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The Episode starts with Neil saying one person can help us. She asks who, Neela, she will be upset. He says we have to take her help. Ballu calls Vidyut and says we lost Meher. Vidyut scolds him and breaks the glass tower. Ballu says Neil has gone to find the girl, but he has kept security around Meher. Vidyut says just get my mum out of hospital and make Meher reach me, decide you want to be alive or not, if my mum doesn’t come out, you will be in ICU. Guard says Ananya’s info was right, she has a BF, I asked for her BF and his ex GF pics. Vidyut says once this casino work gets over, I will check her kundli. Gurumaa attacks the nurse. She removes the medical equipments and puts a clothes noose at the window. She sees a cupboard.

Neela asks what do you mean. Avni says we couldn’t say anyone. Neela says I was so worried. Avni says sorry, we did this for Mishti. Neela says she is Juhi’s daughter, why did you go. Avni asks how could I get a girl’s life get ruined, Vidyut would have not left Juhi. Neela asks did you not trust me. Neil takes phone and says I have hidden this from everyone, this operation is dangerous. She says so you came to take my blessings. He recalls. She asks why did you say all this to me now. He says Ali is distributing Avni’s missing flyers, stop him, else Vidyut will know. She says don’t worry, I will talk to her.

Ali asks servant about governess. Servant says she is no more. Ali gets shocked. Servant shows picture. Maid comes and says she is old Nanny, did you come to find new governess Ananya Verma. Ali gets shocked. DD says you said pandit is in coma, how can she run away. He sees the clothes rope at the window. He sends everyone to find Gurumaa. Gurumaa comes out of the cupboard. She leaves.

Avni and Neil see each other. He talks to a lady. She goes. He tells Avni that they can take Mishti today, if Vidyut misbehaves with her, he will kill Vidyut. Avni says we will not do anything, its a matter of one day, we will do this at casino opening day. DD calls Neil and says pandit has run away, what shall we do now. Neil tells his plan.

Ali checks the food and says we have to impress owners, real event is tomorrow. Ali thinks Vidyut’s daughter and governess will come, Avni has to answer me. Maid tells Vidyut that Ali is questioning about Ananya Verma, he maybe her BF. Vidyut asks are you sure. She says yes. He says I know you do everything for money, get lost.

Vidyut comes to Ali. Ali asks what’s happening. Bebe says thank God, we reached home. Lights get off. Bebe asks Juhi to stand there. Shweta gets candle and gets shocked. Bebe asks what happened. They get shocked seeing the goons. The goon catches Juhi. They ask them to get back. Bebe calls DD. DD answers and hears them. Juhi says leave me. Prakash asks what do you mean. The goon says Juhi’s death and stabs her neck. Juhi falls dead. They all get shocked. DD and staff come and see Juhi dead. Bebe and Shweta cry. Bebe says they have killed Juhi in front of us. Shweta gives her water.

Prakash says who were they, how did this happen. DD asks how did they look. Juhi’s body is taken. Bebe and Shweta cry. Ali says I don’t know, you called me for event catering. Vidyut says get her. Maid comes. Vidyut says she is my servant, she is saying you are my daughter’s governess pic. Maid says I have seen it, check his bag. Ali says I will show. He thinks what’s happening, something is wrong. He shows the flyer. Vidyut sees the photo spoiled. Ali looks on.

Neil says we have to do something before Vidyut knows. Avni says I know you didn’t involve DD, Vidyut is an animal, police can help. He says we don’t have evidence against Vidyut, that he is involved in Gurumaa’s activities, people think he provides security and takes care of Mishti, her life can have risk. Ali recalls putting ketchup on Avni’s photo. Ali says she is my best friend, sorry, my bag had ketchup, photo got spoiled. Maid says its her pic. Vidyut shouts and sends her. He says missing… Ali says she is missing since two days. Vidyut asks best friend or GF. Ali says good friend. Vidyut says I can help in finding her. Ali says no, I will manage. Vidyut says you may have her pic in phone. Shweta calls Neil and asks are you fine. He says yes, why, what happened. She says some goons came home and they have attacked on all of us. He asks are you all fine. She says they have killed Juhi. Neil and Avni get shocked. Shweta and Bebe cry. Neil says I will call DD and find out, take care. Avni asks him to call DD fast. Neil calls DD and says mom just told me something, I have to talk something imp.

