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The Episode starts with Neil picking the injection. He gives insulin to Vidyut. He says we don’t do fake encounter, we are policemen and trust law, Mumbai police will see you, you will be interrogated for Gurumaa’s escape. Vidyut says you are playing with fire, you will get burnt, you can’t win always. Neil says you think you are smart, but you are not, our plan was perfect, we are taking the girl, once I find Gurumaa, I will keep her in tight security. Avni calls out Neil. She worries for Mishti.

Juhi asks why did Neil not call. DD comes and says Neil called, they saved the girl. She cries and thanks Lord. DD says they arrested Vidyut, they are reaching hospital, don’t worry. She asks is Mishti fine, can I meet her. He says yes, Neil and Avni saved her, they faced big danger, they can give life for each other. She says yes, they are made for each other.

Neil and Avni get Mishti in a chopper. Neil says Vidyut is brought in another helicopter. Prakash says Neil and Avni are fine, they took Mishti to hospital. Shweta says poor Juhi died before meeting Mishti. Bebe says no, you are wrong, Neela was Juhi’s murder a drama. Neela nods. Prakash asks Bebe not to take this on heart, Neil is ACP, he did this to solve case. Bebe says he lied to me, does he not trust us. Prakash says we would have not done good acting like them. Bebe says let him come, I will beat him. Neela says we know why Neil and Avni did this, they wanted to save Mishti, we should not be annoyed, they are safe. Prakash agrees.

Vidyut is brought to the hospital. Juhi runs. DD calls her out. Juhi gets shocked seeing Vidyut. She puts the veil. Nurse calls Vidyut. He goes to Mishti. Nurse says wait here, you have to get some tests done. Juhi comes and cries seeing Mishti. She wipes her tears and walks ahead. Avni pulls Juhi. Neil says Vidyut’s tests will be done in police station. Vidyut is taken away.

DD says Juhi came with me, don’t know where she went. Neil says I will see her. Avni asks what were you doing. Juhi says I wanted to meet Mishti. Avni says Vidyut was also there, he believes you are dead, police would have freed him if he saw you. Juhi says I saw Mishti and couldn’t stop myself. Avni says we can’t lose, we can’t fall weak, please understand. Juhi asks how shall I control emotions, I didn’t meet Mishti till now, I m her mum. Avni says I understand. Juhi says you can’t understand, you didn’t become mum yet. Avni says I told this to secure Mishti, so that our plan doesn’t fail, I didn’t become mum, but I m a woman, who did acting to lose the person whom she…. I mean Neil, I had to get away from family. Neil comes and says I took permission from doctor, we can take Mishti home, doctor will do treatment at home, she will get fine. Juhi thanks him.

At home, doctor checks Mishti and takes blood sample for formality. Shweta says we should know about her, as she will stay with us. Doctor says we want blood group info of Neil’s family, so that we can use in emergency. Neil says sure. Nurse says I have to take your blood sample. Vidyut asks what will you do, it just has poison. Nurses takes the sample. DD looks on. Vidyut sits smiling. Shweta gives reports to doctor. Doctor goes.

Juhi says I was helpless to do this. Bebe asks her to be with Mishti. Avni says none should know Juhi is alive, she can’t come out till Gurumaa is caught. Juhi says I will not do such mistake again, promise. Vidyut says world has gone ahead, your interrogation is like 70s films, I need to speak to my lawyer. DD asks why, its just the start. Vidyut says everyone call you DD, uniform suits you, you have power, you don’t know how to use power, I can teach you well, maybe I can make you all bad man like me.

Avni makes food for Mishti. Neil comes. She says Mishti likes all this. He asks are you hurt. She says no. He asks are you annoyed with Juhi. She says no, I m annoyed with you, our mission would have failed, you didn’t say anything to Juhi. He asks did you think of her state, she met Mishti for the first time. She says I also lied to everyone, you are thinking for Juhi, think what they are going through, we all also controlled feelings. He says I also lied to everyone, you went, you knew what I went through. She says you knew it was a drama. He says I knew you are in danger, Ali felt I don’t care for you,, you know what I felt through, it was not easy for us to leave anniversary celebrations. She says but it was our plan, I was scared, I felt this can become our life’s truth. He shows letter and says I told you to write this, I really felt I lost you. They see each other. He kisses her.

