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The Episode starts with Avni saying we should have courage and beat them. All of them beat the goons. Juhi hits Ballu. He faints. Avni says I will get that girl, we will save all of them. Juhi nods. Avni goes and frees the girl. She says don’t worry, I came here to save you. Gurumaa and Dayaben talk. Dayaben says when Avni has to die everyday, revenge fun is different. Amol calls Dayaben from PCO. She answers. He tells her everything. Neela talks to Prakash on call and tells everything. She says Avni needs me, I can’t stay here. He asks her to wait, he will come there. Gurumaa asks the goons to not leave any policeman, where is Ballu, he is useless. She sees the Raavan idol.

She asks where are the girls. She scolds the men. She says I will torture Avni and ruin her. Avni and the girls proceed. Avni asks Juhi to take the girls, she will go and find Ali, you are not alone, you all are together. Neil and DD look for Avni. Avni covers her face and goes. She hits a goon. Neil thinks where are Avni and the girls. Avni thinks the place has guards. She hides.

Juhi gets all the girls out. Avni finds the way to basement. Gurumaa and Dayaben come there. Gurumaa catches Juhi. Juhi cries. Gurumaa scolds her and asks where is her lover Neil. Juhi asks is Neil here. Gurumaa says yes, he thinks he can save you, your face is beautiful, I will change your face that you get scared seeing it, where are Neil and Avni. Juhi says Avni said right, her belief won, I m not scared of you, Avni knew that Neil will surely come to save all of us, Neil has come to end an evil like you, we are not society’s dirt, its you all. The girls get together. Gurumaa and Dayaben get shocked.

Neil holds Avni. They get glad and hug. Music plays…. She says I knew you can’t leave me, your love gave me courage to get everyone out of this hell. He says I promise I will get you out of here. Avni gets hurt. Neil removes the thorn from her feet and wipes her tears. He promises he won’t let her get away, he won’t let her get hurt. She says I have left all girls out, I have to find Ali, we have to take him. They hear screams. Ali and DD beat the goons. Neil holds Avni’s hand. Ali comes there and sees them. Avni smiles seeing him.

Ali says I have to say something, I salute your relation, Neil forgive me. Neil asks him to stop it, will he make him cry now. They leave. Avni says Juhi was here, did pandit…. Gurumaa calls out Neil to come out if he wants to see Juhi alive. They all look around and see Gurumaa pointing gun at Juhi. Goons surround them. Gurumaa says two lovers, one past and one present, Neil is very lucky, I got emotional seeing this sentiments. Neil says leave Juhi and other girls. She asks why, we should get scared by your few policemen, turn and see the goons, we will not leave the girls, Rangmahal is incomplete without them. Neil asks her to come to senses, can’t we play a game. He gets his police force. They all point guns at goons. Neil asks her to keep weapons down, her game is over now.

Dayaben says game gets over after winning and losing, this illegitimate girl started this game, how will it end without her end. Avni gets angry on her. Ali stops her. Dayaben laughs on her. She says you have two options, save Avni or all of them. Neil looks on.

Dayaben ask Neil to decide, everyone doesn’t get everything in life, whom do you want, make a choice, Avni or Juhi. She asks does he want both. Gurumaa says Meher won’t go anywhere, she is kohinoor of Rangmahal. Neil shouts she is Juhi, not Meher. He scolds her. Gurumaa says I have killed Juhi and worked on her to make her Meher, she will be Meher till she dies. Neil shouts and says Juhi will go back with me. Avni and Juhi look at him. He says she is not helpless, we will take her now.

Dayaben says Neil decided to take Juhi, not Avni. He says I made my choice before coming here, its about good’s win, all girls will get free, just Raavan burns. She says you are Abhimanyu and you can’t get out of this Chakravyuh, you have to decide. Avni says she is right, this is Kalyug, why don’t you lose, all these girls have no courage, so we have no proof, you don’t have your uniform now, system is not with you, system is never with good, none supported me when my mum died, see them, they are criminals and even then they are standing free, Dayaben is here, what can laws do, laws will protect them, maybe Lord always wants bad to win and good to lose, I decided, Dayaben has fight with me, she wants to ruin me, fine, do anything, but its no these girls’ mistake, why to sacrifice them, punish me. She signs Neil. Neil sees the phone and says no, I can’t see this, they wanted to sell you in front of you. Gurumaa thanks him for reminding. She asks Ballu to make video, we will send it to Neil to remind him. She asks him to call her guests. Some men come.

Ballu records. Gurumaa praises Avni’s beauty. Neil looks on. Neil signs DD and Ali. Gurumaa says work shouldn’t stop. Neela and Fatima are on the way. Fatima says we should have waited for Prakash. Neela says Dayaben is a devil, now Amol is with her. Fatima cries. Dayaben asks Neil to see his wife’s rate in market. Gurumaa says great, you have identified her beauty. Dayaben says like mum, like daughter. Avni asks her not to get her mum in between.

Gurumaa says we should continue the deal. Neil asks Dayaben is she not ashamed to do Avni’s deal. Avni says she should have been in jail, but she is here, she has killed my mum. Ali signs DD and shouts. He makes Ballu’s phone fall down. He argues with Dayaben.

Neil thinks this phone has recording, and steps on it. He stops Ali. Avni says enough, Dayaben’s enmity will end when I get ruined. Dayaben asks the men who will take this sinner. Neil thinks what to do, Avni got much insulted, I can’t bear this. A man comes to Avni. Neil holds his hand and scolds him. Dayaben asks Neil to calm down. Gurumaa asks Ballu to count money. Dayaben says Avni is sold today. Neela sees the flat tyre and says Amol did this so that we don’t reach Avni. Fatima says we will go Jaguda, Avni needs us. Gurumaa asks Dayaben to get sweets. She says its Juhi’s turn now, she can’t go with Neil, if she leaves us, then she will lose her life, her life is with them. Juhi says I will not go with Neil. They get shocked.

Neil asks what are you saying, Avni risked her life twice, do you value this, Avni did this to save you, she got herself insulted just for you, so that you can start a new life. Avni asks Neil to stop it. Neil says we did mistake to help her, she has become Meher, we were fools to save her life. Ali asks why are you doing this. Neil asks Avni to give that knife to Juhi and tell her to kill him, he can’t bear this now, he was wrong. Avni takes knife and keeps at Gurumaa’s neck.

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