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The episode starts with Roshni seeing DD’s aarti thali catching fire and DD getting panicked. She sets fire off and gives DD water to drink. She then performs aarti with DD. Naani sees that and gets happy.

DD’s client calls her and asks her to deliver his ordered jewelry today instead of tomorrow. She agrees and says it is our specialty, we deliver our client according to their needs. She calls Kesar and asks him to personally deliver jewelry to her client right now as she cannot believe anyone else. Kesar hesitantly agrees.

Roshni is busy decorating landscape around swimming pool with lamps. Sid comes and shows her his decorates. She happily looks at it. He asks her to continue this work as they have a lot of other work to finish. He then gets Simran’s call with ring tone Maa Ka Phone Aaya. Roshni says it is a very tacky ring tone. Sid says it is his mom’s phone and asks her to pick it. She picks and starts talking to Simran. Resham comes there and asks when will they finish other work and gives Sid list saying it is DD’s order. Simran hears their whole conversation and thinks she will teach Dd a lesson today.

After finishing work, Sid asks DD if he can go out now. Roshni says we have finished all work and are free to go, then why are you asking her. DD says they cannot go as she wants to take them to a charity function. She goes to change. Kesar gives jewelry bag to Pratima, says it is 35 lakhs worth jewelry, and asks her to deliver it. She says she wants to go home early. He says she cannot go without finishing her work. He comes home and sees DD at home who if he delivered jewelry. He says yes. DD gets a call from client that he did not get jewelry yet. She says client that she will call him in 10 minutes and asks Kesar why did not he deliver jewelry. He asked Pratima to deliver it as he wants to know if Bablu’s wife is trust worthy or not.

Pratima while walking through a secluded area sees goons playing cards who see jewelry box in her hand and start following her. Kesar tries to call her, but she does not pick call. He says DD that he wanted to favor Pratima by giving her work and getting into your good books, but she eloped with jewelry. Pratima falls on ground while running and jewelry box also falls down. She leaves box and runs from there. DD calls police and says she doubts that Pratima stole her 35 lakhs jewelry, she gave her to deliver it to client, but Pratima eloped with it. Inspector asks if she is talking about her devrani as he saw karvachauth news. DD says she is not my devrani and it was just a rumor. She gives Pratima’s pic to inspector. Just then, Pratima reaches there. Inspector says DD your thief came. Pratima asks why is she calling her thief when she herself came her after escaping from goons. DD asks her to stop her drama and asks inspector arrest her. Sid says inspector he cannot arrest her without proof. Pratima says there is not need for that and takes out necklace from her bag, gives it to DD. Naani asks how did she escape from goons. Pratima tells them the whole incident. Sid praises Pratima and asks everyone to clap for her. Roshni and Naani clap. Inspector also praises Pratima and walks out. Naani says DD that you rejected Pratima, but she risked her life for you, she asks to get back Bablu and her wife. DD (as is she Darauni Dayan) does not reply anything.

DD slapp Kesar for his mistake and ask him to gift wrap necklace and deliver to client himself. She then walks out with Sid, Roshni and Naani go for the NGO function. Resham scold Pratima for getting her husband slapped by DD and asks her not to call her jethani.

DD reaches Sid’s chawl for NGO function and is surprised to see Simran inviting them. NGO ladies praise DD that she is so generous that she got middle class samdhi’s. Sid introduces himself and his mom to ladies and asks DD to get in, else people will talk bad about her. She gets annoyed, but agrees. Sid suggests Roshni to perform pooja with his parents. He goes and asks Simran if she planned all thi. She asks if he thinks only his MIL has brain, then he is wrong. He happily twists her cheeks. Roshni goes and stands between Raj and Simran. Ladies talk that Roshni likes her in-laws more than her mother. Sid says Roshni will perform pooja with his parents and he will perform pooja with his MIL. Simran thanks god that her both children are with her during laxmi pooja. They all happily perform pooja. Naani prays god that Sid is performing aarti with DD and they should unite soon.

Simran asks Sid in the morning what he needs at breakfast. He asks why is she asking him when she knows very well. She says he is still a kid for her and wants to know what he wants. Raj and Roshni come out from kitchen and say they will prepare breakast and asks Simran to rest. Sid makes her sit on sofa forcefully and says her yesterday’s idea was superb, DD did not realize at all that she is being tricked and could not talk in front of media at all.

Sid sees Simran feeding Roshni and complains that she is not feeding him. Roshni says mom loves me more than you and asks him to have food from Dad’s hand. Sid tastes food and says it is very tasty. Dad asks mom how is it. She says it is the best food she had in life and starts coughing. Roshni goes in to get water. Dad says Sid that he is going to London on a business trip and wants him to look after business in his absense. Sid asks how can he as he has to be at DD’s showroom. He says he knows but there is no other go. Roshni brings water and says she will stay with her. Simran says she is fine and asks Sid and Roshni to leave. They both agree and leave. Simran says Raj that she likes being with kids and hopes that they inform everything to Roshni and they both stay with her.

Kesar comes to DD’s cabin and asks her why did she call him. She asks him to add 1000 rs in bowl. He says diwali is already over, then why is she asking diwali charity. She asks if she looks like asking charity and says it is for his mistake and says whenever he will make mistake, he will have to add 1000 rs in bowl. She sees Sid trying to walk out of office with laptop and asks him where is he going before office hours finish. He says he is going to factory to check orders. she says jewelry will be ready by tomorrow. He says he got a call from factorya dn has to go. She permits but says Kesar that he is lying.

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