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Sameer walk to Agni and tries to provoke her saying she does not love Kishan and just wants to snatch her from Sakshi. Agni says she and Kishan love each other alot and does not want to listen from a man who does not know the meaning of love. Sameer says Kishan loves her, but she does not; Sakshi truly loves Kishan and reminisces store room incident. Agni warn him to stop his nonsense. He drag her to store room and shows her Sakshi’s made arrangements. Agni walks to Sakshi and asks if she loves Kishan. Sakshi says she loves Kishan like Agni loves Sameer. Agni ask if she has gone mad. Sakshi says she does not love Kishan and laughs, asks if Sameer brainwashed her, ask why he is troubling her sister. Agni walk away. Sameer says she left. Sakshi ask Sameer to get out. Once he leaves, Sakishi cry holding Revathi that she will be in peace once Agni and Kishan marry.

Yashi shows her jewelry to family and them that she will gift her jewelry to Agni. Devi says she can do whatver she feels good. Agni and Kishan walk in. Yashi says they will perform simple wedding ceremony. Sakshi walks in beating thali and says they will do hangama, dance, and make her sister’s wedding a memorable affair. KD says she is right. Sameer says he will not attend wedding. Sakshi decorate house with flowers. Kishan asks if he can help her. She says she will manage. He tries to help, and they both fall and get entangled in flowers. Sakshi nervously tries to get up. Kishan asks her to wait and frees them both.

Sanjay and Vaishali try to convince Sameer to attend Agni and Kishan’s wedding. He denies. KD says let her speak and requests him to attend. He agrees. Kishan thinks he has to make Sakshi express her love for Kishan.

Prewedding party starts. Everyone wear their best dresses and gather in living room. Sakshi brings tea for everyone, slips and drops tea on Agni and Kihan’s dress and her hands. Agni gets worried for her dress while Sakshi gets worried for Kishan. Kishan says he is fine, she burnt her hand instead. Sakshi says she is fine and continues checking Kishan. Agni walks towards washroom. Sameer stops her and says she is worried about her dress while Sakshi is worried about Kishan, can’t she see her love for Kishan. Agni shouts to shut up and leave her way. He continues, but she pushes him and walks away.

Sangeet ceremoney starts. Sakshi dances energetically on Main Ghani Baawri Hogayi and cries hugging Agni, but actgs as enjoying. Kishan dances with her next. Agni and Kishan dance on Salame Ishq…song. Sakshi stands smiling with pain in her heart. Devi on her wheelchair sits sadly. Whole family joins Agni and Kishan. Sakshi runs towards her room and cries. Sameer offers her kerchief and says when she cannot see them dancing together, how will she control herself seeing them always together after marriage. Sakshi agrees that she loves Kishan, but it is her problem, so he should stay away. She returns to family. Devi asks where was she. Sameer addresses everyone and says he wants to describe Kishan’s love story and and describes how Kishan fell in Agni’s love, but Sakshi married him to take revenge from Agni, then she fell in Kishan’s love, but that is a different story. He asks how Kishan fell in Agni’s love. Kishan says his was love at first sight. Sameer asks where did they meet first time. Agni says restaurant. Kishan says jewelry shop and reminds Agni that incident. Sameer says there is in-coordination between them and asks how did Kishan propose Agni. Kishan says Sakshi was reason for their love, she is an amazing girl. Sameer says yes. Kishan continues describing incident.

Kishan tells family that Agni is not only his love, but his heart beat. Sameer asks Agni how much she loves Kishan. Agni sits nervously. Kishan says he will tell, she loves him more than himself. Agni says yes. Sameer says a daring police officer does not know to express her feeling. Power goes off. Kishan goes to fuse area to check and gets electrocuted. Sakshi passes by and seeing Kishan electrocuted rushes to him worried and tries to revive him. Agni walks towards fuse room to check why Kishan is taking so much time. She is shocked to see Sakshi giving CPR to revive Kishan and expressing her love for him. He wakes up coughing. She with teary eyes asks if he is fine. He is fine and jokes. She helps him walk holding him.

Sameer asks Agni even now if she needs any proof. Agni walks to her room and cries. Sameer walks to her and asks if she will let Kishan free for Sakshi or not. Agni asks him to get out and continues crying, reminiscing Daadi’s words that Sakshi hates her due to misunderstanding, but when she will love her, she will sacrifice everything for her.

Sakshi takes Kishan to his room and gives him water, says she will call Agni and doctor. Kishan says he is fine and not to inform Agni, else she will panic. He asks her to go and make arrangements for his and Agni’s wedding tomorrow.

Agni continues crying in her room reminiscing Devi’s words that she has to snatch her sister’s mangalsutra to marry Kishan. Sakshi walks in and asks why did not she change her dress and gives her jewelries and wedding dress. Agni asks why she is giving all her jewelry. Sakshi says it is a gift for her sister. Agni asks if she loves Kishan. Sakshi denies. Agni gives her oath and repeats her question. Sakshi agrees and asks not to inform it to family and she wants Agni to marry Kishan as Kishan loves her.

