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Shristi confronts Anurag and asks how can he raise hand on his wife. Anurag says he does not know why she is doing this. Shristi says even she is confused, but Ragini is kind hearted and Anurag should support her. Anurag says she is trying to hide her tears and acting as angry on him, he can realize that. Shristi says she can see anger in Ragini’s eyes but not tears. They both walk into Ragini’s room and don’t find her. They both go out to check. Ragini meets Baiju and breaks down. Baiju consoles her and says she is pillar of the family and should be courageous, he wants to meet madamji once. Ragini says she will think something. Inspector comes and asks if Solid will accept his crime. Ragini says she hopes so and is taking a big risk and does not want to fail.

Inspector takes Baiju out of cell and takes him along to Solid’s said place in jungle. They watch hiding. Solid takes Ragini to the venue. Ragini asks where is his boss. Man enters and asks where is drugs, he does not have time. Ragini shows him drug packet. Man checks. Baiju walks in. Solid gets tensed. Ragini acts and asks what is he doing here, he was in jail. Solid says it is his drugs. Ragini says her drugs, she will sell it. Baiju says it his child’s future. Ragini pulls gun and warns her to back off. Man says he does not want to fall in their fight. Solid says he will give him drugs. Shekhar shoots Baiju’s forehead hiding. Shristi and Anurag also come out of hiding and run to him. Ragini is shocked. Shristi takes Baiju’s head in her lap. Baiju says he does not have time and is paying for his sins. He dies. Shristi shakes Baiju. Solid shouts Ragini killed Baiju. Ragini says she did not. Inspector enters and checks gun, says one hole is empty, so bullet is shot. Ragini says she did not fire at all. Inspector asks constable to send gun to forensic lab and dead body to postmortem. He arrests Ragini and leaves. Shristi continues crying.

Inspector takes Baiju out of cell and takes him along to Solid’s said place in jungle. They watch hiding. Solid take Ragini to the venue. Ragini ask where is his boss. Man enters and asks where is the drugs, he does not have time. Ragini shows him drug packet. Man check. Baiju walks in. Solid gets tensed. Ragini act and asks what is he doing here, he was in jail. Solid says it is his drugs. Ragini says her drugs, she will sell it. Baiju says it his child’s future. Ragini pull gun and warns him to back off. Man says he does not want to fall in their fight. Solid says he will give him drugs. Shekhar shoot Baiju’s forehead hiding. Shristi and Anurag also come out of hiding and run to him. Ragini is shocked. Shristi takesBaiju’s head in her lap. Baiju says he does not have time and is paying for his sins. He die. Shristi shake Baiju. Solid shout Ragini killed Baiju. Ragini says she did not. Inspector enters and checks gun, says one hole is empty, so bullet is shot. Ragini says she did not fire at all. Inspector ask constable to send gun to forensic lab and dead body to postmortem. He arrest Ragini and leave. Shristi continues crying.

Ragini is thrown in jail. Ragini plead it is not her mistake. Jailer walk in and ask why did they bring her her instead of taking her to hospital. Constable says they cannot until labor pains start. Ragini plead to take her to Shristi. Doctor enters and make her lie down. Jailer thinks she killed her own devar and is worried about devrani, she is seeing first time where a woman is worried about someone else than her unborn child.

Baiju’s body is brought home. Each family member reminisce time spent with Baiju and cry. Shristi sit widow for the second time sits senseless. Anurag, Vidhvan and other take Baiju’s body. Shristi gets up and asks not to take her Baiju away. Revathi and Dulari hold her. Solid lie that he saw Ragini going angrily and meeting drug dealer, Baiju came there and their fighting started, Ragini shot Baiju. Family believe him. He smirk.

Ragini plead with jailer to take her to Shristi as she is alone, she did not kill Baiju. Jailer give her medicine and food for her child’s sake and ask her not to punish her child. Shristi cry holding Baiju’s clothes. Jag Soona Soona Laage…song plays in the background. She reminisces time spent with Baiju.

