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The Episode starts with Neil and Avni dancing on Bolna mahi bolna…. They have an eyelock and romance. Their heads bump. They smile. She hugs him. Juhi screams no. They hear her and come to Juhi. Juhi says they came to take my daughter and locked her in room. She hugs Neil and asks him to get her daughter. Everyone comes. Neil says I think Juhi has seen a bad dream. He asks her not to worry, he won’t let anyone happen to their child. Juhi hugs him and cries. Avni looks on and says I will get water for her. She leaves.

Its morning, Prakash asks Bebe not to worry, I will talk to Avni and Neil, Juhi will need counsellor. She prays everything gets fine. They see decorated house and smile. Shweta orders a cake. She wishes happy anniversary to Neil and Avni. Neela comes. Shweta says you got Avni’s dress, good. Avni asks will it look good to celebrate in such a time. Shweta asks why not, ups and downs come in life, it doesn’t mean we sacrifice happiness. Neil says we have to go. Neela and Bebe agree with Shweta. Bebe feeds laddoo to Neil and Avni. Bebe blesses them.

They see Juhi coming. Neil says we can talk later. He goes to attend call. Avni says we are going, get ready and come. Juhi goes. Neela says I know what you want to say, we decided and this party will happen. Avni asks her to listen. Neil says we will leave now, Juhi will come later. They leave. Avni sees the food particle under his lip and asks him to clean it. He does. He says I know you are worried. She says yes, everyone is preparing for our anniversary, I don’t know what to say, its fine if they want to celebrate. She asks do you also want this. He says yes, I think we should go to chawl, DD and team will be waiting. They see Neela in mirror. Bebe holds Neela and says I know what’s happening, Neil and Avni will come in some time. Neela says I feel bad for Juhi, but I m worried for Avni, we can’t change past, but our present will decide future, we should accept past and present, but it needs time to accept truth.

Neil, Avni, DD and Juhi reach the chawl in disguise. Avni says we are social workers. She talks to some people and sends girls’ pics to Juhi. DD asks Neil not to worry. Juhi checks and says my daughter is not anyone from these. Shweta checks food. She asks Neela not to take tension and smile. Neela smiles. Neil says I got to know the girl is here. Avni asks the woman if she has a daughter. The lady says no. Neil tells DD that he couldn’t find anything. DD stops Juhi from removing veil. He goes to get money change. A man dressed as clown comes there and asks Juhi to take balloons, its free. She says I don’t want, go. He hands over a note and says its free. She reads it and shouts Neil. She asks the team men to catch the joker. Neil asks the team how can they be so careless. DD says don’t know when he came and left. Avni reads note : Did you think you will find the girl, Forget the girl, you will never get it. Avni asks Juhi not to worry, they will find her daughter.

Shweta says its all perfect, I wish they come soon, Juhi is not such a girl, she will not spoil the party. Neil, Avni, DD and Juhi come home. Juhi says I want to go temple, I will feel better, its your imp day Avni, it won’t be good if I m there. Neil says its not like that. She wishes them happy anniversary. He says fine, you can go, but DD will go along, I lost you once but not now, your life is in danger, its my responsibility that nothing happens to you. Avni says he is right, if anything happens to you, he will curse himself, please agree to us. Juhi says fine.

Shweta asks Prakash to call Neil. Prakash says he is not answering. Neil and Avni come in. Avni says our plan failed, that man was ahead of us, he gave chit to Juhi, we couldn’t find anything. Bebe asks about Juhi. They say she went to temple. Shweta asks Avni to go and get ready, she called a makeup artist. Neil asks are you serious mom, you heard we didn’t get the girl. Shweta says I heard it, we will pray for the girl, we got happiness after long, we will celebrate. He says do what you find right. He irons his coat. Avni asks are you blaming yourself, tell me if you want to cancel party, I won’t feel bad. He says I can’t upset family. She asks will you act to stay happy. He ask what do you want from me, its better to just stand and see what’s happening. Neela looks on. Neil sees Neela.

