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Sakshi is looking at Revathi’s locket think Devi Maa says it is a common design, but she is sure it is Daadi’s locket as she gifted it to daadi. She sees Sanjay walking out of the house at night and thinks to follow him. Kishan wakes up and not seeing Sakshi thinks where did she go at night. He sees Agni sleeping on couch and fixes blanket over her. He think she cheated to get his love, but he did not expect this from her. Sakshi follow Sanjay. He gets conscious and turns, but she hide. 

Agni wakes up next and not finding Kishan on his bed walk to living room and find him there, think where is trouble Sakshi, must be busy cheating someone. Kishan says even she cheated. Agni says she did as Sakshi deserves it, she cheated once and even I cheated again. Kishan says Sakshi’s cheating changed their lives, he does not care about Sakshi and is worried only about Agni, he want her to win with truth and confidence and not trick and cheating like Sakshi.

Sanjay takes food to Revathi and tell her that Kishan escaped even this time due to his good fate, let him see till when he will escape. He has even arranged guards to guard Revathi. Revathi ask for water. He force feeds her water. Sakshi reach outside and thinks where did he go. She slips and falls. Sanjay hear her voice and says from where did Sakshi come. Revathi call Sakshi. Sanjay shut her mouth and warn her if she shouts,he will kill even her grand daughter. He shows her Sakshi via window. Sakshi walk away without seeing anyone. Revathi bites Sanjay’s hand. Sanjay slap her and says she is alive till Kishan is alive. Revathi says whatever he can try, he will die soon. Sanjay says he will give her Kishan’s death news and walk away. He returns home and seeing Sakshi waiting for him and asks if she is not getting sleep. Sakshi ask where had he gone out to? He says he is having gastric trouble, so he went out for a long walk. She says he is ill since 4 days. Sanjay says he will take her treatment, but she should not inform Vaishali, else she will be worried. Sakshi says she will get him medicine via senti. Sanjay says she should question the right person and not him

Sameer reach police station and seeing Agni as inspector starts flirting with her. Agni angrily ask if he is behind illegal construction. He says he came to meet her and have coffee with her. She asks if tea is okay for him. He says if she prepares. She pulls his collar and pushes him. He holds her hand and says it is so powerful. Agni says when she first met him and saw his arrogance, she wanted to meet him again. Sameer’s assistant dorns him lawyer’s coat. Samar says he is builder Ajeeth Thakur’s lawyer and asks assistant Amit to pull chair for him. Agni kicks chair and warns him to keep standing. Sameer says he liked her attitude and he got all documents to prove his client is innocent and he will get his client released. He sends his client and tells Agni if she agrees to have coffee with him, he will fight case for her and get builder punished. She takes file and says he can just dream. He says he loves dreams and walks away taking back file and leaving Agni fuming.

At Kishan’s home, Yashi sees Devi looking at dolls and ask if she is thinking about Agni and Sakshi’s competition. Devi says until this competition is on, happiness will reach her son’s life very late, she want Sakshi to become Kishan’s wife as she is more competent, but Yashi wants Agni to be Kishan’s wife. Yashi says only Agni can bring happiness in Kishan’s life and not Sakshi. She offers her apple. Devi asks to get tea and thinks Kishan does not like going near Sakshi, she has to clear their differences.

Agni returns home. Sakshi taunts her and asks where is the man who will prove her mother innocent. Agni says he is in coma. Sakshi laughs and says she can be a better writer and can create good suspense. Agni says her life’s first and biggest motto is to clean her mother’s image and she can spend her life for that. Sakshi says she likes her confidence, all the best.

Vaishali walks to Devi with her clothes and says feels Agni tricked and won last competition. Devi asks what is she telling. Vaishali says Agni did not have money and suddenly how did she get 100 rs. Devi asks why did not she inform before. Vaishali say she did not want to listen to her at all. Devi says she should have and should get Sakshi and Kishan closer.

Agni sits in her room thinking Revathi daadi also thinks her mother as culprit, she is missing daadi. Kishan walks to her. Agni asks if he is angry on her. He says more disappointed than angry, one should aim to win, but not use wrong route, she is his Agni and should not take Sakshi’s wrong path and try go away from him. She says no. He says he wants her to be loyal always. Agni thinks of giving a surprise dinner date to Kishan and books tables for them. KD hears her conversation.

Sanjay’s goon forces Revathi to have food and waits. At home, Agni tries different dresses and messages Kishan to meet her at a restaurant. KD walks into kitchen and sees Sakshi preparing kheer Kishan, says Kishan will not have this kheer as he is going on a dinner date with Agni.

Agni gets ready in beautiful sari for a romantic dinner date with Kishan and thinks this is her first romantic date after marriage. She reaches restaurant with Kishan. Kishan happily asks if she planned this surprise for him. She says. He gets romantic with her and looks into her eyes. Agni close her eyes. Kishan sees Sakshi and panics. Agni also panics and asks if he called her. Kishan says he does not know how she came here. Sakshi starts her irritating overacting.

At home, while having dinner, KD tells family that Kishan and Agni have gone for dinner, Revathi out of town, Rithvik slept early, and Vasu busy on his laptop, where is Sakshi. Vaishali says she went to attend emergency patient. KD thinks she must have gone somewhere else.

Kishan ask Agni to ignore Sakshi and orders pasta and garlic bread. Sakshi orders same food and continues her weird over expressions and acting. Kishan and Agni start dancing on music. Sakshi sits jealously. A man requests to dance with him. She agrees and dances with him. He gets intimate with her and she resists. Kishan notices that and slap the man. Restaurant manager handle the situation and sending man away requests Kishan and Agni not to leave as they are esteemed clients and orders to get wine for them. Sakshi says even she needs wine.

Agni walks to washoom and sees Sakshi paying man and slapping him for overacting. She returns to Kishan and inform him that Sakshi tricked them and hired a man to misbehave with her. Kishan gets heavily inebriated and starts drama. Sakshi calls Vaishali and inform her that their plan is working, she spoilt Agni and Kishan’s dinner date and thanks Devi for her idea. She returns to Agni and Kishan. Agni confronts that she hired a man to act. Sakshi denies. Their argument starts. Men joke that Kishan is handling 2 women. Kishan says he can’t handle even one. They all 3 get heavily inebirated.

Inebriated Kishan, Agni, and Sakshi reach home and when Vaishali opens door, they touch Vaishali’s feet and continue their senseless talk. They walk into Daadi and Yashi’s room and create havoc. Yashi and Daadi get afraid thinking someone barged into house. Kishan touches Yashi’s feet hiding. Yashi days rats have barged into home. Kishan comes out. Their drama continues.


Kishan gets injured during their drama. Daadi and Yashi get worried for him. Agni asks Sakshi to treat Kishan’s injury. Sakshi says she is not a doctor. Vaishali says she is so inebriated t hat she forgot that she is a doctor. KD asks them to go and rest now. They walk to Kishan’s room and continue their drama and fall asleep on bed together. 

The next morning, they wake up and find themselves on Kishan’s bed. Agni and Sakshi’s verbal spat starts again. Kishan shouts at them to stop. Their drama continu

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