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The Episode starts with Avni coming to everyone. She hears Bebe. She asks Bebe is she still annoyed. Bebe asks Mishti to come with her to room. They go. Juhi comes and says I m making diwali shopping list, do you need anything. Avni says no, nothing. She goes. Juhi notes the things. Ali comes and greets her. She says we kept a diwali party for Mishti, I was making its list. He says keep Avni away from rangoli colors, she has allergy. She agrees. He says I m glad seeing you happy. She says its because of you, Neil and Avni, you all gave me happiness. He answers a call. He says I have urgent work, tell Avni I will meet her later. He goes.

Avni comes to Neil. She says Bebe and Shweta are not talking to me. Neil says chill, things will get fine. She asks him to help. He asks her to manage. She leaves. He gets the box and smiles. He says I m busy, but not in my office work, but in the work which remained incomplete between us. Neela, Shweta and Bebe meet doctor at cafe and ask about Mishti. He says she is fine, what’s your blood group. Bebe says I don’t remember. Doctor says I will do your blood test. Bebe says no need, I will find out.

Avni tells a story of a princess and witch. She recalls Aman killing Dayaben. Mishti cries. Avni asks why are you crying. Mishti shows the broken doll. Juhi comes and looks on. Mishti calls Avni angel and hugs her. Juhi cries. She thinks I wish I could get a new doll and surprise Mishti. Ballu says Neil called Vidyut for interrogation again. Gurumaa says I have to free him from Neil soon, Vidyut can defend himself, he has my blood, no ACP can’t force him. She reaches Mumbai.

Bebe, Shweta and Neela look for report. Avni comes and asks what are you all finding. Shweta and Bebe start drama. Avni asks Bebe to teach her coconut laddoo making. Bebe refuses. Shweta asks Bebe to say recipe, else children can leave home. Bebe taunts Avni. Avni says Neil planned this, why are you doing this with me. Neela says they are also acting. Shweta says you flopped our plan. Bebe says we also felt bad, how did you like my acting. Shweta says if they took us in plan, we would have acted well, they don’t trust us. Avni says Neil asked me to lie, come Bebe, we will scold Neil. Bebe asks you mean I should scold him, fine. They laugh. Bebe asks her to go to kitchen and prepare. Shweta gets report and says blood group got erased.

Juhi thinks Neil and Avni will get new doll for Mishti. She goes to Neil and hears Neil rehearsing love confession. She sees Avni’s pics. Neil sees her. He asks what happened. She says I was looking for something. He calls her Avni. She says I m Juhi, not Avni. He says sorry. She says its okay and goes. She goes to Mishti. Mishti plays with dolls. Avni and Neela come. Mishti shows her family. Avni says its really good, you forgot one friend, Juhi is also your friend. Mishti says she is not my friend. Juhi cries and goes. Neela says its not easy to win such kids’ heart, its not easy for Mishti to trust anyone, Juhi has to keep patience. Avni thinks we have less time, I have to make Juhi and Mishti come closer. Juhi recalls Neil and Avni. She says I will go myself and get a doll for Mishti, there is no one for me. Vidyut is on the way. Avni says Juhi felt bad of Mishti’s words and went. Neil asks what, she knows the danger. He calls Juhi. They go out to see. He gets her phone and says did anyone kidnap her. DD comes. Neil says I think someone kidnapped Juhi, ask team to scan the area, this news shouldn’t leak. DD goes. Avni asks did Vidyut do this, he can do anything. Bebe and Shweta look for Mishti, who hides in cupboard. Vidyut finds her and says caught you Mishti. He asks did you not miss me. Avni says Mishti is alone in room, I will go to her. Vidyut says Sir will always find you Mishti, you know why…. Avni prays for Juhi. Vidyut says Sir is your father, real father, you are my daughter, no one can keep a daughter away from father, not even angel.

