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The next morning, Agni walks towards bathroom to get ready. Kishen stops her and says he has to go first as he has to reach office. Agni says commissioner is coming to meet her, so she needs to get ready first. Their argument starts. Sakshi who watches their argument silently asks them to move aside and gets into bathroom leaving htem fuming. After sometime, family starts pooja. Agni joins wearing police uniform. Devi yells she does not have manners to wear sari and attend pooja and came wearing uniform 

Agni leaves for police station after pooja. Sakshi asks Kishen if she should serve him breakfast. He says thanks, but no thanks and leaves. Devi asks Sakshi to prepare breakfast for her. Sakshi walks into kitchen. Vasu says he will act as taking leave from office today and Sanjay will take ladies for shopping in the evening,then they will test Agni and Sakshi. KD says that is right. Vasu asks where is fake knife. KD says it is with her and she will give him before going for shopping. Sanjay holds real knife in his pocket and thinks he will exchange it with fake one and let Agni or Sakhi kill Kishen.

Kishen walks to his room and feeling hungry thinks he acted outside, what will he do now. Maid brings him sandwich. Sakshi enters saying even she is hungry and if Kishen does not want to have breakfast, she will have it. Kishen warns not to touch his breakfast. Sakshi snatches sandwiches and runs provoking Kishen to try and snatch it back. She continues her loud over reacting and says sandwich has lots of vegetables. Kishen snatches it and warns to stop lying and get out of his room. She walks away sadly.

Family gets ready to leave for shopping. Sanjay walks into KD’s room to exchange knife. Yashi walks in and asks what is he doing here, if he did not get ready yet. He says he is having headache and needs medicine. Yashi says she will send him ginger tea and walks away. Sanjay looks at both knives and thinks now Kishen is gone.

Agni returns home. Kishen says good she came early, they can spend quality time together. Agni says she is tired answering commissioner since morning. Kishen says he is talking about them, but she is talking about commissioner. Agni says right now she is worried about 2nd test, what will it be and if she will pass it, if family will give test or just take her for shopping. Kishen fumes.

Family goes on shopping. Kishen tells Agni they spent quality time and his sari gift for her is best, she will look very beautiful in it. Agni says she is just worried about test. Sakshi says Agni is typical. Vasu with his fake goons wearing mask attacks Kishen. Agni and Sakshi fight with goons. Vasu tries to stab Kishen with knife and Sakshi bears attack on her wrist and gets injured. Family gets worried. Vasu says he attacked with fake knife. Sanjay changes knife and says smetimes even fake knife works. Devi gets worried for Sakshi and says she must be in pain. Sakshi says she is fine and does her loud over reacting. Devi yells at Agni next that she did not pull her gun, what if real goons attack Kishen, Agni cannot protect Kishen. She continues yelling while Sakshi smirks.

Devi yells at Agni that she did not pull out gun on time to save Kishen, but Sakshi risked her life to save Kishen’s life and followed wife’s duty. Yashi says even Agni tried to save Kishen. Kishen says whatever Sakshi did is foolishness, everyone saw how Agni also tried to save him and she is trained in self-defense. Devi yells what is special in it, what Sakshi did is great and forces KD to accept Sakshi as winner and dorn chunri/veil on Sakshi’s doll.

The next morning, Kishan wakes up and searches Agni. He sees tea and biscuits in tray and thinking Agni kept it for him sips tea. Agni walks in with tea and stands disappointed. Sakshi walks in and asks if he liked tea, she had gone to serve tea to their badi maa who considers her as her bahu and suggested to call Kishan as suniye ji, she continues her loud acting. Kishan asks her to leave. Yashi walks in and asks Kishan if he knows today is special day. Kishan thinks and says today is Badi maa and papa’s wedding anniversary.. Yashi asks if he prepared gift for Devi and tells Agni that Devi likes only Kishan’s prepared cake for birthday and suggests Agni and Kishan to prepare cake for Devi. They excitedly agree.

Devi and Vasu join family. Family wishes them happy anniversary. Sakshi walks in with flower gifts for them saying she prepared them and says she has decided to prepare home made cake for Devi. Devi gets happy while Kishen and Agni stand shocked. Devi says it is awsome when her beta and bahu will prepare cake for her. Yashi says Agni and Kishan planned to prepare care for her. Kishan says yes, he and Agni will prepare cake. KD says Agni, Sakshi, and Kishan will prepare cake together forgetting their differences. Kishan agrees and takes Agni aside. Sakshi with her loud overacting joins Kishan and Agni pesters them with irritating voice and dialogue delivery. Chachi comments Kishan is following family culture and has 2 wives like Vasu. Sanjay shuts her mouth. Kishan scolds Sakshi that she heard their conversation and planned to spoil their plan. Sakshi denies but agrees in front of Agni.

