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Solid is shocked to see Shekar with half burnt face and asks how did he escape death. Shekhar says god saved him to take revenge from Vidhvan’s family and get Shristi back. He fixes each family member’s pic on a pot and says he will break Baiju like this pot. He then orders Solid to get out now and hide drugs in toys. Solid pick drugs and leave.

Solid returns home nervously. Ragini catch him and check his bag and seeing drugs she asks what is it. He says he has hypoglycemia, so he carry glucose with him. She ask why in open packet and tr to taste it. He says she will sneeze with dry powder. She asks from when he has hypoglycemia. He says since childhood. She thinks how can she not know about his disease.

Baiju lifts Shristi and bring her to living room. She ask to get her down, someone will see. He says he does not mind. She says she is heavy now. He says weight is just a number. He gets her down and showing toys says he got 100 toys’ delivery order. She says she will quality test each toy. She checks scold Baiju. Baiju smiles. Solid watches hiding and thinks he has done quality check himself.

Anurag walks into Ragini’s room. Ragini angrily asks him to get out. He says he had got her a good news, he was waiting for tender announcement thinking of her smiling face and results were announced, he got tender. She scold him that he is giving good news 3 hours later. He says 6 minutes are left. She continues scolding him. Revathi with Vikral walks in and scolds Anurag for making her bahu angry. Ragini says he got a tender and is informing 3 hours later with empty hands, not even a choc. Vidhvan says he brought choc for her and asks Revathi to get it via Dulari. Revathi asks Anurag to bring choc. Ragini says only she will have it. She goes out and taking choc passes by store room and sees it open. She enters and does not find anyone. Solid who is hiding drugs in toys hides. Once she leaves, he calls Shekhar who orders to go to deliver toys himself, return midway and inform police, he wll come there and see Baiju getting arrested. Solid asks how can he come there. He says he can come anywhere and see Vidhvan’s family’s destroyal.

Family is busy chatting when Shekhar enters disguised as eunuch among eunuchs. Eunuch says she heard they got a baby boy home, so they came to celebrate. Revathi says there is still time for that. Eunuch says they will dance and bless them and go. They dance. Shekhar also dances and sensuously touches Shristi. Police enters to arrest Baiju for peddling drugs in toys. Shekhar yells Vidhvan’s family is a criminal, they should be cursed and curses that Baiju will never see his child’s face. Vidhvan asks them to go. Ragini reminisces seeing Solid carrying drugs, but does not utter and gets busy consoling Shristi. Police arrests Baiju. Baiju says he will return soon, till then take care of Shristi and leaves with police.

After Baiju is arrested by police, Shekhar shows his identity disguised as eunuch to Solid and says as promised he saw Vidhvan’s family’s destroyal. Solid says he is bigger goon than Baiju. Shekhar laughs and says his ugly face is because of Baiju, Shristi, Ragini and whole Vidhvan’s family, he will make them hide their face like he is hiding his face, Baiju wll not see his child’s face at all. Solid asks what he should do next. Shekhar asks to make a call.

Ragini search for clue in the store room and then Solid’s room. She get tired and does not find clue. She get labor pains and requests her unborn child to wait till she gets proof to prove Baiju innocent. She checks behind bed and finds Solid’s bag, she reminisce the incident where she catch Solid with drug packets and he says they are glucose packets. Sh realizes they are drug packets and flushes them in toilet to stop from others getting affected. She then fills packets with talcum powder and keeps packets back behind bed.

Shristi continues crying for Baiju. Revathi consoles her and gives her milk. Ragini walks down seeing Solid entering and showing him drug packets confronts him, but does not reveal his name. Solid relaxes and records conversation on phone. Shristi says they all were present when toys were packed. Solid says Baiju got greedy and and tried to sell drugs. Shristi says she does not believe this. Revathi says even she does not. Daadi consoles Shristi.

Shekhar picks Anurag’s photo next and says it is his turn next. Shristi sleeps with Ragini reminiscing Baiju. Aye dil hai mushkil.. song plays in the background… Next morning, Ragini goes to meet Baiju. Baiju takes his unborn child’s oath and says he did not peddle drugs. Ragini says she knows and tells him Solid is behind all this and says she has a plan to trap him and his boss.

Ragini reveals Baiju that Solid got him trapped in drug peddling case. Baiju says Solid is his friend since childhood. Ragini reveals that she saw Solid with drug packets and lied that they are glucose packets, he has hidden drugs in many places and she wants to save other innocent people like Baiju. Baiju says Solid is not that intelligent and shrewd. Ragini says he is dumb and someone else is behind him, so she will make a master plan and trap him. Inspector hears her and says he heard everything. Ragini asks to not inform anyone until she executes her plan. Baiju says Shristi must be tensed. Ragini says she understand, but she has to do this to save him and others.

