Siya warns to obey her order. Mohhini gets thali. Siya feeds food to Kubharja from her hands and says she is happy to serve her. Dadimaa tells Dayimaa that this is her bahu, nothing wrong will happen till she is here. After finishing food, Kubharja tells Dayimaa that she is lucky to have such a nice bahu, until Siya is there, they are all safe, and confesses that she came to curse here, but seeing Siya’s kind heart, she wants to bless her. She blesses Siya to be suhaagan forever. Mohini stands more jealous. Kubharja murmurs Siya that goodness is fine, but sometimes it gets trouble, she should be careful from people around her. She picks her gift and walks away.

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