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The Episode starts with Avni asking Neil, Ali and DD to take all girls. She pours kerosene on Gurumaa and gets firetorch. She threatens her. Gurumaa asks her to get away. Bebe worries and calls Prakash. Shweta thinks why is Avni risking life for Juhi, if Neil didn’t reach on time, no he would have left. She asks Bebe to come with her. They meet commissioner. Senior says Neil was using police to find his ex GF. Shweta says he can’t do this, he is a sincere cop. Bebe says we did mistake by coming here. Shweta says you don’t trust us and Neil, fine we will go and find out if those two prisoners are there, if you don’t take action, I will get media. He asks are you threatening me. She asks him to please come with them, save the innocent girls. He agrees.

Avni asks Gurumaa not to move. She points gun at Dayaben. Neil says see how I announce death for you two. Amol hits Neil and asks Avni to drop the gun, else he will shoot Neil. Dayaben says he is my blood, he will complete my incomplete fight. Amol asks Avni to leave his Dadi, else he will shoot him. Avni gets shocked. Dayaben says I knew my heir will come to save me, I raised him. Avni recalls Amol and scolds him for staining a brother and sister’s relation, he has tried to kill her husband and sell her off, if anything happens to Neil, she will kill him. Amol says I will shoot Neil. She asks him not to call her Di.

She threatens to kill him. Dayaben asks him to see, she is a Daayan, she is ready to kill him for Neil’s sake. Amol says leave my Dadi, else I will kill Neil. Avni says you made my decision easy, my hands will not shake now, I came back for you, I wanted to save you from this woman’s bad shadow, I was wrong, you can’t be Aisha’s son, you are just Dayaben’s grandson, I m saying last time, throw this gun. Neil asks Avni to come to senses, she is not a murderer. Avni says yes, but I can become, I can’t lose you now, it will be better I kill all of them. Dayaben pushes her and runs with Amol. Neil holds Avni and asks is she fine. She sees his wound.

DD says Dayaben has run away. DD stops Gurumaa. Ali asks Neil to go after Avni, she needs him. Dayaben takes Amol. Amol asks what are we doing here. She says this is Ragini’s room, we will need money to go from here. They take money. They hear foot steps. Avni shouts and asks where are you, this Rangmahal will be colored by your and your grandson’s blood. Police comes there. DD tells commissioner that they had to do this to get evidence. Gurumaa runs. Juhi and Ali follow.

Avni asks where are you, come out, we will end this story. She gets a gun and asks Amol to come out. Amol says what to do now. Dayaben says let me think. Gurumaa gets tired of running. Ali and DD look for her. Ali says why did Juhi go after pandit. Juhi sees Gurumaa.

Gurumaa asks what do you want. Juhi says you ruined my life. Gurumaa says you will stay as Meher always, none will save you, go from here. Avni says lets see who wins today. Neil comes and takes gun from Avni. He asks Avni to promise she won’t take laws in hand. Dayaben says just you will die today Avni. Neil stops Avni. Dayaben says I m bearing jail punishment for Aisha’s death, Neil knows I can’t get death punishment, you can never make me lose, you lost to me, you can’t do anything. Neil says she is saying right, come with me. Dayaben and Amol leave. Neil calls her out and says we have no proof against you, but your Amol is with us. Dayaben asks how can he be with you. Neil says how did we come here, Amol told us the safest way to come here. Dayaben stares at Amol.

Neil says Amol has told us the way to enter Rangmahal via this raavan idol, ask Amol, if I torture him for a day, he will say everything. Gurumaa smile seeing Meher. Dayaben says you can’t go against laws. Neil says I can do anything to catch criminals. She says I can prove your evidence are false. Neil says I can go to any extent for Avni. Avni looks at him. Gurumaa threatens Juhi. She asks her to let her go. Dayaben asks Neil how can he love Avni. He says you couldn’t understand what’s Avni. He scolds Dayaben. He asks Amol why does he want to go jail. Amol comes out and says don’t shoot me, I don’t want to die. Gurumaa goes to get between the procession. The idol trishul hits her chest. She falls down. Juhi runs to her. The people ask to call ambulance and say maybe Devi Maa wants to punish her.

Amol says I will give statement and say what Neil tells me. Dayaben comes and calls him coward. She points gun at him and says you will give statement against me, you are not my grandson, you have Aisha’s blood, I will send her to your mum. Avni pushes Amol and gets shot. Avni falls down. Neil holds her. They get shocked. Juhi asks the people to go and do visarjan, she will stay with Gurumaa, maybe Gurumaa had to lose life by Mata’s hand. People go.

Gurumaa says you are free, go, but where will you go, Neil loves Avni, you will be alone. Juhi says I m fine, atleast I m free. Gurumaa says you can never live this freedom, you will roam to find one you want, you won’t get anything, your face has same pain and fear, my Lanka burnt because of you, you will burn all life and find her, you will never get her. Juhi asks where is she, please tell me. Gurumaa says your daughter, you won’t get her. She dies.

Juhi asks her to tell her. Ali and DD come. DD calls for ambulance. He asks Ali to take Juhi. Ali says she is dead. Dayaben scolds Amol. She says this girl fought with me, she got death with me. Neil gets angry. She says you can’t be my heir. Avni gets conscious. She gets up. Neil says I did this drama for you, so that Amol knows Dayaben’s true face, Avni didn’t know I have filled fake bullets, even then she has saved your life by risking her life, did you see your Dadi, she tries to kill Avni and you.

Dayaben gets fire torch and catches Avni, saying I will kill you. Avni asks Neil to let her do anything she wants. Dayaben says I will breath with peace after killing you. Avni says I m not scared of death, my brother has sold me, I came back for him and he did this. Dayaben scolds Amol for cheating her. Avni argues. She says you are a murderer, you never loved Amol, you killed your son, you snatched my dad, you have never let my Naamkaran happen, you couldn’t become a good mum, mum in law and Dadi, you are selfish and taught this to Amol. She asks Amol to see her truth. Amol looks on.

Avni says it would be good if I died 15 years ago, I have a wish, I want to die by Amol’s hand. Dayaben asks what about my dream, I want to kill you, then Amol can bury her. Avni asks Neil not to come in between, sorry she couldn’t support him. Neil and Avni cry. Dayaben pours the oil around. Neil says no Avni. Amol says yes, you should die, who told you to save me and come back for me. He takes fire torch and says I want you to die. He pulls Avni and pushes Dayaben down. Neil holds Avni.

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