Ali get Neela’s message. She writes no need of flyers, we got her. Ali says I got her, no need to find her, my aunt messaged, you can read. Vidyut gets Gurumaa’s call and shouts everybody out. Ali goes. He asks her how is she. She says I left from hospital. She tells her location. He says don’t worry, I will get you back soon. He asks guard to get his men, they have to leave for Mumbai. He says I m coming Maa. She says no, just send your men, you have to be with that girl. He says fine. He asks guard to send Ballu and men, his mum should come back safe.

Juhi washes her face. DD says its Neil’s call. DD says everyone believed Juhi has died. Neil recalls talking to Avni. Avni asks is this right to blame Gurumaa and give her shoot at sight order. Neil says pandit and Vidyut will be in tension. Juhi asks are we doing wrong. Neil says no, I will tell family members, I don’t want pandit to reach Goa, we are doing this for our daughter Mishti. She cries and says because of me and my daughter, you all in trouble. He says she is our daughter. She says Avni has sent her pic, she is lovely, when can I meet her, I want to hug her. He says I will try to make you talk to her. She thanks him. Neil says DD, sorry, we had to keep this mission a secret. DD says its okay, I understand.

Teacher asks Mishti to perform. Avni asks her to go. Neil says intelligent people stay quiet, right Mishti. Mishti sits sad. Avni asks will you dance with me, will you say angel story to everyone. A girl falls. Her dad cheers her. Mishti recalls Vidyut’s words. Avni asks Mishti will she have food. Mishti goes. Neil signs Avni. Avni sings O papad wale…… Avni and Neil dance. They go to Mishti. Neil says who will eat this yummy food. Avni says I will have it. She feeds Mishti. Neil shows them to Juhi. Mishti gets away. Neil asks lady to take their video. Juhi cries seeing Mishti. Neil says I m a magician, shall I show magic. He shows a doll and asks who wants this. Mishti takes it and hugs him. Neil gets emotional.

Lady says everyone will do a group dance now. Avni and Mishti dance with everyone. Vidyut comes. Juhi gets back seeing him on call. Neil looks on. Avni says it will be big problem if he sees you. Neil goes. Mishti hides from Vidyut. Guard takes her. Avni stops him and says its two days camp, there is special event for kids. He says you can stay here, I m taking my girl. She says wait, I will come along. They leave. Neil thinks we made plan to get Mishti from camp, it failed, now there is one place from where we can get her. Juhi asks where did Mishti go. He says she went with Vidyut, Avni is with her. She says he is dangerous. He says I promised you I will get Mishti back, I never break my promise. He calls someone and says get my fake id, I want to go to Vidyut’s casino, I can get Mishti from there.

Neela says sorry Ali, Neil and Avni had no option, they just told me. Ali says I understand, I saw on tv, Ragini pandit has run away, Vidyut is her son. Neela says it means Neil and Avni are in danger. Ali says I won’t let anything happen to them, even if I die. She says nothing will happen to you. He sees Avni’s pic. Neil asks DD to break Gurumaa’s news. DD tells reporters about Gurumaa, she has killed a nurse, we gave shoot at sight order for this criminal. Vidyut gets shocked. He says I m still alive, nothing will happen. He sees Mishti and Avni coming. He sees the doll and breaks it angrily. Mishti apologizes. He scolds her. Avni asks him how can he do this. He asks did her motherly love awakened. They argue. He says just go and make Mishti ready, I made special arrangements, she will sit next to the bar, then I have to talk to you, just you and me. Avni makes Mishti ready. She gets Neil’s call and says we are getting ready for event, Vidyut kept special chair for Mishti. Neil says he wants to use her to reach Juhi, I m coming there as a guest. He tells his plan and says till we are together, we can face any problem, trust me, we will take her back. She smiles.

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