The next morning, family goes to meet Ragini, she ask where is Shristi, why did not she come. Anurag accuse her that she tried to peddle drugs and killed Baiju, why did she do that? Ragini says she thought he would believe her without any proof, but she was wrong. Revathi start her yelling next and says Ragini did a sin and her sin will not spare her child. Family leave while Ragini stand crying.

Ragini cries in jail. Jailer enters and says she can sense which inmate is criminal and which is not, she can tell her story to her. Ragini says when her family is not trusting her, how will she trust her. Jailer insists. Ragini tells whole story how Solid peddled drugs and blamed Baiju, she tried to expose Solid with inspector’s help, and someone shot Baiju, Solid blamed her and even her family did not trust her. Shristi read Ragini’s letter which she wrote before leaving to prove Baiju innocent and cry why did not she trust Ragini, Ragini told Solid is the culprit, but she did not listen. She sees Solid going out and follows him.

Vikral goes to meet Ragini. Ragini ask if he believes she is innocent. He says he tried to make her like him and did not teach him difference between good and bad, he is ashamed of her. Ragini stand shattered.

Shristi follows Solid and sees him meeting Shekhar who reveals he killed Baiju and reveals how he took out bullet from Ragini’s gun and shot Baiju from behind. He then kill Solid also. Shristi shouts in fear seeing that. Shekhar sees her and says good she came here herself. She runs into jungle. He follow her. She sees temple in jungle with trishul, picks trishul and stab Shekhar repeatedly shouting he killed her husband she will burn him alive today. She picks temple lamp and pours oil on him and set fire. He shouts unable to bear burning pain and holds her pallu. She falls on her stomach trying to free herself and shouts in pain. A few eunuchs pass by and seeing her identify her as Vidhvan’s daughter inlaw. 

Ragini get labor pain and deliver baby girl. Shristi also delivers, she ask eunuch to name her baby Sakshi and passes away. Eunch sends her friend to bring Vidhvan. Ragini ask jailer to take care of her baby and asks her to inform baby that her mother was not wrong and when family comes to inform that she delivered a dead baby and take her far away, name her Agni. Jailer promise her.

Vidhvan and Revathi reach jungle. Eunuch hand over Shristi’s baby to Revathi and says Shristi wished before dying to name her baby as Sakhsi. Vidhvan says this baby is Sakshi’s gift. Jailer takes transfer to Pune jail.


Serial takes 20 years’ leap. Goons run behind a burqa clad girl and request people to catch that girl. Girl hits goons with items found on the way, but they catch her and take her to their boss and say they brought the girl who tried to loot their drugs. Boss this this girl seems more precious than his drugs and insists girl to remove her veil. She pleads no to. He removes veil and gets mesmerized with her beauty. Girl is Ragini’s daughter Agni, her replica. Boss praises himself that he identified beauty inside burqa, let him see her body. Agni removes burqa and reveals she is subinspector Agni Singh, warns boss that she trapped him instead. Goons attack her, she overpowers them and trashes brutally. She shoots at boss and he escapes. She says she did not shoot him as she wants him behind bars. Her team reaches and arrests goon. Constable Mukhri praises her style of catching goons and asks how does she do so much action. She says her mom says she has extra power in body since childhood and is waiting for someone of her stature who can defeat her.

In Bilaspur, 2 peons bring a man forcefully praising doctor Sakshi who can snatch back her patients from Yamraj. Shristi’s daughter, her replica, is introduced as Dr. Sakshi. Sakshi looks at x-ray and says she needs to break all bones. Man pleads he did not come here himself and these 2 peons brought him here. Peons tie him to bed and try to cut his legs. Man pleads what did he do. Peons reveals Sakshi is goon/bhai Sakshi instead and does only right job. Sakshi says she can correct anyone’s illness. Man asks what did he do. Peons says he disowned his parents and left them helpless in village, so they will cut him into pieces. Sakshi warns if he troubles his parents again, she will get him bitten by dogs. He promises that he and his wife will take care of his parents. Sakshi orders his aides to free the patient. Man runs away.

