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Naani checks DD’s gift and likes it, says her daughter thinks about her a lot. Mona gets happy seeing golden coins. DD comes and asks if they liked their gifts. Resham and Kesar also say their gifts are very nice. Naani thanks her for gifts and asks about Sid and Roshni’s gifts. DD says even she has a gift for them and asks Kesar to bring them. She gives envelope to Sid. Roshni asks what is in it. DD asks him to open and check. Sid is surprised to see bills. DD says these are the bills of around 27,000 rs which they both had to pay her. Roshni tries to intervene. Sid says there is no use arguing with DD and asks her to get their saving and give them to DD. Roshni says they got only 2000 rs and asks DD she would have informed them before. DD says she does not need to. Naani says she and Mona will pay her. DD says she does not need their money and only needs it from Sid. Sid says he will not get money from Naani or Mona and will arrange it from somewhere. DD says she was expecting this from him and says how will he get money when he is a broke, says he has another choice for him. He calls servants and says they can take diwali leave and until they come back, Sid will be her house’s servant. She says Sid he does not have to come to office and will have to work as servant for 1 month. Naani asks how can she make jamai as servant.

Roshni asks DD how dare she is to insult her husband. DD asks either to pay bills or become servant. Sid agrees to become servant and says it is his house now and he is not ashamed to work in his house. He asks what he should do now. She asks him to keep her sandals in her room and get her slippers. Servant tries to intervene, but she warns them and sends from there. She asks Sid to start his work. Roshni stops Sid, but he smiles and removes slippers from DD’s feet. Roshni asks Sid if he has self-respect or not. He says why should he be ashamed to remove mother’s slippers and says he got a chance to take her blessings after marriage. DD gets irked hearing this and walks bare foot to her room. Roshni also angrily walks out from there.

Roshni packs bags and says she cannot stay in DD’s house after his insult. He asks if she would have felt insult if his mom would have asked her to remove her slippers. She says she would not as she is her mother now. Sid says like his mother is hers, her mother is his. He says DD’s ways are wrong, but they are benefitting because of it. She asks what benefit. He says first she taught us saving, second his wife’s anger for him is gone, third he will enjoy diwali weekend at home with his wife. She asks how he take everything so positively and says she is proud of him. He says even he is proud of her.

Mona says Naani that DD has made our jamai as servant and we cannot do anything. Roshni comes and says she can do but.

On the breakfast table, Sid tries to serve dal to DD and tells her about its health benefits. DD asks him to shut up and get her soup. Roshni comes with soup and says she got her soup. DD asks what is wrong with her, she already told none of the family members will help Sid and asks her to change her servant clothes. Roshni says as she already told she is not her family member and is Sid’s wife’s now. She says already she had worked in this house and used to get salary. DD gets irked hearing that. Roshni says she is doing as she wanted, she is servant with her husband this diwali. She asks her not to give them salary this diwali and to keep it as diwali treat. DD angrily walks out from there. Naani claps for Roshni. DD thinks he became chef, servant, etc., even then these mother/daughter are still at loggerheads with each other.

Raj and Simran sees Sid and Roshni cleaning floor. Simran asks what are they doing, where are the servants. Resham says it is a punishment for them as they did not clear bills, so DD asked them to work like a servant. Simran gets angry and says she did not send them to work like a servant here and try to drag them. Naani comes and says to Sid that Simran is doing right. Sid says he will not come and reminds her of his childhood incidents where she encouraged him to overcome his fears and face challenges. He says even today to face challenges, he needs courage which you people give me and asks if she wants to take him even after this. Simran says he remembers everything and asks why is he so good, she hugs him emotionally. She looks at his hands and her tear drops fall in them. He says it is not paining now as your tears fell in them. Roshni asks her to smile. Simran says god gave me such a lovely children and asks Roshni to encourage Sid. Roshni says you are Sid’s encouragement. Simran prays god for them and asks Roshni to clear DD’s loan and come back home soon. Roshni promises that she will enjoy this diwali with her.

Pratima decorates DD’s jewelry store with marigold flowers. Decorator asks Pratima if she is sure she wants marigold as Bablu used to decorate it with carnation. Pratima says on Diwali, marigold is thought as auspicious. DD comes there and throws all flowers, scolds Pratima that it is her premium jewelry shop and not a cheap market, asks her to clean her office soon.

Resham says Mona that Sid should apologize DD and waive off his punishment as he cannot arrange money so soon. Mona scolds her. She then calls her travel agent and asks him to book US flight tickets, says she will reach airport right now. Resham asks if her daughter Samaira is alright. She does not say anything and hurriedly leaves.

Simran during pooja gets worried about Sid and says Raj that she cannot see DD punish his son like that and says she will inform truth to DD, then she will accept Sid. She walks out of pooja.

DD sees Kesar worriedly talking on phone and asks him to join pooja. Kesar informs that due to some problem, their diamond consignment will lost and they will lose 25 lakhs. DD scolds him for making such a big mistake and asks him to correct it. He says he will try his best. She sees Pratima attending client and thinks it is happening because of this girl, if she would not have married Bablu, she would not have kicked him out of her house.

Simran reaches DD’s building. Raj asks her to calm down as Sid’s plain will get ruined. She says she has decided that her children will enjoy diwali with her. He says Sid’s effort will go in vain. She says does not care and gets into lift.

DD comes home and sees house clean. She asks Naani if Sid and Roshni cleaned it. Naani says of course they did. Sid gives DD sweets and asks her to taste sweets prepared by him.

Simran comes back sadly. Raj says she did good by not hurrying and says children come soon and enjoy diwali with us. He says if DD does anything again, he himself will inform her the truth.

DD tastes Sid’s sweets and gives one to Kesar. Naani asks how it is. Sid says it is very tasty. Naani says let us perform aarti now, earlier Durga and Roshni used to perform aarti, now Sid, Roshni and Durga should perform aarti. DD says she will not perform arti with servants. Roshni says DD is telling right, she is also servant and will not perform aarti with DD. DD alone performs aarti by closing her eyes. Sid adds camphor in aarti and stands silently with shank. He prays good to help him.

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