Devi yells at Vaishali that her son is characterless and does not stay at home at all and not to badmouth about Kishan. Vaishali reverts back that Kishan and Agni must be having an affair, but she is badmouthing about her son. Devi yells back Vaishali leaves fuming thinking Devi for the first time insulted her so much. KD tells Devi that she should not have insulted Vaishali as Vaishali speaks without thinking. Devi yells Vaishali pointed at Kishan’s character. Revathi asks her to calm down as Vaishali does not mean what she says like her niece. Devi yells not to interfere in her family matters and asks maid to take her away from her. KD tells Revathi that Devi is tensed since a few days and she should not bother. Revathi says she did not.

Kishan with Agni and Sakshi walk into kitchen to prepare Devi’s birthday cake. He says how to prepare cake, he does not know recipe. Agni and Sakshi starts fighting. Kishen shouts to stop. Sakshi shows youtube cake preparation video. They watch it carefully. Agni tries to confuse her, but she says she saw video carefully and starts mixing ingredients. Her overacting and brainless dialogue delivery continues, irritating Agni. Kishan keeps batter into oven and after it bakes, he checks. Sakshi trying to touch him pushes his hand. Cake smearws on his face. He scolds them and walks away saying that he is preparing cake for his mother, they are in jovial mood. They both laugh. KD walks in and scolds them to prepare cake together.

Vaishali smirking thinking of her plan to take revenge from Devi. Sanjay asks why she is smirking so much. She says she is making Devi’s birthday arrangements and walks aside, leaving him fuming. Revathi tries to pack gift for Devi. Vaishali sends Revathi aside and exchanges her shoe gift with Revathi’s. Agni and Sakshi prepare cake and present it in front of family. KD says they both look so good working together. Sakshi starts her overacting and asks Kishan to light candles on cake. Devi cuts cake, and Vasu feeds her cake. KD asks if he will feed only wife. He feeds her whole piece. Kishan feeds Agni, Sakshi pulls Kishan’s hand and eats cake. Her and Agni’s nok jhok starts. Devi praises Kishan that he prepared excellent cake. KD says Agni and Sakshi prepared it.

Devi asks Yashi to unwrap all gifts. Yashi asks Revathi if she and Vaishali bought gift together. Revathi says no. Yashi unwraps gifts and checks each one. Vaishali thinks after seeing Revathi’s gift, Devi will be shocked. Revathi gives her gift to Devi. Devi apologizes for insulting here. Revathi says she did not mind and asks to open gift soon, she bought it with much tought. Yashi unwraps gift and is shocked to see sandals.

Yashi unwraps Revathi’s gift brought for Revathii. Family is shocked to see sandals. Vaishali smirks seeing her plan working. Revathi cries that Revathi knows she cannot even move, even then she brought sandals and insulted her. Revathi says she did not bring this gift, it is exchanged. Devi cries that Revathi is like her mother, even then she took revenge like this from her for scolding Agni. Revathi continues that she did not bring this gift. Yashi says there is some misunderstanding, chachi will never bring this king of gift. Kishan says there is really some misunderstanding. Revathi continues yelling and crying that they all make joke of her. Family says they all love her and nobody jokes on her. Revathi says even she had 2 bahus and she considered them as daughter, she considers even Revathi as her daughter and would never hurt her. Agni brings water for her and says daadi would never do that. Devi yells she is trying to hide truth, her opinion was right towards her, she cannot follow her duty as inspector, she cannot handle house at all. Revathi pleads not to punish her granddaughter for her mistake. Kishan signals Agni not to speak. Revathi says it is her mistake that she did not check gift and brought it. Agni tries to speak. Sakshi stops her saying things will worse if she speaks more and takes Devi in. Revathi continues pleading that she did not bring that gift. Kishan throws it in dustbin.

After some time, Agni cries looking at her and Revathi’s pic. Kishan walks in. Agni says her daadi cannot do anything wrong. Kishan says even he knokws. Sakhi tells Devi same that her daadi cannot do that. Devi says Sakshi is innocent, so she does not understand all this; Revati made her realize that she is paralytic and hurt her most. Sakshi asks her to relax and walks away. Agni tells Kishan that someone is behind this mishap, she will catch culprit soon. Kishan says he is with her.

Sanjay meets his aide who demonstrates him mobile phone bomb. Sanjay says it is lovely. Aide says he can blast the person he wants to kill . Sanjay happily pays him and walks on street when Revathi stops him and asks what is he doing here, she heard some sound and saw a goon walking away, sees 2 mobiles in his hands and asks if one is not working. He says man was his friend and not goon, he gave new mobile sample. Revathi thinks diwali passed away 1 month ago, then who burst crackers.

Sakshi says Devi that she will take her to Revathi daadi and make Daadi apologize her. Devi asks if Revathi will really apologize her. Sakshi says yes and takes her away. Family gathers to go to temple. Agni says she has to attend duty, they can go to temple. Yashi asks where is Devi. Kishan says Sakshi is bringing her.

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  1. This series would have ended when Vishu/Shekhar was expose she the whole family saved from his evil clutches. But No they decided to extend their stupidity.