KD and Yashi promote new serial Meri Ardhangini from 21st January and brief its story. Sakshi packs her clothes and keeps her parents’ photo in her suitcase, crying. Kishan enters and asks what is she doing. She says she is going out of station for case visit. Kishan asks how can she miss his and Agni’s wedding, she will not go. Sakshi requests. Kishan says he will postphone wedding then. Sakshi says she will not go then. Kishan happily leaves.

Family makes arrangements for Agni and Kishan’s wedding. Yashi holding mangalsutra says it will look very pretty on Agni. Agni reminisces Sakshi’s love for Kishan. Kishan meets her and says her sister wanted to go for case study missing their wedding, but he convinced her not to go, she is mad. Agni says she is. Kishan says he was surprised seeing her concern for him yesterday. Agni reminds him other incidents. Kishan says Sakshi goes to extreme and he is sure whoever she will love will be extreme. Agni thinks Sakshi loves him extremely and walks to Sameer’s room.

Wedding rituals start. Devi calls Agni and when she does not come asks Sakshi to call her. Sakshi checks and says she is not in house. Door bell rings. Sakshi opens door and is shocked to see Agni and Sameer entering as bride and groom. Whole family are shocked to see that. Agni says she married. Kishan walks to them and laughs saying they are joking, it is a prank. Family believes him. Kishan holds Agni’s hand and says let us go to mantap. Agni stops him and says she already married Sameer. Yashi asks how can she say that. Kishan says let him speak to his Agni and asks if she does not love him. She says no, she knows he loves him and even she used to think same till Sameer enter her life, it was just infatuation, so she decided to spend rest of her life with Sameer. Hear broken Kisan asks if she is joking, he knows she loves him. Agni says again she does not love him again.

Agni informs Kishan that she does not love him and loves Sameer, so she married Sameer. Kishan shatters hearing that and pleads her to tell she loves him. Sameer stops him and warns to dare not touch his wife again. Devi asks Agni if she really married Sameer. Vaishali yells Agni and Sakshi made joke out of marriage. Devi stops her and asks Agni if she married Sameer with her wish. Agni says yes. Kishan shouts this is not true and pours water in havan kund and walks away. Sakshi cries thinking Agni is doing all this for her. Agni tells sameer let us take elders’ blessings. Sameer says he does not have anyone. Agni takes Devi, Sanjay, Vasu’s blessings and then walks to Yashi. Yashi backs off and says she gave all her love to her but not anymore.

Vaishali tries to slap Agni, but Sameer warns to back off, tells Agni she wanted everyone’s blessings, let us go now and takes her from there. Once in room, he fumes that he will not let anyone misbehave with her, especially Kishan. Agni holds his collar and warns to be in his limits. Sameer fumes in anger and says she used him for her benefit and goes into flashback where Agni says she needs his help and wants to act as marrying her. He says he wanted just a coffee date with her, but she fell in his love. She says she can do anything for his help. He gets intimate. She pushes him and says anything except this. Out of flashback, Sameer continues laughing. Sakshi walks out. Sameer asks to come back soon as their suhagraat is pending.

Agni walks to Sakshi’s room and sees her crying murmuring why did Agni do this. Sakshi sees her and asks why did she marry Sameer. Agni says as she loves him now and not Kishan. Sakshi slap her and says she knows she sacrificed Kishan for her, can’t she see Kishan’s pain. Agni ask if only Sakshi can sacrifice, she shows how much she loves Kishan and her concern for him. Sakshi says she was wrong, so she backed off. Agni says she realized Sakshi’s love for Kishan and only she can control him. Once she leave, Sakshi continues crying.

Heart broken Kishen leaves home in his car, sees a few goons teasing a woman and trashes them. They overpower him and pin him to wall. One tries to stab him, but he kicks him and trashes brually. Other goons run away in fear. Woman pleads to stop, else goon will die. Family gets worried for Kishan. Sameer calls Agni as wife and ask her to get his phone. Vasu says they searched everywhere and could not find him. Vaishali blames Agni. Sameer stop her and says let losers yell for their loser son, let us go from here. He holds her hand tightly, and she resists silently. Yashi walks to Agni next and yells at her. Devi asks her to stop as Agni and Sameer did what they felt right, Kishan is not a coward and will return home.

Kishan returns injured and stands seeing Agni and Sameer holding hands. Agni gets worried seeing his condition, but does not react. Yashi and Vaishali rush to Kishan and ask what happened to him. He walks away. Devi says Kishan is heart broken and marriage will heal his broken heart. She asks Sakshi to go and check him. Sakshi walks to his room with first-aid box. He asks why did she come, go away. She says she will after nursing his wounds, applies antiseptic lotion and feels pain for him. Kishan throws first-aid box angrily and cries he is unable to understand why Agni betrayed him, both sisters reconciled and Agni must have told her something, he pleads to tell what she said. Sakshi unable to see his pain runs away. Devi stops her and says she knew from before that Agni is untrustable, she is very ruthless, etc. Sakshi says she does not want to hear about Agni. Devi says Kishan needs her support, she should go back to him. Sakshi says Agni broke Kishan’s heart and now it is up to Kishan what he wants.

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