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The episode starts with Sid traveling with DD in her car towards temple. He tries to SMS Pratima, but does not get network. DD asks him to keep phone. She asks Kesar to inform Bablu to come directly from Baroda to temple. He says he will come in night and by that time, everything will be finished. All 3 reach temple and see Roshni, Simran, Raj, Naani, Resham already. Sid smiles at Roshni, but she is still angry on him. His phone switches off, and he gets tensed that he cannot call Pratima now. He walks out tensely from the venue. DD follows him and asks whom he is waiting for. He says nobody. Pratima reaches temple.

Karvachauth celebrations start with ladies singing songs and enjoying. Sid takes dad’s mobile and adds sim in his mobile. He sees Pratima’s message that she is going from here as his whole family is there in temple. He SMSes her to meet him behind temple. Before he walks out, Nani asks him to get flowers. He agrees and walks out, but runs behind temple to meet Pratima. DD follows him and sees him and Pratima talking. Pratima says she is worried as his whole family is there. He asks her to calm down. She asks what will we do if everyone will know about us. He says nothing will happen and to believe him. DD gets irked seeing this.

Sid comes back and stands in front of Roshni to to break her fast. She looks at his face and breaks fast. It is just her imagination and does not find him there. Simran asks all husbands to come in front of their wives to break their fast. Roshni says Simran/Raj that Sid is missing. Raj says he will check. DD says they are standing at a wrong place as moon cannot be sighted from here and says she will take them to the right place. She holds Roshni’s hand and says come and see it from your hand. Roshni is surprised and walks with her silently towards temple backyard where sid and Pratima are standing.

Pratima thanks Sid for helping her. He says who will help her than him. DD brings everyone there and shows moon, saying from only there they can see moon properly. All ladies happily break fast looking at their husbands and moon, but Roshi sadly stands silently as Sid is missing from there. Simran asks Raj where is Sid. Raj says he does not know, he even took my mobile. DD says Roshni she is show her husband’s true colors and takes everyone near Sid and Pratima. Everyone are shocked to see them. DD slaps Sid and says Roshni that Sid cheated on you and asks how dare you to betray my wife. Resham asks Kesar who is this girl who is celebrating karvachauth with Sid and then says she is his second wife. She says Roshni Sid is a betrayer. DD says first time Resham spoke right. Kesar says that is the reason Sid was forcing me to employ Pratima. Naani says she cannot believe Sid can do this. DD asks how can he stand so confidently after doing so many mistake. Sid says he wants to talk to only Roshni now. DD says he should explain her. Simran says he knows she cannot betray Roshni but wants to know who is this girl in a bridal dress and what is he doing with her. Sid stands silently. Sid thinks he does not know what will Roshni think, but he will have to tell her truth.

Simran tell Roshni that Sid cannot do wrong and to listen to him once. DD says in our society, filthy worms like Sid are allowed to grow because of their parents. She says Roshni that she did not believe her at all and now she is seeing the result of her own decision. She says we cannot clean drain water with mineral water, it will spoil even mineral water. She says Sid and Pratima must be having illegal affair since a long time. Pratima says she is mistaken. DD asks her to stop interfering in her family matters as she is not worth that much. Sid says she does not know her worth and says he respects her, so he is keeping quiet. DD says if he is worried about her, then he should take his keep and leave from Roshni’s life. Roshni gets irked hearing that and says if she cannot choose a husband for her daughter, she does not have right to separate him. She says he is my husband and only she has right to question him, she completes believes him. DD says even after seeing all this, you want to believe him and asks why don’t you ask Sid. Roshni says Sid is related to that girl, but not the way you think. DD asks her to explain then.

Roshni says Sid she knows the truth, but he did not trust his wife and told her truth himself. She asks him now to tell truth to everyone. She says Simran that Sid has not done anything wrong, but he did not believe his wife at all and did not involve her in his wife. Pratima tries to interfere, but Roshni stops her and says she wants answer from Sid. DD asks Sid to tell what he has cooked up. Bablu shouts and says Pratima is not a keep and he will tell her reality. He goes and stands next to Pratima and says Pratima is his wife. Everyone are shocked to hear that. DD asks if he has gone mad to tell this to save this girl. Bablu says he was mad till now and will not tolerate anyone calling his wife as keep and insulting her. He says DD that Pratima is my wife and your devrani, he did not have courage to tell this and even stopped Sid from telling truth even from Roshni. He says he tought Roshni loves him a lot and will not understand his problem, so he asked Sid to hide the truth. He goes into flashback where he agrees in front of Sid that he is married to Pratima already since 2 years. Sid is surprised to hear 2 years and says he cannot live without Roshni even for a moment, then how can he live without her. Bablu says even he cannot live without Pratima, but he is afraid that DD will not accept her.

Bablu comes out of flashback and says since that day, Sid is protecting Pratima and his relationship by telling lie and getting his own relationship with Roshni in trouble. Pratima says Roshni that Sid helped her a lot and reminisces Sid’s promise to get her right back from DD and welcomes her to the family. Pratima says he is Roshni’s husband next but her brother first. Sid says that is the reason god did not give me a sister as you are suppose to come as my sister. She comes out of flashback and says Sid is keeping this secret to safeguard me and Bablu and says even an a real brother will not go to this extent which Sid has gone. Bablu says DD that he troubled her and apologizes her. He says DD that Pratima is her devrani. DD angrily says devrani, my foot and walks out from there. Bablu also runs behind her and requests her to forgive him, but her car moves and Bablu falls down. Naani and other family members pick him up. He says he could not convince DD. Mona says let us go home and convince DD. Nani says we got a pretty bahu and nobody can be angry on her. She takes them with her. Sid tries to stop Roshni, but she walks out without listening to him. Sid asks his dad to explain Roshni. Dad says it is his mistake that he did not tell his wife about his secret and asks him to console her now.

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