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The Episode starts with Amol saying you should have killed me on birth, I am a very bad man, because I have your blood, I have to burn this evil. Neil says no, you will regret doing this. Amol ignites fire. Neil hug Avni. Neil says finally evil ended. They see fire spreading and run out of Rangmahal. Avni says I have fulfilled promise to mum, I told her I will always keep her alive, I will never let her thinking and belief die, it won today, Amol has become our Aman forever. Police comes. Neil says sorry, I have to arrest for Dayaben’s murder. Neela and Fatima come and hug Avni.

Amol says Amol also burnt along Dayaben in fire, now Aman is in front of you, your Aman Aisha. He hugs Avni and apologizes. Avni says I feel like I took you in my lap for the first time. Juhi gets treated by doctor. Bebe asks where are Neil and Avni. Prakash says Neil called, Amol is taken in police custody. Bebe says its good that he ended Dayaben. Prakash says Amol repented for all mistakes. Shweta sees Juhi. Bebe says your wife’s mind is doing overtime, if she does anything against Avni, I will not leave her.

Amvulance comes. Avni gets treated. She recalls Dayaben. Neil comes to her and does aid. She says be careful, I m getting hurt. Neil asks do you feel pain, I thought you don’t get hurt, I was getting hurt when you were talking of death, you thought of Amol, I have no value. She says no, I don’t want to hurt you, what next, much changed, Juhi has returned. He says enough of past, I want to live in present, not past, you are my present, sit. He treats her. The doctor says Juhi is in post traumatic stress, she needs a psychiatrist or doctor. Bebe says bad happened with her, its good she got saved, we can’t keep her here. Prakash asks why, because she was in Rangmahal. Bebe says no, it was not her mistake. Shweta says its not Neil’s mistake, Neil got married, he loves Avni, how can Juhi stay here.

Neil treats Avni’s wound. He says our present is so beautiful, I don’t want to think of future, this wound will heal, we should talk, my dear wifey. She smiles. Amol calls her. He says I know you are trying to help me, but not time, I want to remember this punishment, how will I learn a lesson that I don’t have to become Amol Mehta again. Avni asks where did you go lost. Amol says maybe people like me don’t learn without a mistake, I regret to get late to identify your and Neela’s love. He touches Neela’s feet. She says life is giving you another chance. Police comes. Neil learns DGP is arrested. Commissioner comes and says well done ACP Neil, I m proud of you, DGP was with criminals, so Pandit and Dayavanti were on loose, we could arrest them, I will cancel suspension order, you will get your uniform with respect. They smile.

Fatima does aid to Ali’s wound. Neela stays worried. Ali asks is there any problem. Neela says much happened in a day, I m worried for Neil and Avni. He says Neil will not make Avni away from him, I have seen love in his eyes, even if Avni accepts or not, she also loves Neil, I have seen her love, but not for me, it was for Neil, trust me even Lord can’t separate them. Neela says your heart is clean like that of a kid. He promises he won’t get bad hearted again. Neela gets Shweta’s call. Shweta says I need to talk, can we meet. Neela says fine, we will meet in cafe. Bebe calls Neil and asks where are you. Neil says we are on the way, how is Juhi. Bebe says she is sleeping, don’t worry for her, we are there. Neela calls Neil and asks them to come to Aisha’s house. Prakash asks is this fine what we are thinking for Juhi. Bebe says yes, but we have to think for Neil and Avni first, its tough to keep Juhi here, its tough decision for Neil.

Neil and Avni come to Aisha’s house. They get a surprise. Ali comes singing and dances. Neela and DD also dance on gallan goodiyaan…. Neil and Avni smile and dance with them.

DD saying pandit slipped in coma. Neil says no issues. He jokes on Avni’s friends and asks shall I arrest you all. Avni asks him to arrest her as well. Juhi recalls Gurumaa’s words. She wakes up and says where am I. She sees Neil and his family pics. She goes to talk to him. She hears Bebe and Prakash. Bebe asks why did they go to Aisha’s house. Prakash says Ali and DD are with them, don’t worry. Bebe says I won’t get sleep till they come. Avni cries and thinks of Neil’s words. Neil signs her to smile. She smiles.

Neil and Avni dance on Bol halke halke….Juhi comes there and looks on. She cries and leaves. They have an eyelock. They all dance. Neil asks Neela where did Avni go. Neela says you know there is just one place where she goes to share happiness and sorrow. Juhi says it won’t be good to talk now. She hears a girl and turns. She sees a girl and goes to her. She asks where is your mum. The girl says at home, and gives her note. She runs away. Juhi reads what you are finding is with me. She sees the same stamp on the paper and asks who is there. She runs back to Aisha’s house and sees it locked.

Avni cries and talks to Aisha at her grave. She says I m tired of fighting all these years, I miss you, I wish you were here, I would have rested in your lap, when I saw Aman supporting Dayaben, I felt everything got ruined, but you know Aman supported us, he is not Amol now, he has become our Aman, he made you proud today, you will get peace. She cries. Neil comes and holds her. He says Aisha is always with you and shows locket. He says both your mums are happy. He hugs her. She takes the locket.

Its morning, Shweta says you would be thinking why I called you alone, I want to know what makes Avni happy. Neela says you suddenly… sorry I m surprised. Shweta says tell me if there is any incomplete dream or wish. Neela says she had no time to dream. Shweta says their first anniversary is coming, so I thought to give them a surprise, I have seen Avni’s love for Neil, I realized my mistake, I know there is no one better than her for Neil, Juhi should also understand she has no place in Neil’s life, I don’t want to hide truth now, Juhi will see the anniversary celebrations and understand. She asks Neela to say something. Neela tells about Avni. Shweta smiles.

Juhi cries. Neil comes to her. He asks how are you, we returned home at night and didn’t disturb you. She hides her tears. He asks what happened, did anyone say anything. He reads the note. Neela shows the dress to Shweta, Bebe and Prakash, and says Avni became a bride in fancy dress, she used to hate red bridal dress, as Aisha never became a bride, anyways she used to think she looks fairy in such white dress.

Shweta says I would have adorned my daughter, I will make Avni ready. They decide clothes for Neil and Avni. Neil asks what’s this, Ragini pandit is in coma, she can’t hurt you. Juhi cries. He asks her to say. Bebe asks Neela to become bridesmaid. Shweta says I will become maid of honor. Prakash says I will take bride to mandap. Bebe asks what shall I become, man of the match, I will get rings. Shweta says I will get flowers. Prakash says our childhood will return when Neil and Avni give a child in our lap. They all smile.

Juhi says Ragini pandit was saying about jaan that day, actually….. Neil gets shocked……She says I swear on you, I have said the truth, I need your help, please help me. Neil gets tearful eyes.

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