Vidyut says I will take you away from your angel, I will take revenge from Neil and Avni. Mishti gets scared. He breaks her doll. He leaves from window. Avni asks Mishti to open door. Bebe, Neela and Shweta come and tell her that they were playing hide and seek game. They all ask Mishti to open the door. Avni says we have to break the door. Avni opens the door. Avni asks Mishti is she fine. She hugs her. She asks what happened, why are you so scared, why did you lock door, how did your doll break. Mishti says Sir….Avni asks did Sir come here. Mishti nods. Avni hugs her. She asks Neela to tell Neil fast that Vidyut came here, Juhi is not here, did he….. Neela goes to call Neil. Neil says how dare he comes to my house and scare Mishti. Avni says calm down, we didn’t get Juhi. Mishti comes to them. Neil gets landlord’s call and doesn’t answer.

Mishti cries. Avni asks what happened. Mishti says you are scared, who will protect me. Neil says God sends angels and supermans. Mishti asks what is superman gets scared. Neil says Lord sends batman and shows DD. He says we all are here, we don’t need to get scared, I m superman of your angel, I will protect both of you, promise. Avni takes Mishti and says I have a surprise for you, you will not be scared and get happy, close eyes and count. Neil asks Bebe not to worry, he will increase security. Juhi comes. Bebe asks where did you go. Neil says you know we were madly finding you, we were worried for your safety, where is your phone. He shows the phone and says it fell outside, Vidyut has come and scared Mishti. She gets shocked. He says we were so scared, you realize this, we felt he kidnapped you, just think of the risks we took for you. Juhi cries and says I went to get doll for Mishti, she was crying a lot. Neil asks doll? Bebe says Neil, stop it, Juhi you give the doll to Mishti, go. Juhi goes.

Bebe says Juhi is Mishti’s mum. Shweta says even then she should be responsible, she should know both Avni and Mishti got risk. Neil says this won’t happen again. Neil says if she was at home, Vidyut would have known about her, I will talk to her, DD I want to arrest Vidyut and Gurumaa. Juhi comes to Mishti and gives doll. She thinks if Vidyut tells Neil that Mishti is his daughter, I have to hide this. Avni comes with doll and hides it. Mishti asks for surprise. Avni says nothing. Mishti throws the doll brought by Juhi. She runs to Avni and takes the doll from her hand. She thanks to Avni and hugs her, saying thanks, you are the best. Avni says I repaired this doll as she likes it, I didn’t know you went to get the doll, sorry. Juhi cries and goes. Avni asks her to listen once, she didn’t mean to hurt her heart, Vidyut has scared Mishti by breaking doll. Neil asks Avni not to give explanation, he will talk to her. He sends her. He asks Juhi to open the door. Bebe sees the box and checks. She asks what’s this, candles, decoration items. She checks the note. Shweta reads Neil’s note for Avni. Bebe says all this written notes are cut, why, I think Neil was planning a surprise for her, whenever they try to do good, Juhi ruins the mood. Neela defends Juhi. Shweta says Juhi is the problem, don’t act like you don’t care, Avni and Neil are not able to spend time, they are worried for Juhi. Neela agrees.

Juhi says I m tired of fighting, who do I have in this world, except a girl, first mum and dad, then you, I lost myself in the darkness of Rangmahal, I used to fight for myself, but now I m broken up, I think my fate has this written, Mishti runs away from me, she is scared of me. He says I understand you are hurt, you didn’t just lose, you got too, you have got a new life, you stood again after fighting with evil, you lost me, but I m there as a friend, you have Avni too, Avni’s friendship is a blessing, she can go to any extent for friendship, you have Mishti too, don’t get scared of Vidyut, he can’t scare you and our daughter Mishti, we are with you.

Bebe, Neela and Shweta come. Neela says Neil is saying right, we are in your life, everything will get fine. Shweta asks him to go to Avni, we will take care of Juhi. Juhi nods. Avni dumps the food. Neil asks why did you dump custard, so that Juhi doesn’t feel bad. She says yes, I want them to come closer, I have to get away. He asks who told you, you accepted Mishti as she is my daughter. He says I want to get away from them. She goes. He says wifey looks much upset, I have to do something.

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