Neil look at Neela and leave. Bebe says Neil’s anger will vanish when he sees Avni as bride. Avni gets ready. Neela comes to her. She says you look lovely, your childhood dream is going to complete, remember the white dress which you wanted to wear since childhood, forget tension and keep smiling. Neil gets ready. Neela gets Avni. Everyone claps. Bebe compliments Avni. Neil and Avni smile seeing each other. Neela takes her ahead. Neela says I have a surprise from my side, this is Father Joseph…. Avni gets glad. Neela says he is Avni’s college principal, Avni wanted a perfect fairy tale wedding. She asks him to make Neil and Avni make vows.

Neil hold Avni’s hand and says I want to tell you something before vows, even if we have to face storms in our lives, you will always find me with you, I will always protect you, even if you get annoyed and leave me, I will never leave you. They all smile. He kiss Avni’s hand. Father Joseph makes them take vow. Avni accepts Neil as her husband, be it a good time or bad time, even if they stay rich or poor, she will support him till the last day of her life in his every happiness and sorrow. They all clap. Father ask Neil to repeat the vow. Neil says I accept Avni as my…. He get interrupted by a call. He disconnects and try to take the vow again. He get a call from DD and answers. He ask what…… He get shocked. He says I have to go, Juhi is in the hospital. They get shocked. Lady ask about whom is he talking. Neil leaves. The plate with ring falls. Avni drops the flowers. Neela picks the ring and cries seeing Avni. The man asks who is Juhi, why did Neil leave Avi and go. Avni says we should go hospital, Neil will need us. She tells everyone that party won’t happen today, they can leave. The guests leave.

Doctor says its suicide attempt, thanks to him she got saved, he admitted her on time. Everyone looks on. Neil asks Juhi why did you do this. Juhi cries and says I can’t bear this, they snatched my daughter from my hands, don’t know where is she, if anything happens to her. He says nothing will happen, we will find her. She asks why did fate make us meet, I have made your life tough, I have become a burden. He says you are not a burden. Avni looks on. She asks for whom shall I live, I don’t know I will get my daughter back or not, I have no one. Neil says who said you have no one, I m here. Juhi asks really. He says yes. She says promise me you will never leave me alone. He says I promise, I will never leave you. She cries and hugs him. The family looks on. Neela turns and sees Avni. Avni says I will just come and goes. Neela goes after her.

Avni sits crying. Neela comes to her. She asks her not to lose courage, no one can come between you and Neil. Avni says you can’t see my tears, how did you make your heart so big, I always used to think Aisha is so strong to fight with society and raise me, her love didn’t get a name of relation, she is superwoman. Neela says you are her daughter, I know you will never lose courage. Avni says you also had much courage, I didn’t knew your strength, everyone is small in front of sacrifice, you loved a man who loved someone else, even then you accepted the other woman’s children and loved them, you raised them as if they are your own children, I m scared I can become like you, can I sacrifice like you, you are great.

Neela asks what are you saying, you don’t need to do this, I used to pray your life always has happiness, your life never becomes like Aisha, I didn’t know your life will become like mine, sorry Avni, promise me you will not sacrifice your love, Neil is not Ashish, he always stood for you, promise me you will fight for your love. Avni says I want to talk to Aisha, will you be with Neil here, everyone needs you, promise me you will take care of Neil. Neela asks why are you saying so, you are with Neil. Avni says I will meet Aisha and come. Neela says I will come along. Avni says no, I have to talk in private. She goes.

Doctor tells Neil to take care of Juhi, her mental condition is not so good. Neil says sure. Neela comes. Neil asks where is Avni. Neela says she went to graveyard, she had to talk to Aisha. Juhi says sorry, your and Avni’s special day got spoiled, Avni would be feeling bad. Neil asks her not to think all this, Avni is sensible. Neela says I will get Avni home, we will talk to her. She goes.

Neil comes home. He says doctor said Juhi needs rest, she shouldn’t get any stress, she was upset. Shweta asks why did she do this, its your anniversary today, you left Avni in front of everyone, you were undertaking wedding ritual. He says Juhi was in hospital. She says DD and doctor were with her, did you think of Avni, you gave her tears and fear that you can leave her hand and go anytime, you didn’t turn and see what she is going through, you left her and ran away, you know what she went through, she came home and went to her room silently, then don’t know where she went. Neil asks where did she go and why, Neela went to get her. Neela comes and says Avni is not there, where is she, how can she go this way. Neil gets worried.

#Naamkaran #MyIdentity #Starlife #zeeworldgists #tellygists
My Identity air on Star Life Mondays to Sundays at 7pm

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