In Agni’s police station, politician comes to free his goons and bribes her with money. Mukhri asks to give money under table, receives it and keeps it in table. Goons come out. Agni says she did makeover of his goons, they wanted to harass alone girl, she harassed them instead. Politician takes his goon away. Mukhri dances on Bhojpuri song. Agni asks if he is getting married. He picks out sweet box and says she got promotion. She snatches box and says she will share it with her mother and orders to deposit bribe money in martyr officers’ widows’ fund account.

Revathi waits for Sakshi and thinks she is forgetting a lot. Sakshi enters and hugs her from behind. Their emotional bonding continues. Revathi then brings cake and wishes her 22nd happy birthday (20 years leap?). Sakshi angrily says she does not want to celebrate her birthday as she lost her mother this day.

Agni returns home calling mamma and seeing someone in dark warns to come in front, pointing gun. Foster mother switches on lights and scolds that she spoilt her birthday surprise. Agni asks if she is not afraid of bullet. Mother says she spent more time as jailer than Agni’s age and is not afraid of bullets. Agni says she has good news for her. Revathi feeds roti to Sakshi. Sakshi says that Toni and Senti will finish any task household she gives. Revathi asks why will doctors do household chores. Sakshi nervously says they use hammer to correct patient’s bones and can fix nails in wall also. Revathi brings cake saying she prepared it and wishes her 20th happy birthday. Sakshi angrily leaves saying she hates her birthday. Revathi says she is stubborn like her.

Agni’s foster mother brings cake and feeds her. Agni asks where is her gift. Mother says she has special gift for and brings suitcase. Agni sees doll and says it is last birthday’s gift and she cannot repeat it. Mother shows her Raginni’s family photo. Agni is shocked to see Ragini and says her face is exactly like her. Mother then shows Ragini giving baby to her and says Ragini is her biological mother, she is just her foster mother. Agni stands shocked. On the other side, Sakshi gives doll to Revathi and apologizes her, says she hates this day when her mother left the world. Revathi says how can she forget the day when Sakshi is born and even her sister who died after her birth. Sakshi angrily warns not to call her sister, she was criminal’s daughter who killed her father, she can be anything than her sister. Agni asks jailer fi she is not her mother and if her biological mother was murderer. Mother says her mother was not murderer and asks to listen to her carefully. Revathi looks at family photo and says only this photo is left. Sakshi says this is her house and she does not like murderer’s photo here. Revathi takes photo. Jailer tells Agni that her mother is innocent and would sacrifice life instead. She reminisces the incident where Ragini requests to take her daughter far away and tell everyone that she gave birth to a dead girl. Out of flashback, she says she got transfer from Bilaspur to here. Agni says she got promotion and transfer to Biaspur. Jailer says she should prove her mother innocent. Agni says she does not want to go away from her mother. Jailer says she is always with her, but Agni has to go there alone and wipe black mark from her mother’s name. Sakshi yells that she will not forgive Ragini in life.

Agni reaches Bilaspur’s police station. Jailer mother calls her and asks how is police station. Ragini sees dust all over and says it is very neat, she will call her later. She asks constable what kind of police station is this without any police or criminal. Constables walk in singing happy birthday to you, holding cake. Ragini cuts cake and says she feels as if she reached home. Constables praise her bravery and says they want to felicitate her. Ragini says she wants to rename Bilaspur police station as Bilaspur garbage center and asks constable where is FIR book. Lady constable says she took it home to complete pending work. Ragini asks to bring book and orders other constables to clean place right now.

At Sakshi’s fake clinic, her aides discuss about slapping their victims. Revathi asks what do they mean. Sakshi says they mean to treat patient’s ears. Revathi says she brought food for her and asks her aides to go. Sakshi says she has to go now and attend to patients and asks her to go home now.

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