Ragini returns home. Anurag informs her that he lost his tender on moral grounds as contractor does not want to give contract to criminal’s family member. She thinks this is the right time to trap Solid, walks down and fights with Shristi that because of Baiju, Anurag lost contract and her family’s future is spoilt because of Baiju. Revathi says it is not Shristi’s mistake. Ragini continues alleging and says she does not care about Shristi and her child from hereon. Solid hears her conversation and informs Shekhar. Shekhar rejoices that his plan is working.

Ragini call her father and asks suggestion how to trap an enemy in talks. Solid passes by. She scolds him that because of Baiju, she incurred heavy losses and wants to sell drugs to repay her losses. Solid acts that he does not know anyone. He informs Shekhar who asks to tell her to meet him in some venue and thinks he does not need money, he just wants to destroy family.

Shristi walks into Ragini’s room and tries to reconcile, but Ragini continues acting and scolding her. Solid signals her to come aside and informs her that he found a customer and he will meet her tomorrow at some venue. Ragini thinks now main culprit will be trapped.

Shristi goes to meet Baiju and says he will be out soon, else who will change baby’s diapers. He says he will and take his daughter to Sheetala mata temple. Shristi writhes in pain when baby kicks. Baiju says baby is eager to meet papa. Shristi says even baby’s mamma is eager to meet him and says their future is related to him. He asks her to stand silently, he will stare at her and imprint her face into his heart. She says even she will and says I love you. He says I love you too madamji. Constable says visiting hours are over. A romantic song plays in the background. Shristi leaves.

Vidhvan’s creditors come to collect money and warns they have property papers mortgaged and if he does not repay loan, they will auction house. They pick furniture as surety. Ragini walks down and warns to dare touch furniture, she is Vikral’s daughter and dare to touch her house’s furniture. Vidhvan asks Revathi to take bahu in. Creditor says Vidhvan his bahu is not well, so they are going, will return again. Anurag asks Ragini to go and rest. Ragini shouts where will she sit and eat, he would have taken babuji’s help, if husband and FIL cannot give proper facilities to bahu, they are called eunuchs in her village. Anurag raises hand. Ragini says he wants to slap his child’s mother, she will leave this house right now. She then walks to room and holding doll cries that she loves Shristi more than her sister and insulted her for her betterment, when she will know truth, she will hug her emotionally. She has to complete a task before that and writes letter, keeps it on table and walks down. She looks at house sadly. Anurag passes in front of her ignoring her.

Solid meets Shekhar who shows his psycho nature as usual and says it is Ragini’s turn now. Solid asks if he will kill even Ragini. Shekhar says he has not decided, he will leave her helpless and will not let her help herself. Solid asks to tell what he has to do. Shekhar asks to get out no. Solid thinks if Shekhar kills Ragini, he will be in huge losses.

Shristi confronts Anurag and asks how can he raise hand on his wife. Anurag says he does not know why she is doing this. Shristi says even she is confused, but Ragini is kind hearted and Anurag should support her. Anurag says she is trying to hide her tears and acting as angry on him, he can realize that. Shristi says she can see anger in Ragini’s eyes but not tears. They both walk into Ragini’s room and don’t find her. They both go out to check. Ragini meets Baiju and breaks down. Baiju consoles her and says she is pillar of the family and should be courageous, he wants to meet madamji once. Ragini says she will think something. Inspector comes and asks if Solid will accept his crime. Ragini says she hopes so and is taking a big risk and does not want to fail.

Inspector takes Baiju out of cell and takes him along to Solid’s said place in jungle. They watch hiding. Solid takes Ragini to the venue. Ragini asks where is his boss. Man enters and asks where is drugs, he does not have time. Ragini shows him drug packet. Man checks. Baiju walks in. Solid gets tensed. Ragini acts and asks what is he doing here, he was in jail. Solid says it is his drugs. Ragini says her drugs, she will sell it. Baiju says it his child’s future. Ragini pulls gun and warns her to back off. Man says he does not want to fall in their fight. Solid says he will give him drugs. Shekhar shoots Baiju’s forehead hiding. Shristi and Anurag also come out of hiding and run to him. Ragini is shocked. Shristi takes Baiju’s head in her lap. Baiju says he does not have time and is paying for his sins. He dies. Shristi shakes Baiju. Solid shouts Ragini killed Baiju. Ragini says she did not. Inspector enters and checks gun, says one hole is empty, so bullet is shot. Ragini says she did not fire at all. Inspector asks constable to send gun to forensic lab and dead body to postmortem. He arrests Ragini and leaves. Shristi continues crying.

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