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DD slaps Mehta. Mehta try to misbehave with DD when Sid-Rajveer come in between. DD call the police. Mehta says he didn't do anything. Police take Mehta away. DD thank Rajveer. Rajveer leaves to meet his friends. 

Roshini is massaging Sid's head. Sid is thinking about DD's raid. Someone comes to meet the guy who photographed at Mehta Industries. Sid is still trying to figure out what is happening. The man takes the cash and leaves. 

Roshini ask Sid what happened to the money. The guy who took the money is none other than Rajveer. Rajveer says he will defeat DD like no one else. Rajveer talk to his henchmen. 

Rajveer tell his henchmen that Sid is his obstacle. Rajveer come home and sees Sid working and ask him. Sid says he was working. Sid also ask Rajveer but he says he was smoking. Sid ask Rajveer to stop. Sid  tell Rajveer that he wishes Bablu-Pratima were home. Rajveer says they will at the right time.

Resham is making breakfast. Samiara taunt Resham and leave. Mona yells at Samiara. At breakfast DD tells Rajveer that she will return his money soon. Rajveer says he needs them ASAP. DD is shocked. Rajveer joke and instead asks her to get Bablu home. DD leave. Sid is upset that Rajveer is taking all his steps. But, later think Rajveer is doing the right thing.

Raj complain to Simran that he cannot drink bitter gourd juice and needs kheer/sweet. Sid comes and says let him eat what he wants and get ill, takes out choc from Raj’s pocket and asks how did it come in his pocket. Raj says it must have flown from somewhere and drinks juice. Sid ask Simran why did she make kheer today. Raj says mother can sense son’s arrival, so she prepared it for him. He says it is amazing and everyone should eat except Raj. He says he will leave for hotel now. She asks him to have food. He says he will have it at hotel and leaves. Raj ask Simran if they are doing right by hiding a secret from their son.

Resham and Roshni with other NGO kids try to engage Priya in their game. Resham plays dumb charades and Priya identifies the movie. Roshni think Priya interacted today because of Resham. She goes home and tells about it to Sid. Naani calls them to come down soon. They come down and are surprised to see Bablu and Pratima there. They both happily hug them. Naani says DD brought them back home. Sid asks DD if she really has changed and thanks her for bringing back Bablu and Pratima. DD asks him to thank Rajveer as he brought them. Rajveer says he is this house’s son and it is his duty to keep his family united. Sid and Roshni are shocked to hear that. Once they all go in, Roshni asks when it was his idea, how can Rajveer know about it. Sid think it does not matter who brought them there, for him only family’s unity matters. Roshni says she will attend to Pratima and come back, till then he should prepare noodles for her.

Rajveer sees 5-star hotel parking slip falling from Sid’s pocket and thinks he should find out Sid’s secret.

Roshni ask Bablu to give her nek/gift before entering his room. He says he married 2 years ago. Pratima says their suhaagraat is already over 2 years ago. Sid joke that Roshni should let Bablu in and asks Bablu to give her nek. Samaira comes there and taunts that Roshni is in need of money and should get nek. Rajveer apologize to Roshni on behalf of Samaira. Bablu says both sisters with sort out their differences. Mona says Samaira is becoming arrogant day by day. Bablu gives nek to Roshni and she gets happy. Rajveer think he should find out how did Sid get 5-star hotel parking slip.

In the morning, Sid and Roshni are sound asleep. Alarm rings, Sid wakes up and gets mesmerized with Roshni’s beauty, he apologizes to her for not consumating their marriage even after so many days of marriage. She says she is waiting for that special day. He asks if she hears all his conversation in her sleep. She says she knows him well now and try to get romantic. He wakes up. she push him back and says she is proud of him as he loves her a lot and is different from others. He says he will try to behave like other people tonight. She says he does not have the courage for that. He says he will leave it to her and try to kiss her, but gets a phone call. She asks him to get away from her sautan first. He picks call and leaves. She thinks she will wait for a special moment where only they both will be there and no one else. He thinks he will wait for a day when he can win DD’s heart.

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