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The Episode starts with Avni going inside the room. Ali gets shocked seeing her and asks you. She asks are you fine and opens the ropes. They hug. He says that recording. She says I know it was a lie, Neil knows you are innocent, we have to think how to leave from here, see this smoke bomb, if Lanka gets fire, smoke will be there. He nods. Neil hopes Avni is fine. He sees time. He recalls her and does the aid. DD says don’t know how to save Avni. Neil says I know, its 11 now. Ballu says pandit ji didn’t come till now. Avni says but you came on right time. She spreads the smoke and beats him up. She runs out. The goons go to Ali. Ali beats them up. Avni and Ali try to run away. Juhi comes with Gurumaa and goons. She says I told you, none gets saved from Rangmahal. Ali says you cheated us Juhi. Gurumaa slaps him and says her name is Meher, not Juhi. She slaps Avni and says I will see how Neil saves you.

Avni’s friends match the fingerprints and show Neela about Amol. She gets shocked. Gurumaa comes to cell and asks the ladies did they forget their values. She asks why is everyone’s faces turn pale, those girls couldn’t run. Neil shocks her. She gets shocked seeing him. Neil says I got search warrant for Rangmahal. He taunts her. He recalls Avni’s clue and reaching the jail.

He thinks he understands Avni’s signs well. He feels proud of Avni. Avni’s friends take Amol’s phone. Amol gets a call. Juhi sees Avni and Ali. Ballu warns them. A man comes and says pandit ji for caught by Neil, don’t leave her. Avni says I told you Gurumaa will come to meet me, you don’t know my Neil. Ballu asks what did he do, she was Neil’s GF, like we disappeared her, we will make you missing too. Avni says we found her finally, it means truth will win, Raavan will burn and Lanka too.

Neil scolds the jailer. He tells about Ragini pandit’s business of human trafficking. Dayaben looks on. Neil tells senior about catching Ragini pandit. Senior says well done. Neil says Ragini pandit will not go out from jail now, my sight will be on her. Gurumma greets him.

Ali says Neil understood your sign, this is called true love. Avni says I have always run away from Neil, when I felt I love Neil, Lord did planning to snatch my love, I m not doing this for Juhi, but for Neil, I learnt this from Aisha and Neela, love has no conditions. Juhi comes to them and gives food.

Juhi tells Avni that she couldn’t help them. Avni says you did a lot for us. Juhi asks is Dayaben your Dadi, why does she want to send you here. Avni says its complicated, I will tell you once we get out of here. Juhi says your brother Amol…. Ali stops her and recalls Amol. He signs Juhi not to say. Avni says he hates Dayaben. Ali thinks sorry I can’t tell Amol’s truth now, else Avni will break down. Avni says I will pray for you, that Lord gives you a beautiful life after getting out of here. Juhi locks them and goes. Avni recalls Neil and thinks to do something. She checks the door and wishes the door opens.

Avni think of Neil. She sees Neil and gets glad. They hug. Hawayein….plays…. She then sees Juhi with Neil and gets sad. Neil imagines Avni. Neil talks to Bebe how Avni came in his life as a case. She asks is it wrong to love Avni, he didn’t know Juhi will come back. He asks what will I tell Juhi. Bebe says just truth, will you be able to keep a lie. Avni tries to call. Neela wishes they get Avni. Avni asks Amol to tell Neil not to come Jaguda. The goon asks what are you doing here.

Neil enters Rangmahal. He sees a normal place with old people. Madan says Avni made call to Amol and asked him to tell Neil not to come Jaguda. Neil asks constables did they find anything. Avni, Juhi and other girls are tied up. Neil says they have erased all the proofs, don’t know where they have kept the girls. Neil asks constables to check every room. Avni tries to reach Neil. She shouts to Neil. She tries to come out of the secret chamber. Neil passes by. Amol and other goon catch Avni. Avni gets shocked seeing Amol. Amol signs Dayaben. He makes Avni faint by chloroform.

Neil says I m sure Avni was here. DD says we have checked the place well. Neil keeps the idol back. He hears the senior. Senior scolds Neil. Gurumaa complains about Neil. She says I have lost my mum because of him. Senior says this is an old age home, not any human trafficking centre. Gurumaa lies that she has gone to meet her ill mum. Senior says Ragini j took my permission and went to meet her mum. Gurumaa says my mum got to know I was in jail, she got a huge shock and died. Ballu takes disguise and comes there. The goons get Avni on stretcher. Gurumaa says Maa and cries. Senior says there will be enquiry against you. Neil gets shocked.

Avni gets semi conscious and looks on. Neela and Madan also arrive. Neil asks how can you suspend me, this woman runs trafficking. Ballu says Neil is married, but he is finding her ex lover, he thinks that girl is here, so he wanted the warrant. Neil gets angry on him. Senior asks him not to raise hand on anyone. Gurumaa and her goons smile. Avni thinks Amol has cheated me. Shweta says I don’t know how is Neil. Riya comes and asks them to know what Avni did. Bebe asks her why did she come again to break the peace. Riya says Avni has broken the peace, Neil got suspended because of her.

Prakash asks what nonsense. Riya says you can watch the breaking news on tv. Shweta cries. Riya says Avni just ruins the people around her, since she married Neil, he just got ruined, today he lost his job as well, just because of Avni, its good she got punished, she has reached to such a bad place that she will not get any respect after coming back. Shweta gets angry and asks her to stop it. She warns Riya against saying anything bad. She says I admit I hate Avni, but my anger and hatred are different things, I m a woman and can’t see torture happening on other women, my mistake is I got you on my head, get out. Riya goes. Prakash hugs Shweta and consoles.

Neela gives water to Neil and asks him not to blame himself, Dayaben is behind all this conspiracy, she did the same with Avni, she framed Avni and had put her behind bars. She asks did Amol tell you that Avni called him and asked you not to come Jaguda. Neil says no, why. Neela says Amol is with Dayaben, he is cheating Avni.

Avni sees a huge spider coming towards her and gets scared. She recalls the childhood troubles. Dayaben comes to her. She threatens about Neil. She says whoever tried to make your life better, you ruined their lives, you are a poison. Avni says when you have shot me, why did I not die. Dayaben says I also wanted that, but maybe its good, Lord had to fulfill my wish this way, I will sell you tomorrow, its Dasshera tomorrow and this is Kalyug, Raavan wins. She laughs.

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