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The episode starts with Rajveer getting readily hurriedly saying he is going to find an apartment for them. Samaira gets irked and says he needs a lot of money for downpayment, which he gave it to DD as a charity. She closes door angrily. DD silently hears their conversation.

In the office, Sid sees Pratima and Bablu unconsciously looking at each other. He wakes them up, they try to run. He says because of his weird behavior with Pratima earlier, people were doubting him and now he is opening romancing with her. DD comes there and says it is her office and not park to romance. She asks Bablu to remember that Pratima is her employee in office. She then asks Sid to write down an address. He is shocked to write down his dad’s office address and asks which address it is. She says it is none of her business and walks out. He thinks of informing Raj about it, but his phone is not reachable. He calls Simran and asks about Raj. She says he went to office. He says he will handle and cuts call. He informs Bablu about DD going to his office and asks him to take care of office while he goes to his dad’s office. Bablu agrees and hopes everything will be alright.

Rajveer reaches RTO office, bribes officer with his 50,000 rs watch and asks him to tell car’s owner’s full name (Sid’s car).

Sid reaches his dad’s office and sees him busy on phone. He sees DD coming and hides and signals dad to go, but he does not understand. DD sees him. He asks what is he doing here. She asks if he came to buy flat here and says he can see only catalogs and not buy flat. Employee comes and greets him good morning. He starts making a drama. Employee is confused. Prashanth comes and handles situation. Raj says he came to get job as Sid’s replacement. Prashanth asks him to go home. DD identifies Prashanth and says she met him before. Sid reminisces that she met him in a hotel when he was working there. Prashanth says she must have seen him in some office and says he works wherever he gets job. DD goes with him. Raj gets relaxed and scolds Sid.

RTO officer says he got details about car and will get printout. Rajveer says he just needs surname of owner as he knows it is in Sid’s name.

Sid while driving car asks Dad why did not he realize his signals. Dad says anyways we escaped today. He thanks god for saving him. RTO officer on the other side says Rajveer that car is registered in Mr. Agarwal’s name. He asks how can it be. Officer says records cannot lie. Sid asks Raj what did he do with old car. Raj says he gave it to his employee Agarwal. Sid praises him and says he got good qualities from him. They both share a joke.

Rajveer comes home and sees Samaira with a lot of shopping bags. He asks why did she shop so much. He says he irked her in the morning and was not with her, so she shopped to clam herself. He hugs her and asks her to close her eyes, takes out gold chain and shows it to her. She gets happy. DD knocks door, comes in and says she got a small surprise for them. Samaira sees flat pent house papers and gets happy. DD says she bought it on down payment from Khurana builders and knows Rajveer will not like buying it, he will have to clear rest of payment. Rajveer thanks her, hugs her and thinks he is not mad to leave her house, he will get all her business, house, everything, and will kick her out of house.

Rajveer get irked that DD is trying to get him out of her house by paying down payment for a new flat and shifting him and Samaira there. He thinks he will not get out her house so easily and will snatch everything from her. She calls his associate and asks him to meet tomorrow at a beach.

Sid speaks to his employees wearing a blazer sitting on toilet commode. He comes out and gets tensed seeing Roshni there. Roshni seeing him wearing blazer on underwear and laughs on him. She sees their bedsheet used as curtain and asks if he was taking pics inside bathroom and asks if he needs a psychiatric help. He says he needs Roshni as psychiatrist and tries to get romantic. She runs into bathroom.

DD returns Rajveer’s 2 crores cheque. He says she does not have to return it. She insists. Samaira comes and asks him to accept it. He accepts and thinks he needed money the most.

Pratima serves aarti and prasad to Mona and Naani. They thank her and Naani says she is proud to have a bahu like Pratima. Samaira comes there and Pratima gives her prasad sweet. Samaira says she does not want to eat ghee sweet and get fat and takes a pinch of it. She then starts insulting Pratima that she is a middle class woman and less educated. Pratima says only English medium is not considered education, she has done MA in Hindi, so she is more educated than her. Mona drags Samaira front here saying she cannot insult elders like this.

Roshni and Resham are playing with NGO kids and feeding them fruit. Resham cuts her finger and she starts panicking. Priya calms her down and applies dettol on her wound.

Sid downloads action movie on his laptop and says Roshni that they will watch this today. She asks why don’t he download romantic movies. He says he likes action movies. She says DD bought a luxury apartment for Samaira and Rajveer. He asks where. She tells his company’s constructed apartment. He chokes in tension. They hear Samaira shout and run downstairs. They see injured Rajveer. Whole family panics seeing him injured. Man who brings him home says he met with a truck accident and his car was totaled. Sid suggests him to go to hospital, but Rajveer does not agree and falls on floor.

Sid takes Rajveer to his room. DD comes there and worriedly asks how did this happen. Samaira says he met with an accident. DD scolds Sid to call doctor. He says he already did and Roshni is following. DD leaves to check herself. Rajveer thinks though DD’s family is rich, it is very emotional and now he will stay at DD’s home and snatch everything from her.

Mona asks Samaira why is she not with Rajveer even after seeing him injured. Samaira says she cannot work like a maid and says she will hire a nurse to take care of Rajveer. Roshni hears that and asks how can she hire a nurse for Rajveer instead of serving herself, says Rajveer loves her a lot. Samaira asks her to stop her stupid Indian lecture. Roshni says accepting her advice is up to her and says Saare Jahan se Acha Hindustan Hamara (India is best in the world). Mona says Samaira that Roshni told right and asks her to go and feed porridge to Rajveer.

Samaira feeds porridge to Rajveer. Rajveer after eating says he wants to rest and asks her to go out. Once she goes, she removes all his bandages and says he cannot have khichdi more. He calls fake doctor whom he had called and scolds him for prescribing khichdi to him, says he wants to have chicken and asks him to send it.

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