Avni says Mishti is scared of Vidyut. Neil says we can’t punish him for this. She says its tough to change Vidyut and his thinking, we have to forget our dreams for Mishti, we lied to family, now its Juhi’s turn, she has to control her emotions, just you can explain her. He agrees. He says this is not that Juhi whom I knew, she was very strong, this Juhi has shattered. She says sometimes situation breaks a person, but you have to explain her, she has to become strong, Juhi is a mum, if she gets strong, Mishti will forget her pain. Bebe looks on and wishes this storm passes soon. Shweta comes and says Mishti got conscious. Mishti calls for angel. Neil says Juhi we can’t tell her any truth, you have to control your emotions, she doesn’t know who is her mum. Juhi says I m her mum. He says we don’t have to express it.

Mishti gets up and hugs Avni. Avni says we came to a new house, all of them are good, they are your friends. Mishti sees everyone. Avni says Juhi is also your friend. Juhi greets Mishti and asks friends. Mishti shakes hands. Nurse gives blood reports to doctor. Neil says we want Vidyut’s report, he is diabetic. Nurse says Mishti’s blood group is not matching with anyone. Doctor says its rare blood group, ask for Neil’s Dadi’s blood sample, it should match her. Ward boy gives Vidyut’s blood report. Doctor says OH positive, Mishti’s blood group matches to him instead Neil’s family, strange. Neil gets a call and says I will come. He asks constable to collect reports from doctor. Vidyut irritates DD. DD asks him where is Gurumaa. Vidyut asks will you become my guard, I will give double salary and make you tour the world. DD hits his face. Vidyut says my mum has taught me to bear every pain, do anything. Inspector stops DD from beating Vidyut.

Vidyut laughs. He goes to the mirror and says ACP Neil you are playing an old game, good cop and bad cop, stop playing these kiddish games with me. Neil looks on from across the mirror. Vidyut asks inspector to show his sympathy. Inspector says I would have punched Vidyut right. DD smiles. DD does aid to himself. DD says Neil’s thinking starts where your ends, its just bad cops for a bad man. Neil says he will not agree, let him go, keep an eye on him, call him tomorrow again, let him contact his mum, they can’t stay without each other, it will be best if we arrest them together. DD gets Vidyut’s blood report. Inspector asks Vidyut to leave. Vidyut comes to the mirror and says I m free to go, you also go to your wife now, Khanna house. He tells the address. He says your family needs protection, especially your wife, she likes playing with danger, are you scared to come in front of me. Neil comes to him. Neil says you will see me even in dreams, don’t waste your energy, you have to come here tomorrow, go now, your mum would be waiting for you. Avni waits for Neil. Juhi comes to her. She gives coffee. Avni asks where’s yours. Juhi says I just made for you. Avni gets an empty cup and shares the coffee.

Juhi says Mishti is sleeping, I wanted to say sorry, I forgot everything in excitement to meet Mishti. Avni says I should be sorry, I was very rude. Juhi says no, if Vidyut saw me, we would have lost. Avni says we will not lose, if you fall weak and cry, how will Mishti get her pain out, if you stay happy, Mishti will stay happy and forget everything. Juhi says I will try my best to stay happy for Mishti. Avni asks her not to cry. She says I have an idea, why don’t we keep diwali party for Mishti. Juhi says its superb idea. They hear a sound like gunshot and get scared. Avni asks her to go to Mishti. Avni takes a vase and goes to check. She sees Neil. Neil asks what did I do now. She says gunshot sounded. He says relax, its diwali cracker, you were breaking someone’s head by vase, wah my tigress. She says yes, shall I show. He asks really and gets close to her.

Music plays…….. Neil says you know when you get angry, you look very beautiful, your cheeks turn red, I see love in your anger. She says everyone has… He says I know they went out. She says but Juhi….He gets close and kisses her. Juhi comes there and gets shocked seeing them. Juhi turns to go and hits a vase. Neil and Avni get away hearing the sound. Juhi says I came to ask about gunshot. Avni says it was just cracker sound. Neil asks Juhi is she fine. Juhi says fine. He asks about Mishti. Avni says she is sleeping. Juhi says I m feeling sleepy and goes. Avni asks did you find anything from Vidyut. He says no, look at his courage, he is asking me to give protection to family, he is very dangerous, we should send Juhi and Mishti away. She says yes, I booked tickets, we can send them to Canada, once we get Gurumaa…. He says then they can come back home, you should also go with them, Vidyut can’t forget what you did, he will try to attack you, your safety is my concern. She says I m ACP’s wife, anyone should dare to touch me and see. He agrees.

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