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Sakshi walk into her room after bathe, drying her hair. Kishan walks to her. She starts imagining romancing him. Kishan shakes her and asks what is she thinking and picks his file. She says sorry and switches on hair dryer. File papers fly. He scolds her. She picks and folds papers. He scolds they are important papers, don’t fold them and freeze like a statue. He hugs her while picking papers. She holds his hand.

Kishan angrily punch punching bag reminiscing Sameer insulting the family. Sakshi try to stop him requesting to stop punishing himself. He pin her to wall and says she will not understand as she also hate her sister like Sameer hate him and the family. Sakshi walk to Yashi who reveals how Sameer was thrown into hostel for a simple childhood fight with Kishan and since then Sameer hates his family.

Sameer reminisce Agni at his family home. Raghav inform him how Kishan married two sisters Agni and Sakshi with 3 and 4 pheras each and about their fight, etc. Raghav ask after insulting his family, he still wants to take revenge from Agni. Sameer says he does not care about family and just knows money, he will take revenge from Agni at any cost. 
Kishan walk to KD. KD get ill remembering Sameer and requests him to bring Sameer back home. Kishan promises and reach Sameer’s hotel room. Sameer get angry seeing him. Their arguments start and they punch each other. Kishan says he would not have come there if Daadi was not ill and remembering him. Sameer agree and return home he feeds KD. KD ask if he will not leave her again. Sameer promises and pays rent to Vasu saying he will not take anyone’s favor. 

After sometime, Agni walk to Sameer’s room. Sameer starts taunting and flirting with her again and says he promised to have coffee with her, now he is staying in same house with her. She warns him to stop his drama, else she will inform Kishan. Sameer acts and ask her not to inform her 3-phera husband and laugh. 

The next morning, Vaishali prepares breakfast for Sameer excitedly and wait for him. Sanjay says she started preparing breakfast since 4 am. Sameer enter and yells he does not like this breakfast. Yashi requests him not to reject his mother’s hard work and have her prepared breakfast, they will prepare his preferred breakfast from tomorrow.

Sanjay’s goon guards Revathi while Revathi is tied to a chair. Revathi requests him to take her to washroom. He takes her to washroom. She hit his head and escapes. He calls Sanjay repeatedly to inform him. Sanjay who is sitting with family gets tensed.

Revathi act as if she is feeling weak sends goon out to bring water. She frees her hands from chains. Goon enters with water. She hits and tie him to chair and escapes. Kishan’s family consoles Vaishali and assure her that Sameer will return home soon. Daadi says they need to go to temple now. Devi ask how can they go without Agni? Yashi says she will inform Agni to meet them at the temple as she went to give only a file. Vaishali continues crying. Sanjay gets goons call that Revathi escaped.

Sameer travels in his car which his assitant Raghav drives. Raghav apply sudden brake and show Agni on bike in opposite direction. Sameer boasts that she herself came to him. Agni walk to nearby kids and pampers them, then walks to Sameer with tiffin box and says she does not care if he does not eat or fast till death, but today he has to eat food as his mother prepared it with great difficulty. Sameer takes tiffinbox and thinks today she brought food for him, soon she will fall for him.

Kishan with family reach temple. Agni falls for him and looks at him smiling while Bage re man in the background. Kishan notices her, and she turns away shyingly. Agni reach temple and feels someone dear one is nearby. Revathi reach temple running. Sanjay search for her driving his car and seeing her ran his car on her and speeds away leaving her profusely bleeding and unconscious on the floor. 

Temple lamp blows off. Kishan’s family gets worried. Pandit says it is abshagun. Sakshi says there is nothing like that and reignite the lamp, then prays to god to protect Kishan’s family. Sanjay rejoins family silently. Agni gets phone call. Kishan asks her not to disconnect as it must be important call. Agni pick the call and is informed about a senior citizen’s accident and being taken to City Hospital. She informs Mukhri to reach the hospital soon. Sanjay ask what happened. She says she has to attend to an accident case. He says not to worry. She says it is her duty and reach the hospital. She is shocked to see Revathi.

Agni panics when Revathi daadi is brought to hospital severely injured and unconscious. Doctors take Revathi to ICU. Agni inform the family. Family rush to hospital. Sakshi panics next and asks how is daadi. Nurse says patient has lost a lot of blood and they cannot say anything. Peon comes out and says a good samaritan brought daadi on time and saved her life. Agni and Sakshi ask who is he. Peon takes them to Sameer. Family is surprised to see Sameer. Sameer walks away. Sanjay fumes that he wants to kill Revathi and his son saved her. He walks away saying he will check how much they have to pay for treatment.

Mukhri shows her Revathi’s accident spot’s CCTV footage. Agni checks and says it is not accident but attempted murder, he should go and check accident spot personally. Sanjay hear that hiding and determines to kill Revathi before she wakes up and reveals everything to the family. Agni on the other side cry reminiscing nurse’s words. Kishan passes by and seeing her crying consoles her. 
KD praises Sameer for saving Revathi. Sameer says he would have done same with everyone and does not care whoever’s daadi she was. Agni hears that and says he does not have feelings for family, how can one expect any feelings from him for others.

Sanjay hits doctor’s head and make him unconscious wears OT uniform and walks towards Revathi’s OT. Agni stops him and asks what reports say. He ignores her and walks away. She walks to doctor’s cabin, but finds doctor there who says someone hit his head and made him unconscious. Agni rush towards OT. Sanjay disguised as doctor tries to inject poison into Revathi’s body when Agni walks in. Sanjay points knife on Revathi’s neck and warns Agni to back off. Once she moves back, he runs. She runs behind him and pin him down. He push her and escapes again. She runs again and clashes with Sameer. Sameer holds her hand and shouts if she can apologize to him. She scolds that culprit who wanted to kill her dadi came back to kill her. Sameer jokes on her. Doctor comes out after surgery and informs that due to age and severe blood loss Revathi went into coma. Sanjay joins them and ask what happened. Agni sees his hand injured and asks what happened to him? He says due to rust in lift. Their conversation continues.

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